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About zaxooz

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    Private First Class
  1. zaxooz

    AToC broken

    You presume AToC improves graphical fidelity. Good. In what way mate?
  2. zaxooz

    AToC broken

    460 overclocked is just fine for these settings, that's why I'm running them and I'm not complaining about performance. If anything, I could use a faster cpu. The ACTUAL problem is that AToC is getting applied SELECTIVELY. Just look at the sample screenshots carefully. The top of the brick fence and quite a bit of the foliage areas are ALIASED (even though the brick fence isn't supposed to benefit from AToC, regular AA is somehow broken as well). But then again, on the first sample picture you can tell that AA is getting applied to most of the distant houses and the right side of the tree (you get precisely the effect AToC produces). The second screenshot has all of the shrubbery aliased. My second concern is that these settings used to work for me just fine, but somehow they got broken. I do not see how increasing object quality is supposed to affect AToC application (and "low" object quality helps cpu performance), just as it has zero effect on Anti-aliasing in general . "Normal" AF is just right for my eyes and I don't want to lose any more performance anyways. Again, I don't see how it's supposed to affect AA. Lastly, I am not forcing anything from the control panel and I need no explanations whatsoever as to what any of the graphical terms mean and perform, especially if done as incompetently and clumsily as what we've seen from klownboy.
  3. zaxooz

    AToC broken

    klownboy you are a fool for justifying the sloppy job they are doing on their crappy games. nothing ever changes with bi, same BS.
  4. zaxooz

    AToC broken

    You should be looking for pixelization instead, object detail has got nothing to do with AA and I am not forcing AA from CP. What are you trying to say here?
  5. Hi everyone. These are my settings: http://i.picpar.com/dQo.png (521 kB) Running it on a GTX460. This is what I am seeing: http://i.picpar.com/eQo.png (1254 kB) http://i.picpar.com/fQo.png (876 kB) I do not believe that it's always been like this, though I haven't paid close attention. The whole AToC thing seems to have been working fine about a week ago (but I am not 100% certain, like I said, I've only noticed this recently). No hardware changes had taken place. I really like the option and driver TrSSAA rapes performance way too much while offering comparable quality, so I'd really rather keep AToC. What is the issue with this game? Thanks.
  6. Happened again... piece of shit game...
  7. I so absolutely agree with you on this. Its the same story for me, of course i haven't got a "slow" i7, I am running an even slower Athlon x4 at 3,4ghz and a GTX460 1gb at 850Mhz core plus a 4gb main RAM. Performance is grossly inconsistent, It runs mostly well but then fps can easily drop into single digits. Of course I have experimented with a dozen different settings combinations, but it mostly makes no noticeable impact as far as fps drops go, I am unwilling to sacrifice eyecandy either. Thats OA performance, now the hilarious thing is that I have downloaded and installed ARMA2 Free just now and that looks like shit (expectedly), but it works even slower than OA at decent settings that I run. Now how is that? Why is this happening? Why is my CPU load staying consistently at 60% each core and my GPU load doesnt go above 40% and I experience performance in the low 20s? I am not expecting an answer, it's just a reminder to all the ARMA2-performance apologists here that the game engine is massively unoptimized and the performance leap of the newer hardware is simply not reflected in the way this game performs. I used to run vanilla ARMA2 when it came out on an Athlon X2 5600+, a Radeon 4670 1gb and 2gb system RAM, performance is obviously better now and I can increase video settings, but now by much and neither is the picture quality drastically improved from that which I could achieve before. Crysis however is an entirely different story, it's been ridiculed and blasted all over the gaming forums, but at least I myself saw the situation change with successive upgrages... This was a rage post.
  8. I see your point about backing up as much as you can with this software... I have realized as well that my campaign progress has disappeared along with the controls, somehow it happened simultaneously I guess, however, I do not recall experiencing a single crash throughout my couple of weeks with the game.
  9. ok, it has somehow sorted itself out. At least i can set up my controls now, but the thing with the reset still bothers me. Recentmost patch installed, by the way.
  10. Hi, I have set up aircraft controls for my joystick in the controls menu and after not playing the game for several days I have discovered that the controls have been reset to defaults. Now what is even more annoying is that when I try to set them up anew the game somehow automatically assigns multiple joystick buttons and movements to some of the actions, for instance I tried assigning the joystick slider to control the throttle, but every time I reenter the throttle command-assign submenu there is the joystick Z axis assigned to it as well, which conflicts with aircraft turning controls. It is a confusing explanation for a confusing problem in a confusing game with confusing controls. I do hope that someone might have encountered this issue before, otherwise I will post a video of the thing to give you a complete understanding of the problem.