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Everything posted by spotter001

  1. spotter001

    Training from Amerca's Army Games in ArmA3

    don't know 4 u but i like the idea...
  2. one of the best campaigns out there! fantastic!
  3. spotter001

    [SP] Operation Reichenbach Fall

    great mission mate, love it!
  4. spotter001

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    this looks stunning, the NV part looks so real...
  5. spotter001

    Unofficial developer physics demonstration

    i'd like to see that in arma3, however, not cause it's great but rather cause it's much better than arma2. the comparison with other games is needless, that thing is far from ideal but even so it's far better than a2 and that's what matters the most. although if bis guys really plan to implement something like that, it wouldn't hurt if they take it for serious and make it less "Hollywood look alike"...doors don't just fall off so easily, hub neither. vehicles don't perform that crazy Hollywood "reverse somersault/half-somersault" thing upon impact or crash. it's a factious nonsense, the vehicles don't go up into the air when they collide on a level surface.....not to mention a heavy military vehicle.
  6. spotter001

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    the particular month has nothing to do with it whatsoever...any x4 cpu should be capable to run it just fine/smooth (in combo with, say, 4gb ram and a "capable" gpu). if it doesn't, before any money wasting, u should try investing into an aftermarket cooling. any cheap ~30e cooler will get ur phenom/i5/i7 to 4.0-4.4ghz fully stable.... 'course, ur ready to pay more? damn, just get noctua dh-14 and ur cpu will skyrocket;)
  7. spotter001

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    i've been already putting some money aside....plan to get 6850 vapor-x, new system fans and push the oc to the max. arma3's gonna eat the gpu alive, plus if it gets to dx11 the 128bit gpu will have some tough time...not to mention AA enabled:soldier:
  8. very well. though i'm not sure about those evidence. in the previous missions i had never bothered to search for them, except for the mass grave in the 1st mission. sometimes, the last mission starts asking me to Capture Chernogorsk, but sometimes it sends me to other cities.
  9. ah thanks for clarifying Hanzu! i thought there was no way to finish it unless they tell me some valuable info. all right then, i'm gonna disregard them and move on to objectives. can u advise me what to do first? i've noticed that game keeps asking me to free a town after town...it's getting boring, i'd like to cancel those and do something more clandestine.
  10. when the mission starts that CDF commander tells me that i can talk to Ltn. Marny and Ltn. ****(some Slavic surname) to get some intel. however, those two guys just stand immobile next to a vehicle and worst of all-i can't talk to them! except that "target, location, weather" no other option are available. i'm playing the 1.09 patch. is this normal?
  11. spotter001

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    thanks a lot! and yes, i've checked it and it works fine. atmosphere in these missions is fantastic, ace2 makes it even better.
  12. spotter001

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    needless to say, this looks very promising and i wanna try it soon. since i always use ace2 mod, is it ok with these missions? i guess it is, however, just checking.
  13. spotter001

    OMON Units

    thanks, gonna try it out and report if i find any issues.
  14. spotter001

    OMON Units

    ok, before u open fire on me for necroposting, sorry for that. i have one tiny question, can these units work normally under the ace2? cause they freaking look awesome and i wanna use them. thanks
  15. ah great, then i guess that only 2 will be available in game:D
  16. the game's gonna rock! looks cool so far. btw, rah-66 commanche is canceled.....why is it in-game? i'm surprised the devs implemented a non existing weapon system into this pure mil-sim.
  17. please tell me the name of the song in your video! what a cool song man! btw, i'm gonna try campaign soon, it seems promising.
  18. spotter001

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    ok, i give up. need help in finding enemy snipers in the 6th mission. i'm on top of that comm tower and so far i've managed to locate only one sniper (near the lighthouse) and neutralize him. but there are two more and i just can't find them. could you guys guide me on this? where the hell are they?
  19. spotter001

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    ok, so spotter can actually access the scope. i managed to access it only with sniper since menu gave me the option "get in the spotting scope as a gunner":) i started thinking that spotter only carries the scope:p i'll try to inch him into a correct position. great! i'm playing the Red October. it's just a brilliant idea, and very good performance too. really pumps the adrenalin and makes for a good feeling.
  20. spotter001

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    how do you guys use that spotting scope? i place it on the ground and then nothing, i just can't access it. menu only gives me the option to "pick up the spotting scope". apparently i should press num0 but it doesn't work neither. pressing the sec mouse just gives me the spotter's m16 scope. what's wrong here? is there anything else i should activate? btw, the campaign looks very promising, great job indeed! keep adding more if you can.
  21. spotter001

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    I'm the most thankful for your great advice sire!:jump_clap::cool: gonna try it right away:)
  22. spotter001

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    thanks guys, i understand how it should work, however, the problem is apparently my installation. i checked the 1st post again and it says the CO is required. i failed to notice that the previous time. sadly, i have arma2 and OA as two separate installations...that's why it doesn't work properly in my case. though, i wonder if i can simply put all the installation files into one folder and make the game work as if i have the CO?
  23. spotter001

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    are you saying i should mouse over the flagpole and the options will become available?
  24. spotter001

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    hi guys! i have a rather noobish question, if anyone can help i would appreciate. i start the 1st mission (distance qualif.) and i listen to that Lt, then i move to firing position marked by the white flag, but don't know how to activate the testing? there's no "finish practice" option anywhere? i tried pressing "space bar" and mouse scroll but the menu doesn't show "finish practice" option. what the hell is wrong here? btw, would really like to play this, seems as a great work!