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Everything posted by lucki

  1. lucki

    Open Gate

    Thank you Larrow!
  2. Hello all, I have been trying to find a solution with animate command, without success. In Altis Map, North of Charkia, there is a warehouse complex. I am tring to have the gates at the east of the complex totally open (there are 2 of them). Does anybody know how to do that?
  3. Hi all! I have been checking around for this topic for awhile. I am trying to display the units identities (famous Alpa 2-1, Bravo 4-3, etc...) in a SP mission. Does somebody know how to make the unit ID appear? Thank you!
  4. Thank you JShock. The first link would be perfect, but it doesn't display the unitID, but the name. I am searching for displaying the unit ID, like the radio calls (Bravo 2-3, etc...) Somebody knows how to do it?
  5. Over their heads permanently....(if possible) Thank you for your quick reply!
  6. Thank you both. I will try immediately.
  7. Hi all and Happy New Year! I am trying to place a specific soldier class (from a Mod, or soldiers wearing a particular helmet, a specific weapon...etc) in a Site Module, but I am unable to figure out how. Does anybody know how to do it? My goal is to have more diversity in Sites Module, instead of the boring-standard Arma 3 soldiers.
  8. Hi all! Does somebody know a script to activate a trigger when a certain number (ie 20) enemy soldiers have been detected?
  9. lucki


    Hi all! Somebody knows the classname of the NVG goggles? I've tried to remove the standard NVG goggles, and I can't find the class name for this item. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!
  10. Somebody knows an easy script for multiple weapons placed on a table? I've tried through addweaponcargo in a game logic, but it places one rifle on the ground. Long story short, like the tables appearing in the campaign.
  11. Toxicsludge, I always set height at 0.81 and it works for me.
  12. Beerkan, It worked fine, thank you. Finally I was able to put 3 rifles over a table. BTW, in your FARP script, appears portable lights, but I don't see them in current version of Arma 3...
  13. Hi all, In Arma 2, when requesting artillery support, either from a real Arty unit or virtual, the artillery range radius was displayed on the map, showing its range. However, in Arma 3, only when you're the gunner using the ballistic computer you're able to see this function. Does somebody knows why when asking for arty support, you can't see the arty range, like in Arma 2? Thanks!
  14. lucki


    When loading an already created mission with the BWMod installed (no BWMod unit yet placed or anything else), the following error appears in the editor: Somebody knows the reason?
  15. Unable to remove NVGoggles from default OPFOR Rifleman. Strange is that these scripts work with BLUFOR...Some idea?
  16. I was playing with MARTA module in order to change unit icon size, and I see same issue as with Arma 2. MARTA_customicon command allows you modify the unit icon, but not the unit icon size. Example as follows, trying to display Artillery unit icon, platoon size, via script: It correctly displays the Artillery Unit Icon, but without the 3 dots of the platoon size. Any idea if I am doing something wrong?
  17. thanks for the quick answer David77, that was such an obvious mistake...
  18. Hi all, I was copying/paste an easy two waypoints patrol script that works for Arma 2, but unable to use it on Arma 3....It calls out 4 units already present on the map. Some idea of the error?
  19. Hi! Something easy that was working with previous Arma 2...I am trying to have arty (M4) and MRLS (M5) aiming at certain angle, so it's more realistic than to be aiming at low 'default' angle. I've tried the doWatch command, as well as through markers, but it doesn't work. Somebody has a simple script that works for Arma 3? (I am having individual soldiers being assigned to the empty vehicles, so I am assuming the gunner should take the action?)
  20. GalComT, Excellent Mod! I've read the 'readme' file, as well as 'credits&license' and I've a doubt. For comments on bugs..etc; to whom can we write? Regards.
  21. GalComT, Do you plan to add any helicopters to your Mod (CH53, Bo105, NH90...)? Thanks,
  22. Hi all, I've been searching for this topic, but I have found several solutions, some of them contradictory. I have some supporting units (i.e. fuel truck) being AI, going to a waypoint through a script. Waypointtype "SUPPORT"... My problem is how to force them to only support units within a radius...I don't want the truck going to support a unit located on the other side of the map. Some idea? Some random available script for that? Thanks
  23. Hello all, I've been trying something which I thought it was easy, but apparently not. I've moved a tank to waypoint, and I want to hold this waypoint (kind of stronghold) without the tank moving. Simply, it has to engage from there, instead of "going to hunt" the enemies. I've even trying to delete the driver, but keeps going for the enemies... Some help?
  24. Thanks cobra. I tried your last recommendation, which is the one that works better, but when the tank can not fire (mostly due to range or an obstacle), it moves to try to follow the target. Any idea to really make it not moving?