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Everything posted by 160thSOAR

  1. 160thSOAR

    Multiplayer troubles

    Make sure that you are not running any mods, or that the servers you are trying to join have mods that are the same as yours. Servers that you can join should have a GREEN light on the far left of their spot in the server browser. Could you please provide more information about the problem? It's kind of hard to understand what you're saying with the current way your post is. Hope this helped!
  2. What does the said "look into turn" functionality do exactly? @boota: Certain missions do seem to have become far more difficult after 1.60. I've found that the first ArmA2 Vanilla scenario is largely luck of the draw whether you succeed or fail. Sometimes, my squad gets decimated when the BRDM-2 appears, and sometimes, they're pretty much all right and I can take out the BRDM with my machine gun. @David Schofield: I have never had any particular trouble with this mission myself. I tend to drive and let the AI man the gun, then just switch to the gun when I encounter a hard target. Since I don't have to deal with the AI's poor driving in my own vehicle, I just stick close to the client vehicles. I prefer to dismount and take out the gunner of the ZU-23-2 Ural you encounter near the end with my own personal weapon, but the client vehicles don't give me trouble there, either. Long story short: Stick close to the client vehicles and you shouldn't have any trouble. :)
  3. I haven't done this Boot Camp in a while, but I'll go try it out right now and see if I can replicate this. Update when I finish.... EDIT: Yup, same issue here.
  4. Yes, I had to do this mission three times before I got the green marker. It's annoying, but it's good flying practice (for me anyways, I can't fly fixed wing too well). Seems like scripting errors to me though.
  5. 160thSOAR

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    I'm very impressed by the 1.60 patch. The new netcode is amazing... now convoys actually work in public servers. You can shoot moving AI as well, although they can also shoot back at you far more effectively. I've been flanked far more often by AI since 1.60, and I really enjoy it. Thanks BI!
  6. 160thSOAR

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I've been told that sound mods don't affect what servers you can play on. If that is indeed the case, I'm going to have this mod turned on all the time! Thanks Jarhead!
  7. 160thSOAR

    Faster Cars?

    Which Lingor vehicles are said race cars, Icebreakr? I'd like to try them out if I get the time. :) Thanks for making all of your awesome maps by the way. I love some of the units too... The Squirrel helicopter and the Viggen jet are some of my favorites. Thanks very much!
  8. 160thSOAR

    Project RACS

    Wowzahs. I can't wait to fly some of the things in this mod, particularly the A-4 Skyhawk and Super Puma. Also looking forwards to shooting the G3 and FN-FNC. Thanks very much guys! I appreciate your hard work!
  9. 160thSOAR

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    Thanks very much for doing the work on this tank! I've wanted to find an ArmA2 Challenger 2 for a long time. I've discovered most of the vehicles I wanted to see over the time I've played this game. Now all I need to find is a Patria AMV and the FCS vehicles.
  10. I'm happy to see an I44 dedicated server around. I've been looking for one of these for a long time. I love the Garand, can't wait to actually use one in MP. How many players does the server usually have? What is the problem with BAF and PMC? I have those expansions installed, and they can be very useful sometimes.
  11. I know that the AH11 Wildcat and the UH-1Y Venom both have laser designators mounted if you want to have another aircraft designate the target for you. You can also just coordinate with an FAC on the ground. If you want to use a laser designator, I think scripting is the way to go. Modding the laser designator as an AH-64 Apache weapon would be a big pain, but scripts are easy enough. Even a dork like me knows how to use them . . . and trust me, I'm a dork when it comes to computers.
  12. 160thSOAR

    AT Infantry

    You can manually command the AI to use anti-tank weapons through the same menu that tells them to do stuff like pick up dropped weapons and open doors. I think the "8" key is the shortcut to open that menu, but I'm not totally sure. I believe that setting the AI to "Engage at Will" will also make them use AT weapons against armor, but I am not entirely sure. As for engaging air targets.... No idea.
  13. 160thSOAR

    Noob - How do you carry / drag someone?

    Yes, it is the "[" and "]" keys to scroll around the menu, and "Enter" to select. I'm not sure why the drag keys wouldn't be working. Here are a few reasons though: 1. The person is not heavily wounded enough. Only badly wounded players can be dragged, although lightly wounded players can be healed. 2. You may not be close enough. If you can see the "Heal" action, though, you are close enough to drag the person. 3. It is disabled in the mission. 4. It is a temporary glitch. In multiplayer, I have occasionally found myself unable to drag people for no reason.
  14. ArmA appears to have had a "whoops, just kidding you!" moment. Even though I didn't do a thing, my game now works fine. I have no idea why that happened. :/ I'm just happy I have had good luck!
  15. I am using an HP Pavilion dv6 that I believe meets all system specs. ArmA2 base game runs normally, but ArmA2 OA will not function. I am using the Steam version. First, I get a message that says, "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow'." When I hit OK, I get a quick black screen and then an error message saying "Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0". I know that this often comes from troubles with incorrect paths to Beta versions or something like that, but I have just installed my copy of OA on this computer. I have not downloaded anything other than the base game. I have already tried reinstalling, which did not help.
  16. AMD Radeon HD 6520G. As for DirectX9, I believe Steam installs that automatically the first time you start the game. The first time I installed it, I initially tried to start Combined Ops instead of running ArmA2 OA once. I forgot that you had to run each standalone before trying Combined Ops, but I don't see why that should be a problem, since I've reinstalled the game since then. Thanks for your help! I've used a few of your mods in the past as well; thanks for that too.
  17. 160thSOAR

    Controls improvment

    I like the control scheme in general. The only thing that I can see to improve is to remove the numpad keys from the control scheme, if this is possible. If it's not, that's fine. I'll just get by like I've done the past year. However, I'm lucky enough to have a mouse with two side-buttons to map functions like Toggle View to. I'm not sure what people without extra buttons have to do, but I'm sure it's not pretty. I don't really like the use of the number keys for AI commands. I would prefer something combining commo rose and action menu, but that might be just me. I know I explained my system in a post I made a while back; I wonder if I can find it again.
  18. I agree with you. However, I would be okay with having to rebuy the old ArmA2 units revamped for ArmA3, because I'm assuming the devs would have had to do a lot of work revamping every single one of them to work with PhysX and whatever else comes with porting them over. For $15 or so, I would have no problem just buying the ArmA2 units.
  19. 160thSOAR

    Why I haven't played ARMA 2

    I agree that the UI needs some improvements, and it should really be quite simple to do. Most people might disagree, but I think that a commo rose system could solve a lot of our problems. I want the action menu to stay. Basically, I would like to see categories in the action menu instead of individual actions. Here's an example. You're standing next to an AH-1Z, carrying an M60E4 and an M1911. When you use the action menu, you see the categories "AH-1Z Viper", "Weapons", and "Reload". If you choose the Viper category, a commo rose pops up with all of the options you would normally see related to that in the action menu. If you select "Weapons" you would see M1911 in hand, and so on. The really amazing thing something like this could do would be to centralize the Squad Command system. If there was a single button you pressed to access every command, it would eliminate all of the complex finger acrobatics the game sometimes forces you to do. Basically there would be one button that would open up all of the AI commands. The context sensitive ones that you see by pressing space in ArmA2 would be in a circle around the center, with specific categories like Targeting arranged in a concentric circle around the first. Just like with the earlier action menu, clicking one of the categories would open up everything that you would see by pressing the respective number key today. I was going to say more about the benefits of this, but I'm typing this on a phone and texting is not my strong point.
  20. I was in the armory a few days ago trying out the RPK. I got the Survive mission and ran over to Rasman airfield, holing myself up in a long building with a hallway and loads of little rooms off to the aides. I went into the building, shut the door behind me, went into the second small room and shut that door as well. I expected the AI would have to open the door and I could shoot through it as it opened. I heard footsteps and voices and tensed. Then an AI walked through the door and I almost jumped out of my skin, firing about ten rounds into his legs. Four more AI walked through the door and I killed all of them too. I know that my friendly AI opens doors when I ask them to move into a building. I can't figure out what happened there.
  21. This thread is for new players to ask any questions they have regarding either SP or MP gameplay. You may not ask any questions related to editing, add-ons, or mods in this thread. That belongs in a different forum. I also suck with computers. You may not ask any questions like "how do I get through this SP mission?". Those belong in the "Official Missions" forum. In this thread, you may ask questions about: 1. Navigating the game menus such as the map. You may also ask questions such as how to find default missions. 2. Gameplay advice, such as how to fly helicopters or how to use the lines on an ACOG. Any people who know the answer to someone's question may post an answer. If you have a different answer, you may post that as well. I do not, however, want repititions of the same basic answer, just worded differently. After a player's question has been answered, I will post something like: _______________________________________ Here's a very useful guide. The sections marked with ACE2 are related to the popular mod Advanced Combat Environment 2, and do not apply to normal ArmA2/OA. It's still interesting to read them though, and can give you a taste for what the amazing ArmA2 modding community can do. http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/ _______________________________________ I recommend the 7th Cavalry Tactical Realism server. It runs a game mode called Domination 2. I find Domination 2 immensely fun, but I also think it's good for new players to learn the MP ropes after they know the basics. Domination 2 is a coop game mode that puts you and your teammates against a large number of AI. It revolves around taking a large number of AO's(Areas of Operation), along with completing optional side-missions to get bonus vehicles. As for why I think it's good for new players.... 1. There's a "revive" option. After a player is killed, they will start rolling around on the ground yelling things. Other players can revive them by walking up close and using the action menu. Downed players can also be dragged and carried. The good thing about this is that it makes friendly fire less of an issue, as you can revive people you accidentally killed if you can reach them. Especially when you're new, accidents are bound to happen. 2. You have access to a large number of weapons from the ammo crates located at base. You can experiment with different loadouts and find out what you like best. 3. There's a large selection of vehicles at base as well. Although you should know basic vehicle handling before you enter MP, you can learn the finer points of a lot of different vehicles. Just watch other players who know what they're doing and imitate them, and also ask for advice whenever you need it. 4. The server isn't nearly as chaotic as most public servers are. You can reach capable admins via TS3 at almost all hours of the day. The air vehicles are strictly controlled so that people who just jump in and crash them will be kicked. 5. All OPFOR vehicles are locked. In my early days of ArmA-playing, I made the mistake of jumping into OPFOR vehicles way too often, and got friendly AT units lighting me up all the time. You simply can't do that in this server, and it will save you a lot of pain, even if it doesn't seem like it. Other things about the 7th Cav server. 1. Get TS3 and join their TS3 server. It makes playing much more fun. It can be confusing at first, however. Don't be afraid to speak up if you need something. The TS3 Info is on a sign in front of the helicopters, and you can always ask someone for it. 2. You MUST be on TS3 to fly. This is to coordinate the aircraft more efficiently and make sure there is a proper ratio of pilots to units on the ground. People who are not on TS3 WILL be kicked if they do not comply to the rules after being warned twice. 3. Don't fly the UH-1H Wreck Chopper unless you know exactly what you're doing. The UH-1H is a 2-bladed helicopter that is painted dark green and has skids. It is used to pick up the wrecks of bonus vehicles and bring them to the repair pad. Under no circumstances is it to be used as a transport chopper. 4. If you hear people talking about things like "Buffalo 1", "Grizzly 1", and "Hog 1", don't be afraid to ask what these mean. They're callsigns of the aircraft for more concise communication. The numbers are dependent on how many aircraft of that type are in the air at the moment. Here are some of the callsigns. Buffalo 1 - MH-60 Black Hawk Grizzly 1 - CH-47 Chinook Raven 1 - MH-6J Little Bird Hog 1 - A-10 Thunderbolt II Snake 1 - AV-8 Harrier Raider 1 - AH-64 Apache Infidel 1 - Close Air Support Coordinator with Laser Designator If you want more information, just PM me. _______________________________________ DONE. You may now post.
  22. 160thSOAR

    PMC05 - Elimination

    Never mind, I had ACE turned on, and once I turned it off everything worked fine. Although I keep dying from infantry because my PDW is a terrible weapon and Asano always acts like an idiot and stands around like nothing is happening.... I've seriously considered trying to shoot him and grab his rifle lol.
  23. I'm currently running ArmA2 through Bootcamp on a Macbook Pro that I got in early September. Here are my Windows Experience Index specs (Scale of 0-7.9): Processor: 7.4 Memory (RAM): 5.5 Graphics: 6.9 Gaming Graphics: 6.9 Hard Disk Transfer Rate: 6.8 Here are my system specs, according to my dxdiag. Processor: i7-2820QM (Best laptop processor out there, I think?) RAM:8 GB Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 6750M If you want any other information, just ask and I'll see if I can get it.
  24. 160thSOAR

    What Settings Should I Use?

    Well I have a solid-state drive, it's pretty fast. I'm not sure how to check the speed on it though. The default settings for the game look really nice for some reason with this computer, so I'll see how they run and won't mess with them if it's okay FPS-wise.
  25. Are you serious about A-10's flying smoothly? 0.0 I am amazed and will have to get back on the 7th Cav's server tonight. I haven't played in ages since GOA.Plumbly left. There are plenty of co-op missions on Armaholic. One of my favorites are the SEAL Team Six ones - I forgot who made them. I hope you and your family have a good time with ArmA2! Welcome to the game and the forums. :)