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Everything posted by J-Guid

  1. J-Guid


    NEWS: Ins ported to Capraia :)! Ins ported to Tropica :cool:!
  2. Please fix bug - AI's not walk on roads!
  3. Have a good propose about vehicles physical model, if whos play in UAZ 4x4 Offroad - this game have a awesome and amazing physical reflections on diffrent grounds, how is in real life, you perfectly fill break and acceleration triggers, if you press hard, car starts to skid on the ground and throw stones from under the wheels! Check it!
  4. J-Guid

    MRAP - RG31 Mk5

    I think BIS'es hates you for such a detailed modeling :D :D :D! When is realise :)?
  5. Good works! But PM me please, I can assist to make this mod is Multilanguage! And this be very good! ---------- Post added at 14:31 ---------- Previous post was at 14:28 ---------- Specialy for this mod my buddy start make a new dogs models :)
  6. @Lightspeed_aust: Thanks but, I write how i wish, remember this! InsurgenSy - its not Eng... MAN! You hit in Bingo! IceBreakr, Lupin! FULLY RIGHT about Lingor - 'brown' sea!!! Yes, this I mean too Mate! Right words! - Maby change to more Green?! Ice, just try and post screenshots with water colors here, and we select optimal between ;)! Thanks!
  7. J-Guid


    Script with NVG works fine, another its your miss...
  8. - Play SP - unrealistic...
  9. J-Guid

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Jarhead, can you change a sounds of bulet impact in body?
  10. I think he have 25 hours in day :D!
  11. Yes man! Do IT! :D! - But i think water of Lingor must been changed to more 'light' color, because current tired and very depressing players!!!
  12. You can see how create tunnels in Taviana Island!
  13. J-Guid

    Flying while typing...

    Kill your VON and chating - use ACRE+ACM :D!
  14. Thanks NP mate! you can apply our features and fixes if you wish ;)?! Maby to Panthera island... Just look on this ;)
  15. IceBreakr, mate! I propose to change water color texture to more blue or cryan likes as Hawaii beach ;) Looks AWESOME!!! I have textures, PM me to Skype and i send it for you! And here new roads :) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15723
  16. Somebody can give me a required obj list?! And its realised!
  17. J-Guid


    Here is part of code when script add NVG to units! \common\client\AI\functions.sqf // Chance AI will have a nightvision device - Disabled in coop only!!! if (random 100 > 75 && eastRatio > 0) then { if !(this hasWeapon ''''NVGoggles'''') then { this addWeapon ''''NVGoggles''''; if DEBUG then { diag_log format [''''Adding NVG to %1'''', this]; }; }; }; Its works but i think, NVG must been added with 100% chance for all Opfor units, because Opfor now not in good place in Ins :(
  18. Dear developers! When this BUG been fixed?! Its Epic Fail! http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14956 I think its eazy to realise, just change rules of execute! Fix PLEASE! Thanks
  19. J-Guid

    ASR AI Skills

    I mean Ai requip, pickup medic stuff etc.! Here is improved config list with more grenades And dont forget set /* AI throws smoke when hit */ asr_ai_sys_aiskill_throwsmoke = 1;
  20. J-Guid

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    DMarkwick, i mean about smokewalls to smoke grenades!!! (Replace default smoke on your)
  21. Maby wrong threat... Here is fully reworked X-force on Zargabad and Pantera islands by me (Kol9yN) and members of RU community (Operator, Dominges) DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.multiupload.com/BI3L7JVI6H Mission fully oriented on hardcore clan teamplays! Features: - ACE+Acre - Reworked FOB (by Kol9yN) - Global ammobox (by Operator) - Reworked ServicePoint (both) - Cuted F8cking curve COIN sys - Removed HC - More fixes and little features (both) - Improve script perfomance - Fix error when players cant destroy Radar and more and more... Who wish please download&overview and say thinks about ;) Thanks to Bon for this mission! Waiting reports :)