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Everything posted by spotter001

  1. spotter001

    [SP] Operation Reichenbach Fall

    mission looks great but i have a serious problem. There's no demo charges. I can't find them in the mh-53 during infil. I checked the gear inside the chopper but there's no satchels.
  2. spotter001

    Development Blog & Reveals

    nice find! so Russians had them a year ago...good thing we're not too much behind them:D
  3. spotter001

    [CAMP] Operation "Desert Wrath"

    very nice and interesting campaign! like it!
  4. spotter001

    [SP-Arma2] Tears Of The Sun

    very cool mission, i enjoyed it.
  5. spotter001

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    sorry but i don't see any serious point here....are u saying u don't have to click anything now in Arma? just in case u don't see it, ur already cluttered with a list which consumes all number keys-the very same ones which could be used for a more practical thing. and don't forget that same list is more than one level deep too. i don't think there's anything wrong with industry or gamers but i wonder about u. is it so hard to understand that giving some commands could be significantly faster if u only use W,S,D,A keys instead of 10 number keys? not to mention that u keep ur fingers on w,s,d,a all the time anyhow which makes it additionally more practical than 1-0 keys. perfect!
  6. spotter001

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    okay, i see what u mean. both DR and RR have the "OFP" title in front of their names and hence the confusion. @JdB: yeah thanks, i got it by now (for the DR and RR issue). having a possibility of two radial menus like u said (lctrl+lmb & lctrl+rmb) sounds even better. hypothetically, if devs take some time to think it out there could be a chance to have all commands in those two radials....and i don't think there would be a need for them to be deeper than 3 levels (including the top level). @antoinflemming: yup, i like the one from AA3 too. btw, how do u activate that menu in A2? i've never seen it before. i have the ACE2 but i don't know if that comes from it. just a thought: is there a way to vote for a feature? or at least, can some forum member of the "higher authority" ask for the radial menus in the wish list?
  7. spotter001

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Sorry, maybe i'm wrong but how do u call those menus present in Dragon Rising and Red River? @Panda_pl: ur right, the radial menus have their limitations but i think it's acceptable, and more importantly, fast enough if it's only 2, 3 levels deep. u know like, 1-activate (pressing the appropriate key) 2-press W,S,D,A twice or three times and that's it. after a bit of practice it would seriously speed up the process of giving some commands. naturally, only the most frequent commands would be present-Move/Stance/RoE and perhaps-a team selection. I'm used to divide my squad into smaller 2 or 3-men teams and i'd really like to have a faster way for selecting them. exactly. even if such a menu makes u stop, well what the heck! this is arma not cod right, who needs to run+shoot+issue orders here? it would be to much even for the CoD runnin'n'gunnin style:D i second this. and yeah, freeing the number keys would be a dream come true here. if there's anything i like in bf/moh/cod that's the concept of actively using ur sidearm cause it's "always faster to pull out a sidearm than to reload ur main weapon". that concept (fast switching) is almost ridiculed in Arma cause we loose several seconds due to scrolling and this "chill out, u'll be fine" animation. so check this out: ur in close contact and ur rifle's mag has just gone empty. what would u do? 1. pull out ur gun as fast as possible and return fire 2. keep it cool & relaxed, put ur rifle elegantly on ur back and then elegantly pull out ur gun all the while enemy keeps sending lead towards u 10m away Unbelievably, but Arma gives u only the second option. That's one solid reason why we need number keys free for weapons, and we need some sort of fast switching. Always reminds me of a Delta operator from the "Black hawk down" movie. The scene when they pull out from the city, he fires back from m4 but the mag gets empty, enemy is right in front of him and he pulls his sidearm rapidly and saves his life.
  8. thanks a lot mate! i would never find that post on my own. that thread alone has 151 pages!
  9. spotter001

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    wow, that was such a misfire...maps in Arma deserve a round of applause, however, no one is questioning the size of them. I think it's pretty obvious that everyone here is already an arma fan and the last thing we want is Arma being someone's clone. Personally, i use a user made visual enhancements mod from Armaholic which i find better than original so i'd say there's room for improvement of effects. As for the models i couldn't agree more. Vehicles are great but i never understood why the units look so mediocre. OPFOR is so-so but those Deltas (T1, spec ops, DevGru, whatever) are really mediocre. Army, Marines hardly impress either. Speaking of those Rangers from mw2-now that was awesome! As someone said, bf3 is much newer game (with much bigger budget probably too) so it's not fair to take bf3 units as a base for comparison. I can't believe that my rig runs bf3 on ULTRA on 1080p with everything maxed out including post process and all effects without problem at min. ~35fps. But hell, in Arma i often notice LOD changing when i zoom in on a distant building. I don't believe the release date could explain that. I agree for the hands, i wish they did it better but i don't think the camera's location is a problem...Or have i just gotten used to it so much? Ok, now i got it. U actually argue for a more rapid interface and that's something i totally agree with. Assigning keys to particular commands is useful but i would pay extra 10e on top of the full price of A3 just to see a good FAST radial menu. I don't wanna thread on any toes here, but i've always liked radial menu from OFP. Something fast like that (or, exactly like that) would greatly improve issuing of orders. Not all orders could be implement into such a menu but having those frequently used (like u mentioned, Stance commands) would be perfect. Certainly, moving down a list and/or scrolling just to issue every possible order is one of the major shortcomings. Sadly, chances for implementing a radial menu useful like the one in OPF are probably zero to none. At least i didn't see any hint that interface will be improved in the "confirmed features" list. Or did i miss it?
  10. spotter001

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    is there a replacement pack for this? i'd like to have these great models as a default ones.
  11. spotter001

    [Camp] Six days in Fallujah

    looks very interesting and i see some positive feedback. gonna try it out and see if it works with ace.
  12. i found some really useful advises here and the game runs much smoother now. 1) view distance: i used to play with 4500 but now i realize that maybe i don't need that much. of course, i don't wanna end up being shot from an enemy i can't see due to the VD:) i see some users recommend ~3500. is that supposed to be like 3.5km in game distance? i have it on ~4000 atm. 2) what's AToC? i know what aa is but i haven't seen AToC abbreviation before? what? is this really true? so all those crawling and peeking around the bushes is for nothing? thanx for this, it really helped. i used to keep it at VH all the time. i got some additional fps by setting it to normal. same here, normal is enough. what does it mean anyway? my graphics is 6850 with 1GB mem.
  13. spotter001

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    with all due respect to ur views, however, we can talk for days here and still be missing the bullseye...u can't get new gen gamers into arma with its current graphics. u don't feel me-check out the damn calendar. it says 2012 right? people don't spend so many bucks on nvidia 560/70/80 or radeon 69xx/79xx only to play a game which is so heavy on system resources yet so blatantly not up to those standards when it comes to the visual appeal. i grew up playing the legendary Commandos and i learned to value few other things than just the graphics. but u can't get younger gamers into this, at least nowhere near as massive as bf3 can. people will compare the look first before they ever start thinking about what is more "real". i can't believe ppl argue that it's the interface that needs an improvement. hell, the game is a light year behind modern titles (in terms of visual appeal) like bf3, crysis, metro, even mw3 with its aging engine looks much better but u find interface a problem?:confused: weird.
  14. spotter001

    Arma 3 soldiers

    true, let's hope the motion capture will sort things out.
  15. spotter001

    ASR AI Skills

    very nice addon! it spices up the game.
  16. spotter001

    Opinions on manual gun cocking?

    would u mind being more specific on why it would be a dream to have it? not that i don't like it but, u know, i think we can live without it...and i hardly see it as a dream wish.
  17. hi guys, 1st of all forgive me if this was answered but the search query failed to match anything. i cannot complete the appache training in the OA. everything starts fine and i follow all the waypoints until the last one where it says to switch to the Hellfire missiles. i turn on auto-hover and switch to hellfire but guess what-nothing happens. i've tried everything, commanding gunner and using manual fire but to no avail. it's as if the game doesn't recognize i have activated hellfire. i have the A2:RTF patched to v1.60 (latest patch). any help?
  18. spotter001

    appache training problem

    ^ yes, thanks for the info. i'd done it already.
  19. spotter001

    Windown 7 Desktop Theme for ARMAIII

    freakin A-some man! gonna use it for a while.
  20. spotter001

    appache training problem

    everything's cool now. i just had to disable all mods. but the armor training is really buged it seems.
  21. spotter001

    appache training problem

    yes, i can activate hellfire, both by commanding a gunner (lctrl+f) and by using manual fire. the thing is that nothing happens afterwards. the training doesn't continue, i can blindely fire the missiles cause there are no targets to speak of. the targets don't show up and the upper right corner keeps the message "switch to hellfire". did u have any luck? thanks for response
  22. spotter001

    RH SCAR H and M14 ACOG Replacement

    ok, thanks for the tip. i'll try without ace.
  23. spotter001

    Seahawk Addon By YuraPetrov

    great work, downloading now!
  24. spotter001

    RH SCAR H and M14 ACOG Replacement

    could u please explain me how to use this? i know it sounds dumb but i have several mods up and running (including ace2) so, technically, i know how to add mods. it's just i cannot get replacement packs to work. i don't know why cause i've tried everything: making 2 mod folders (one for mk18 pack and one for replacement pack); making one modfolder with all files inside of it; extracting all files to the Arma/addons folder-but nothing works. i have the same problem with mk18pack and mk18 replacement pack, whenever i start OA campaign i still have mk16 even though the mk18 replacement pack is supposed to, well, replace it...i use A2:RTF v1.6 with the latest ace2 version.