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About atharol

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    Strategy games
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    Game Designer

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    Keep your enemys close but armed assault closer
  1. During Arma 2 i just found it the mod somone did called "Warfare mod" Information: This unic mod allow you to build units constract buildings and diffrent kinds of vehicle depending on the diffrent faction you select from the start. Gameplay: All factions have thier own "Commander" this guy are the only one in the team that can costract building and move the "HQ" If the HQ is destoyed the faction will be annihilated. All players all "Officers" this allow them to build units and vehicle from the buildings the commander builds. "Officers" mission are to Capture diffrent locations on the map and kill all the hostilies (Neutrals) controling the points from the start. When a location is caputred a vehicle will spawn and it will drive between the location and the HQ this generates money this will be divide amount the players in the team. (This can be ambushed and destoyed) There are 3 factions in the game this makes it alot harder to fight an specific enemy team. There are diffrent types of locations that are captureable, often villiges but there are also 1 to 3 Airbases. this allow the team to construct new units like planes and helicopters. My wish: i would like to see this gamemode ingame made from the start so it wont be so buggy. This would allow players to test diffrent types of gamemodes and i belive this would be really cool and popular aswell. I strongly suggest you make this as an playable mod and works with it as you will patch up the game. Would gather alot of players sence common games, like (Cencur) failed. Sry for bad spelling/grammar. I hope you like my ide . Thanks for a great Arma2!
  2. During Arma 2 i just found it the mod somone did called "Warfare mod" Information::eek: This unic mod allow you to build units constract buildings and diffrent kinds of vehicle depending on the diffrent faction you select from the start. Gameplay::confused: All factions have thier own "Commander" this guy are the only one in the team that can costract building and move the "HQ" If the HQ is destoyed the faction will be annihilated. All players all "Officers" this allow them to build units and vehicle from the buildings the commander builds. "Officers" mission are to Capture diffrent locations on the map and kill all the hostilies (Neutrals) controling the points from the start. When a location is caputred a vehicle will spawn and it will drive between the location and the HQ this generates money this will be divide amount the players in the team. (This can be ambushed and destoyed) There are 3 factions in the game this makes it alot harder to fight an specific enemy team. There are diffrent types of locations that are captureable, often villiges but there are also 1 to 3 Airbases. this allow the team to construct new units like planes and helicopters. My wish: i would like to see this gamemode ingame made from the start so it wont be so buggy. This would allow players to test diffrent types of gamemodes and i belive this would be really cool and popular aswell. I strongly suggest you make this as an playable mod and works with it as you will patch up the game. Would gather alot of players sence common games, like (Cencur) failed. Sry for bad spelling/grammar. I hope you like my ide :). Thanks for a great Arma2!
  3. I'm new at forum and wasent shure ware i should post this, Anyway i got a few questions i was hoping to find awnsers on. A) In some warfare missions your able to select Coopertive mission on. i tryed that a few times but i cant see any diffrence so what does it means? B) i'm trying to learn me how to create my own warfare missions, Is it possible to make custom units/tanks and aircraft for an existing warfare missions? in an 3 side warfare i would like to make so that indepentet could buy some poor helicopters or somthing like that. C) Is it possible to change an existing map like "When diplomatic fails" so that you dont have starting towns? in that chase how? D) What arma2 game are most stable to play warfare on, is it arrowhead with latest update or RFT? E) in my 3 side warfare on the biggest map called "Chernarus" the so called factions that are defult are the normal us army,russians and some gerilla guys. Well the thing is i would like to have the factions from diffrent warfare maps, like takistan warfare map i found they had like takistan,indepented and brittish or somthing like that, and they could also buy other stuff then the warfare missions i played on Chernarus. so my question would be is it possible to change the existing normal factions like that? and how? :confused: I'm sry if the questions was confusing,and ye i know i spell really bad. but i was hoping to get some awnser sence you guys prob are pro on everything.:D if your awnsering make they an D: or somthing before so you can referr to the question your awnsering on.:j: