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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. Great idea i was waiting for a mission pack for ACR dlc (and here we have also units from AFRF, awesome). I hope you will make many more missions in future for this mission pack. Thanks for your work.
  2. @Wiki Play both missions and you will see, they are totaly different. :) Story, tasks etc. Here you fight with CDF and US ARMY. In China takes a peek small Chinese SF squad must accomplish few tasks on small island controled by Japanese forces.
  3. tom3kb

    Gambit Royale FDF Edition

    I remember that in first Gambit Royale AZCoder add in cutscenes dancing units as easteregg. You can see them for very short time in some cutcenes.
  4. Thanks for info about release Kommiekat. And also congrats on the release. I will play this mission wenn i back to my home after this weekend.
  5. tom3kb

    User mission requests!

    I know one very cool heli transport mission Hip hip hooray. You looking for opfor campaigns check: Pirog by Bardosy (you play as Russian soldier) or my campaign Desert fever (you play as Takistani soldier) or my Battlefield Takistan (few missions as insurgent, takistani soldier, rest as blufor). Ps:there is a remake of Red hammer by SHJ for arma 2 (you need cwr2 mod to play)
  6. Yes all addons and mods are for free, this is the beauty of arma 2. Ps: there are many more sites with addons for arma but this one is the biggest.
  7. Great looking units, cant wait to make some missions or campaign wenn the mod will be relased. :) Great job guys.
  8. And thats all you need for a start ;), check in game menu what version of game you have if its 1.62.xxxxx all is ok. You can play. But before you will try to join server check if you have all needed addons to play. For example: ACE, ACRE CBA and things like that. You can try to search servers that runs missions without any addons, in most cases Domination type missions. If you looking for mods and addons check Armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/index.php, there you can find all things for arma (like: mods, addons, missions, campaigns, patches and all other stuff). :)
  9. tom3kb

    ACR: GAme install set-up

    To install ACR you need to have Arma2CO (A2+OA), so you must install OA. Ps: you think that installation of OA is a waste off hdd space. You kidding right? :) OA added so many great things to A2. I dont know how anybody can play only with A2.
  10. In my solution you pack this missionnamev1.1 folder with winrar. So if someone will download archive he will know that the mission is in v1.1. And mission.pbo will have the same name as old file. Player just put this new file in arma2\missions. End of work, you dont have to search and delete old file :) becose new will ovewrite old mission version.
  11. I think its better to not change pbo name. If you change it you will have two pbos in arma2\missions and you must find and delete old mission.pbo file. If the name of pbo will be the same new file will overwrite old file. You can always add info to readme that this is v1.1 etc. Also you can add (v1.1) to overview file. Or you can put mission.pbo with readme in to folder called missionamev1.1.
  12. If nothing helps you can leave campaign as a folder (do you have description error wenn you put your campaign folder in arma2\campaigns)
  13. @mikebart wenn you give ai order better be sure that rest of team is in save plece. I do it like this, i give one ai order to put sachel, to the rest of my men i give order-stop 1-6 in save place ~100m from sachel. Then i use 1-1 (get back) for that one soldier that put bomb, he will detonate bomb wenn he is ~50m from place where he put that sachel charge.
  14. Yes, whats kylania said. Wenn you make mission in editor and you put end triigger in type window: you can choose End 1 to End 6 so you can add 6 alterative missions after each mission that you make. You can see something like this in few user made campaigns for arma 2 for example : in Bardosy's campaign Chesty Puller. After mission 04_loyal you can jump to mission 04a_scope - End1 or to last mission in campaign - 05_steamroller - End 2. class Campaign { name = "Chesty Puller"; firstBattle = Beginning; class Beginning { name = "Chesty Puller"; cutscene = ; firstMission = 00_intro; end1 = ; end2 = ; end3 = ; end4 = ; end5 = ; end6 = ; lost = ; class 00_intro: MissionDefault { end1 = 01_beachhead; lost = 01_beachhead; template = 00_intro.utes; }; class 01_beachhead: MissionDefault { end1 = 02_forcerecon; lost = 01_beachhead; template = 01_beachhead.Chernarus; }; class 02_forcerecon: MissionDefault { end1 = 03_rescue; lost = 02_forcerecon; template = 02_forcerecon.Chernarus; }; class 03_rescue: MissionDefault { end1 = 04_loyal; lost = 03_rescue; template = 03_rescue.Chernarus; }; class 04_loyal: MissionDefault { end1 = 04a_scope; end2 = 05_steamroller; lost = 04_loyal; template = 04_loyal.Chernarus; }; class 04a_scope: MissionDefault { end1 = 05_steamroller; end2 = 05_steamroller; lost = 04a_scope; template = 04a_scope.Chernarus; }; class 05_steamroller: MissionDefault { end1 = 06_outro; end2 = 05_steamroller; lost = 05_steamroller; template = 05_steamroller.Chernarus; }; class 06_outro: MissionDefault { end1 = ; end2 = ; lost = ; template = 06_outro.Chernarus; }; }; };
  15. I think i found couple of bugs (maybe mod team know about this already i dont know) in few Chinese cars (Chinese copies of Humvee you cant kill driver/pasenger through front window). In almost all cars you cant destroy wheels. In DF156 you cant kill driver/passanger through all windows.
  16. I have a question. I want to use setidentity for Chinese soldiers in mission, i found in mod files something like male01CN and male02CN (I think this is it (all commands like move, fire in hole etc in chinese language, like in bis units male01en, male01tk etc). But wenn i use this in description.ext units speaks english. Example from description.ext: class CfgIdentities { class Li { name = "Li Fang"; face = "face10"; glasses="None"; speaker = "male01CN"; pitch = 1.00; }; }; In editor in unit init field: soldier1 setidentity "Li" Im doing something wrong or i cant use Chinese voices from mod with setidentity in my missions. Or maybe i should write something different not male01CN? @down Ok, thx for info.
  17. Check this for example http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=29033#29033. Ps: You ask in wrong forum section.
  18. Hi, Kommiekat just finished this mission. All is ok, no bugs in task, briefing. Mission ends with no problem. Very good long mission with good tasks. With nice music and very nice cutscenes. Now im waithing for more missions from you (for VME PLA mod). :) Cheers,
  19. I found 2 more coop campaign [CAMP] Delta Force 2 (CO08 (1 mission for 12 players) , 6 missions) [CAMP] Red Devils (CO??, 7 missions ) this campaign is in two versions for Chernarus (BAF woodland units) and Takistan (BAF desert units). There is also Ghost Recon Podagorsk v3 COOP version but now this campaign is packed as mission pack not as campaign so i dont know if you want to add this to your list (its easy to pack this as campaign). Ghost Recon Podagorsk (CO09, 8 missions + req Podagorsk island) Here i updated your list with how many missions are in campaign and for how many players. [CAMP] Chesty Puller (CO09, 6 missions) [CAMP] Once upon a time (CO10, 12 missions) [CAMP] Kalinka (CO09, 5 missions) [CAMP] Joint Ops (CO??, 8 missions, BAF) PS: CWC DEMO for now have only 9 missions, in full version there will be ~40.
  20. @nettrucker I write the same suggestion to Kommiekat few weeks ago :D
  21. @Kommiekat Yes, i think you should stay with Pla mod for few next missions its something fresh in armato play as Chinese soldier, maybe if you make few missions you can pack them in a missionpack (like Sanders Baf,takistan, cwr2 pack). Players will have all missions in one place. And if you in future will make any new mission for this mod you can easy add them and release new ver. of mission pack.
  22. Congrats on the release :) I will play this mission tonight.
  23. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    No problem. Im glad that i could help.
  24. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    @Jakerod Ok, i will try to play this mission few more times to see if i will have this bug another time. Later i will load this mission in editor. I will also load empty island in editor and i check this part of city. If i found something i write here or i send you PM. Maybe not today but i try to do this as fast i only can. ---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ---------- Ok, im know what is wrong. @Sander Its not a bug in your mission :) @Jakerod Its something wrong with whole St Adam island not with only that city. Make a test. Launch this island with cwr mod in editor. Put your unit and some other stuff on any place on island. Save mission with some name test1 or something. Now clik Preview key. Launch mission Save game, move few sec. Save game few more times. ---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ---------- Now try to laod any saved game. After this all stuff from mission on St Adam island is teleported in air on Everon Island WTF :). After few seconds all fall from sky to water and ovcourse player die. Wenn i use only cwr mod after loading mission on st adam, everon island is loaded with all objects,units added to mission on st adam island. Very strange bug. ---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ---------- Wenn i use cwr2+cba+warfx blastcore after i try to load mission on St Adam island, all stuff was teleported to air on Utes island. Thats why i see few times before death Khe Sanh ;) Jakerod maybe this bug happens only to me? I dont know. PS:i dont have any errors when i unrar all archives with cwr2 so i think all files are ok. ---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ---------- One more thing. After all units are teleported to air on that 2nd island (for example everon), only units from player faction fall from sky. Opfor units are in air. Ps: wenn i first time write that we sink under ground that was not true.
  25. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    Hi, Sander i have very strange bug with Adam Busters mission on new St Adam island. Its happend few times and i dont finish this mission. Wenn we attack St adam village me and my squad sink under island and we land in water. I dont see island wenn i look up but i see russian units in air in place where st adam city is on map. Wenn i look south i see ship on water-KHE SAHN. Wenn i press Esc. ---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ---------- I dont have option to load game only to restart or save mission. This bug happens to me also few times wenn i was killed and i want to load game. Sudden my whole team sink under island. I dont know if its strange bug with mission or maybe something is wrong with this island. Or maybe i have bad luck or its something on my side. I run cwr2 mod+2 new expansions for cwr2: NL and Uk soldiers. ---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ---------- Maybe its something wrong with part of this map (fields close to south-west part of St Adam village) i dont know.