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indrid cole

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Everything posted by indrid cole

  1. indrid cole

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Hello Opticalsnare, thanks for this piece of awesomeness and the time you spend on that for "us". The explosions, the smoke, everything looks better than vanilla now. Thanks http://img-comment-lol.9cache.com/media/8af71855141682300283402412_700wa_0.gif (1840 kB)
  2. indrid cole

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello RHS-Team, thanks for that update and special thanks for that: - Removing tracers from AH-1, AH-64 and A-10 Greetings Cole
  3. indrid cole

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello RHS Team, at first thanks for this awesome modification and the time you spend for that and us. I just want to ask is it possible to delete the Tracers from: Gun A-10 Thunderbolt Gun AH-64 Apache Gun AH-1 Cobra or is it possible to made it only vissible via nightvision (like IR-Tracer)? Thanks for this free ArmA 3 Addon. ^^ Greetings Indrid Cole
  4. indrid cole

    daveygarys Rangers ArmA 3 update

    Daveygary1979 that is a great mod, keep on working. Lookin forward to see it done at Christmas (maybe^^)
  5. indrid cole

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Nice work LordJarhead keep on working.
  6. indrid cole

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Does anybody know a ArmA-Server where i can play this mission? When i filter the Serverlist in Arma there are sadly no servers with this mission. Grettings Cole
  7. indrid cole

    [COOP] Digital Infantry Combat Environment

    Hello Guys, i try to start this mission but always i want to start it its ends with this Screen. I know that one Addon is missing but which? I searched and searchd but i cant find it. Greetings from Cole Shame on me i found the error ---> forgot the STI Weapons
  8. How can i move in this "Back to wall (Up against right shoulder):" position. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tf7KNSHtPI&feature=player_detailpage#t=108s I can only use one position with "back to wall"
  9. indrid cole

    daveygarys Rangers

    I know what you mean, maybe it is possible to make it like in this mod that would be great. :)
  10. indrid cole

    daveygarys Rangers

    Hi daveygary1979, this is an awesome work well done. They look so great but there is one thing that i dont like so much, they wear the nightvision alwasy on top of the Helm and whene i use the nightvion there are two from this on the top and in front of my eyes. I thing it is difficult to script that to remove the nightvision on top whene you use it i guess. I saw this today i must remember your UNITS. The Mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121991&highlight=marsoc With nightvision on top: http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma2oa2011-07-1121-37-52-90_4.jpg With nightvision in front of eyes: http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma2oa2011-07-1121-37-12-03_4.jpg Sorry for my bad english ............................... Germans ;)
  11. indrid cole

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hi LordJarhead, is it possible to at the stream Sound From a Bomb to the game like in this video? You can hear that sound only 300 meters arround i guess. I think perfect for "distance script" Nice work man!!!
  12. indrid cole

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    Thats looks awesome!!!
  13. indrid cole

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I tried it without warfx lightning and warfx sunlight but the problem it is still there.
  14. indrid cole

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Thanks for the quick reply, I Checked this with balltracers and it´s turn off. I tested it with the balltracer-feature on but that looks bad because half of the weapons has no tracer now. anyother ideas?
  15. indrid cole

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I tested it againe without mods and its happens only if i use the ACE Tracer Stanags and Belts. Any solutiuns? Sorry for my bad english
  16. indrid cole

    Diving Under Water

    That looks amazing good work Jacques Cousteau is back ;) is that your MP-5 Mod?
  17. indrid cole

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I have a Problem Tracers look like a big Plasmaball i have this Problem if i use the Stanags with 5.56 mm (only the tracer-stanags) and the 12,7 x 99 mm (M 107 only the tracer) Ammunition. This is an Video from me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmUDcwunBqc&feature=channel_video_title Mods i use: ACE WarFX with Tracer Update J.S.R.S Sound Mod SMK Animations JTD Zeus AI TrueUser My Graphic Settings and sorry for the bad english
  18. indrid cole

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Hey Amech press this Button!
  19. Operation Pandora Trigger 3 You know the egoistic way of playing on public servers? You're waiting for a vehicle but someone is faster stealing it. Your the commander, trying to coordinate your Squads but you seem to be more like a nice guy commenting the action from time to time. Or you're a Squadleader but your Squad spreads out in all directions. The only thing that is missing is that small dry bush rolling next to you like in these old western movies. "Leave no man behind" Thats our codex! We declaired war on the egoism and are going back to the roots. Teamplay can be felt and you are right in the middle of it. You are responsible for your Squad, your Teammember right next to you and your Team. War is going into the next round. The battle for Chernarus begins. Troops of the USMC and the Russian Coalition are fighting each other with all they have and with full strength. These are Fights that are causing high casualties. Thats why both side need reinforcements immediately. Reinforcements in form of loyal men fighting for the two sides and theire just causes. Are you sick of people playing on servers like they were alone? Then join us! We, the "Operation Pandora Trigger 3", are offering regular 50 vs 50 battles with tactical procedure and firm squads. You still have no clue how to imagine all that? Then don't hestitate to visit us either on TS³ (IP: Port: 9999) or on our homepage. What do I need to play? - Arma 2 (with latest patch) - OPT3 mod ( download from homepage) - Headset to ensure tactical procedures - German speaking as not everyone learned the english language properly. The participation is completly free. There are still more then enough slots available on both sides and in all ranks. (Officer/Leading Officer/Soldier/ etc..) Did we make you curious? Then come and visit us! We are looking forward to you. For more and/or more detailed information: http://www.operation-pandora.de Thank you for your attention, The OPT3-Team Translated by: WoR|Eagle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Willkommen bei OPT 3 Wer kennt nicht das ewig egoistische Gezocke auf den Public-Servern? Du wartest auf ein Fahrzeug und man schnappt es dir weg. Du bist Commander, versuchst die Squads zu koordinieren, doch du scheinst viel mehr nur ein netter Mensch zu sein der ab und zu seine Meinung zum Geschehen zum Besten gibt. Oder du bist ein Squadleader, doch dein Squad verteilt sich in alle Himmelsrichtungen. Es fehlt nur noch der Busch, der nach alter Westernmanier in deiner Einsamkeit an dir vorbei weht. "LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND" Das ist unser Motto! Wir haben dem Egoismus dem Kampf angesagt und gehen zurück zu den Wurzeln. Bei uns lebt Teamplay und du bist mittendrin! Du bist verantwortlich für deinen Squad, deinen Kameraden neben dir und dein Team! Der Krieg geht in die nächste Runde. Die Schlacht entbrennt in Tschernaurussland. Truppen des United States Marine Corps und der Russischen Koalition bekämpfen sich mit voller Härte in Russland. Es sind Kämpfe, die hohe Verluste fordern. Beide Seiten brauchen deswegen dringend Nachschub an ausgebildeten Soldaten für ihre gerechte Sache. Bist du es leid, dass deine "Mitspieler" so spielen, als wären sie alleine auf dem Server? Dann komm zu uns! Wir, die Operation Pandora Trigger 3, bieten regelmäßige 50-vs.-50-Mann-Schlachten mit taktischem Vorgehen und festen Squads. Du kannst dir immer noch nichts darunter vorstellen? Dann besuch uns im TS3 (IP: Port: 9999 ) oder unserer Website. Was ihr dafür braucht? • Arma II (aktuellen patch) • OPT3mod (Download) • Headset Die Teilnahme ist absolut kostenlos. Es sind noch genug Plätze in allen Hierarchiestufen frei. Haben wir dich neugierig gemacht? Dann komm einfach vorbei! Wir freuen uns auf dich. Für weitere Informationen: http://www.operation-pandora.de