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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. Sorry that i write this in polish, but maybe someone can translate this, i dont know english to good. And I do not trust too much google translator. Oznaczenie kalibru broni gwintowanej jest problemem złożonym. Zwiażek między kalibrem przewodu lufy a średnicą pocisku nie jest oczywisty, a ponadto większą rolę odgrywa kształt i wymiar łuski oraz parametry elaboracji. Rownorzędnie stosuje się dwa sposoby oznaczeń - metryczny i calowy. Oba systemy sa uzywane jednocześnie niezależnie od lokalnego systemu miar. W Polsce i wielu krajach europejskich jako kaliber broni przyjmuje sie wyrażoną w milimetrach średnicę przewodu lufy mierzoną w polach. Średnica pocisku jest wtedy zawsze większa od kalibru przewodu lufy. Istnieją jednak liczne odstępstwa od tej zasady. Niekiedy jako podstawę przyjmuje się średnicę przewodu lufy mierzoną w bruzdach. Średnica pocisku odpowiada wtedy z pewnym przybliżeniem kalibrowi przewodu lufy. W krajach anglosaskich kaliber jest określany w setnych lub tysięcznych cala. Przy czym oznaczenia powstają bardzo często w wyniku długotrwałego procesu ewolucyjnego i nie mają bezpośredniego związku z rzeczywistymi wymiarami naboju lub broni. W przypadku luf gwintowanych kaliber broni oznacza średnicę lufy mierzoną na polach gwintu. Choć czasem niektórzy piszą, że w bruzdach, ale to są wszystko niewielkie różnice. A zwykłemu człowiekowi wystarczy, że to średnica naboju/lufy. @down Ok,i know, sorry. From google translator Designation threaded caliber weapons is a complex issue. The relation between the caliber of the barrel and the diameter of the bullet is not obvious, and a greater role played by shape and size scales and parameters of Elaboration. Equally apply two different ways the signs - metric and inch. Both systems are used at the same time regardless of the local system of measurement. In Poland and many European countries as the caliber of weapon it is assumed, in millimeters, the diameter of the barrel, measured in fields. The diameter of the projectile is then always greater than the caliber of the barrel. But there are many exceptions to this rule. Sometimes, as shall be based on the diameter of the barrel measured in the furrows. Then corresponds to the projectile diameter was approximately kalibrowi the barrel. The Anglo-Saxon countries caliber is determined in hundredths or thousandths of an inch. While the signs often occur as a result of a long evolutionary process and have no direct connection with the actual dimensions of the cartridge or gun. For threaded barrels caliber of the weapon barrel diameter measured in the fields of the thread. Although sometimes, some say that in the furrows, but these are all minor differences. A common man enough that is the diameter of the cartridge / barrel.
  2. tom3kb

    Isla Duala

    @mant3z sick1 made new campaign and icebreakr will make mission pack for new version.
  3. tom3kb


    @sick1 I play this campaign with all addon that are requaired in 1 post-and all rh weapons pack. I use only jsrs suond mod, no ai, fx changing mods. If i find bugs or errors i give feedback.
  4. tom3kb


    I waiting so long for this campaign, thanks Sick1 :)
  5. tom3kb

    [CAMP] John - A Rambo Medley

    Thanks Mondkalb. Downloading now :)
  6. tom3kb

    [CAMP] John - A Rambo Medley

    I can hardly wait to finally play this campaign :).
  7. tom3kb

    Isla Duala

    IceBreakr Thanks for new version of Duala, now i only waiting for sick1 campaign and your mission pack :) One more time thanks. :)
  8. tom3kb

    [CAMP] John - A Rambo Medley

    Mondkalb thats great news i never play your campaign becose that crash after start, but now i will download the new version.
  9. I start this mission in sp, wenn it starts i have compas,glock and no map so i dont know how find that tower, can i find somware map maybe by serching bodies or i must find that towar in another way ? But i find a way how to cheat :( Dont read if you dont must.
  10. tom3kb

    I44CO COOP 1-6 mission pack

    Ok, i finished 2 new missions i like more that night mission in takistan. And i have few new suggestions :) i hope you dont by angry at me. 1. In briefings in objective sections maybe you can and somthing like this for all objectives. example: taskobj2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getmarkerPos "markername"); This should add yellow circle for current task on map and in game yellow marker. ---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ---------- In next missions maybe add more teams, for now my team fight alone. Maybe make missions with few teams that must attack city, that is primery objective but my team have few secundary objectives: destroy artillery/mortar battery/apc. Clear mg nest, destroy feul trucks or somthing. And my team have support from other squads. Maybe in few places on map you can place triggers activated by player side ---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ---------- and add some music trucks from arma 2 or oa. And i have few missions idea. Find and destroy enemy planes on field airport. Make ambush at armoured convoy. Defend your position, wait for reinforcements. Find and destroy enemy mortars. Maybe mission for sniper. Mission for pilots fight with enemy planes. Good work so far, thanks for your missions, i will wait for new :)
  11. Yes you can. Put on map soldier(player), empty object-car, uav terminal, backpack, ulb-ah-6x and ulb module. Then synchronize ulb modul with soldier, ah6x, and empty obiect. Drag blue lines. And thats all. Wenn soldier go to that empty object in his action menu you can use that ulb. ---------- Post added at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ---------- Ps: wenn i write empty object i was thinking-only 1 object: car or terminal or backpack etc. :)
  12. tom3kb

    I44CO COOP 1-6 mission pack

    Ok, i will check them today :) Maybe you should make a little campaign for this mod you make good long missions, make 5-6 add little intro, outro and maybe 1 or 2 cutsceens, little storyline and you have campaign long like in call of duty. ;)
  13. tom3kb

    I44CO COOP 1-6 mission pack

    New missions, nice :) good work.
  14. Now its ol ok, good job. Thanks :)
  15. tom3kb

    Windows 7 & A2 CO

    If you thinking to upgrade on win 7 you should take win 7 64 bit not 32 bit.
  16. tom3kb

    Kneeling of opening map

    I think it is good that, wenn we use map unit is kneeling. It is harder to spot or hit kneeling unit. Wenn map is open you dont have control on unit so imo kneeling wenn i use map it is good idea.
  17. You can group missions that need the same addons in 1 folder. For example make folder missionpack1 and put him in arma2\missions then make folder @formissionpack1 and put ther all addons. Large number of missions use the same addons: rh weapons pack or the same units so i think this can help little. Or add all your @folders to *.exe with -mod= comend, and you alwayas have all addons "on". ---------- Post added at 05:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 AM ---------- And you can then start all missions you have.
  18. @up yes you cant, maybe with scripts you must search i think you can find something for that.
  19. tom3kb

    Mk16 and Mk17 variants

    The best way lunch editor put ammo boxes with all weapons and you can check all rifles. :) You will see diferences in all weapons. Check range of zeroing for sniper rifles or sd/cqc weapons etc you will see diferences.
  20. tom3kb

    Manual Spotting

    Yes, target soldier for a few seconds, and maybe pres right mouse button but im not sure that last with mouse button. In old days in ofp that work, now i think it "spot" enemys automatic after few seconds.
  21. tom3kb

    Are mines completely useless?

    Mines are good for apc or tanks. Not for trucks. I always drop them on the road in line, and apc or tank always will explode on one of them. Ps: dont kill guys from your team, in briefing wenn mission starts you always can take his launcher and give him mines :)
  22. tom3kb

    Manual Spotting

    Target him with binocular at long range for quick "spot"
  23. tom3kb

    Mk16 and Mk17 variants

    @jonfitt in game its what you like to use that what you use there are no big diferences, in real combat there are more diferences. Sniper rifles are good for long range, weapons with cqc for fights on short range, with tws you are a god in the battlefield :)