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About androkiller

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Thanks very much for the replies, just trying to understand the thread you linked Larrow
  2. becuase i am the person testing if it work i put myself in the array just to make sure that stuff works and then remove my self from it to check the rest of the stuff. the script works, does what i wanted it to do but shows me an error say i need to define _mybox as an object, if i do this the script no work anymore so i dont get wtf i am meant to define it as. if i define it as the ammobox it self it dosent work if i define it as any object on the map it does not work. i cant elaborate any more for simplicity, If i define _mybox to any object the script does not work if i do not then the script works but gives me error messages.
  3. Still gives the same problems due to _mybox is defined as the box, resulting in for me that no guns put in the virtual cargo (and no error messages) at all but it works fine still if i dont define _mybox but then error messages will appear but the script works to how i want it. So is there something wrong with box? Is there a way of defining _mybox as an object which only exists when the script is run and is unique for each player whom activate it?
  4. hello so i have a ammo box with this in the init this addAction ["<t color='#0000ff'>Arsenal</t>","Ammobox.sqf"]; in the ammobox.sqf i am simply checking the side of the player, what type of unit and then loading the VA with the gear i let them have. however i am having a problem with defining the object (ammobox). if i define _mybox to the box which the addAction is on the the script doesnt work. but if i dont define it, the script work but gives me a error message stating i need to define _mybox . So what do i do? //ammobox.sqf private ["_mybox"]; if(getPlayerUID player in playerUidArray) exitWith { ["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; }; if(playerSide == west) then { if ((typeOf player) == "B_medic_F") exitWith{ [_mybox, b_weaponsR, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; //b_weaponsR = array of weapon classnames [_mybox, b_itemsR, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo; //b_itemsR = array of items classnames [_mybox, b_bagsR, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo; //b_bagsR = array of bags classnames [_mybox, true, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo; ["Open",false] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; }; }; if(playerSide == east) then { if ((typeOf player) == "O_medic_F") exitWith{ [_mybox, o_weaponsR, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; //o_weaponsR = array of weapon classnames [_mybox, o_itemsR, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo; //o_itemsR = array of items classnames [_mybox, o_bagsR, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo; //o_bagsR = array of bags classnames [_mybox, true, true, false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo; ["Open",false] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; }; };
  5. Hello So I want to use the arma 3 revive system but i do not like the feature of when you are unconscious you can receive damage thus killing you. So I was wondering how to go about disabling this feature because I don't see any options in the parameters of being able to do so
  6. androkiller

    (Help) Error in deployment script

    Right i got it working now basically _mhq = [position array] Thus it could not work out the speed of a position So simply made _speed = (speed west_mhq1) and now all working
  7. androkiller

    (Help) Error in deployment script

    Ok so i now solved problem. but now i want to check if the mhq is moving but i do not get how in implement it in the script a originally i used (speed < 5) where it says (_speed < 5) but still that provided no result ControlPoint_Array = [ //Object For respawn Sector Control Module [resA,scA], [resB,scB], [resC,scC] ]; Choose_Deployment = { private ["_pos","_object","_holder","_mhq1","_mhq2","_r","_dir","_d","_posNew","_d1","_speed"]; _pos = _this; _d = 5; if ((str (side player)) == "EAST") then { _mhq1 = (getPos east_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getPos east_mhq2); }; if ((str (side player)) == "WEST") then { _mhq1 = (getPos west_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getPos west_mhq2); }; _speed = (vectorMagnitude velocity _mhq1) * 3.6; //_speed in kmh-1 if((_pos distance _mhq1 <= 50) && (_speed < 5) exitWith { //i dont get why this line does not work _dir = floor(round(random 359)); _posNew = [_mhq1, _d, _dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos; onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos _posNew; openMap [false, false]; }; if(_pos distance _mhq2 <= 50) exitWith { _dir = floor(round(random 359)); _posNew = [_mhq2, _d, _dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos; onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos _posNew; openMap [false, false]; }; { _object = _x select 0; _holder = _x select 1; _d1 = floor(random 30) + 10; _r = floor(round(random 359)); if(_pos distance _object <= 50 && ((_holder getVariable "owner") == playerside)) exitWith { _posNew = [_object, _d1, _r] call BIS_fnc_relPos; onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos _posNew; openMap [false, false]; }; } forEach ControlPoint_Array; }; openMap [true,true]; onMapSingleClick "_pos call Choose_Deployment;"; player groupchat "Click on map at an avaliable deployment";
  8. androkiller

    (Help) Error in deployment script

    thank you for the reply but this mhq problem has made me mad and i am now convinced my arma is corrupted. i have tried these alternate methods for just the line of setting the pos of the player and still no result and arma doesn't pop up with any syntax error at all so i dont know wtf is going on. here are the other approaches i have made with no result _a = floor(random 359); player setPos (_mhq1 getPos [5,_a];) player setPos [(getPos _mhq1 select 0)-5*sin(_a),(getPos _mhq1 select 1)-5*cos(_a)]; player setPos ((getPos _mhq1) vectorAdd ([[5,0,0], random 359] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D));
  9. the end goal was to allow players to spawn on the captured objectives. Thus i needed to create objects for each capture point aswell as for each side and add them to the execution array, however it doesnt seem to accept the objects made by the triggers and only shows positions which have existed from the start of the mission. As a result i bailed on this option and decided to use a different means of deployment due to i cant make sense of the script itself at all. (as you may have seen the map click method) works fine but i just cant spawn on group members yet which i am still looking into
  10. androkiller

    (Help) Error in deployment script

    ok i got it working thank you i just needed to add " " around the marker names as well and looks like so. if(playerside == west) then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos "west_mhq1"); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos "west_mhq2");}; if(playerside == east) then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos "east_mhq1"); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos "east_mhq2");}; Am i right in presuming the only markers need " " around there variable names compared to objects? Another thought does executing this script via addAction result in only the client running the script? i have now stumbled upon another problem which i has left me baffled. So i edited the deployment by making sure the units would be moved in randomly around the area _object = _x select 0; _holder = _x select 1; _r = floor(random 50) -25; if(_pos distance _object <= 50 && ((_holder getVariable "owner") == playerside)) exitWith { onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos [((getPos _object select 0)+ _r),((getPos _object select 1)+ _r),getPos _object select 2]; //player setPos (getPos _object); openMap [false, false]; this works and provided the results i wanted. I then changed from markers to objects for the mhq (for simplicity when wanting to attaching markers to them later). due to the player would be moved clipped inside the object i decided to provide the same method as above but instead of a random distance i used a fixed distance and applied it to both the x and y value. however this has been unsuccessful and i have been left confused in what the error is. if(playerside == west) then {_mhq1 = (getPos west_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getPos west_mhq2);}; if(playerside == east) then {_mhq1 = (getPos east_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getPos east_mhq2);}; if(_pos distance _mhq1 <= 50) exitWith { onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos [((getPos _mhq1 select 0)+ 5),((getPos _mhq1 select 1)+ 5),getPos _mhq1 select 2]; //player setPos _mhq1; openMap [false, false]; }; ...................................
  11. Hello i have created a deployment script for a sectorcontrol mission however once i started adding MHQs to it the script doesnt work now :( ControlPoint_Array = [ //Object For respawn Sector Control Module [resA,scA], [resB,scB], [resC,scC] ]; openMap [true,true]; onMapSingleClick "_pos call Choose_Deployment;"; player groupchat "Click on map at an avaliable deployment"; Choose_Deployment = { private ["_pos","_object","_holder","_mhq1","_mhq2"]; _pos = _this; if(playerside == "west") then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos west_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos west_mhq2);}; if(playerside == "east") then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos east_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos east_mhq2);}; if(_pos distance _mhq1 <= 50) exitWith { onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos _mhq1; openMap [false, false]; }; if(_pos distance _mhq2 <= 50) exitWith { onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos _mhq2; openMap [false, false]; }; { _object = _x select 0; _holder = _x select 1; if(_pos distance _object <= 50 && ((_holder getVariable "owner") == playerside)) exitWith { onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos (getPos _object); openMap [false, false]; }; } forEach ControlPoint_Array; }; arma says the error is here if(playerside == "west") then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos west_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos west_mhq2);}; if(playerside == "east") then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos east_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos east_mhq2);}; and the script works fine when i remove the following if(playerside == "west") then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos west_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos west_mhq2);}; if(playerside == "east") then {_mhq1 = (getmarkerpos east_mhq1); _mhq2 = (getmarkerpos east_mhq2);}; if(_pos distance _mhq1 <= 50) exitWith { onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos _mhq1; openMap [false, false]; }; if(_pos distance _mhq2 <= 50) exitWith { onMapSingleClick ""; player setPos _mhq2; openMap [false, false]; }; plox help i am confused with what the problems is
  12. hello although this is a old thread was wondering if i could get some help with adding new spawn positions mid game due to i am not having any luck with solving the problem. here is my original post concerning the problem.
  13. doesnt solve the issue, will have to ask Bob himself due the reasoning in the problem must be in the script it self when it removes respawn positions form the array.
  14. Hello i have a trigger which creates and deletes a flag on a capture point and looks like so Repeatable Condition (scA getVariable "owner") ==east; On Activation deleteVehicle bluresa; opfresa = "Flag_CSAT_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "resA"; So the trigger works in creating and deleting the flag upon owner change. However when i want to use it in BangaBob's BRS respawn script it does not work, leading me to think the respawn script was not getting updated with the new spawn points therefor i changed the way it get executed by simply placing it in the onPlayerRespawn.sqf null= [[NATO_BASE,bluresa],WEST,TRUE,5] execVM "BRS\BRS_launch.sqf";//SPECIFIC PARAMETERS FOR WEST null= [[CSAT_BASE,opfresa],east,true,5] execVM "BRS\BRS_launch.sqf";//SPECIFIC PARAMETERS FOR EAST even with this change it still doesn't work. However if i create a flagpole in the editor and name it "bluresa" it will work and the trigger will also remove it but for some reason when the trigger creates the flagpole it does not work. Plox someone help me :(
  15. Will there be a version for Tanoa ?