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Everything posted by Antonoo

  1. My point is im running at an FPS which I get when I run at normal on operation arrowhead. Arma 2 highest: 30 fps arma 2 operation arrowhead medium: 30 fps Dats what I ment
  2. ARMA 2 BENCHMARKS - : Benchmark 1: Average FPS 30 Benchmark 2: Average FPS 11 Settings: 1680x1050 View distance 2500 No Post processing or AA. Very high on all. ____________________________ Benchmark 1: Average fps 34 Benchmark 2: Average fps 12 Settings: 1680x1050 View distance 2500 No post processing or AA Shadows normal Objects, terrain, textures high.
  3. AMD Phenom II x4 810 3.0ghz DDR3 6GB Ram Nvidia Gigabyte GTX 460 1GB OC edition Windows Vista 64-bit Lags like a bitch at 1280x800 at: Normal textures Normal objects and terrian Disabled shadows Disabled HDR No post processing I shouldnt run this game at 10 fps as soon as I enter a town where tracers why abit.
  4. Nevermind got it to work thank you so much!
  5. Hello! This is the setup: Team is inserted to outside a building, they then proceed inside to find a map. When they are close to the map so that one may look at it I want an objective to be added. The objective will be to kill a Taliban Warlord in an area near. I want the objective to be added later because if the players had the objective marker on the map earlier they might as well just go there and complete the mission. Ive searched and I found a guy being pointed to taskmaster 2 because he wanted to do what I do, but I dont really understand it. Would appreciate the most simplest way to do this but if there isnt any please help me by making a stepbystep tutorial kind of I am very new to mission editing so bear with me :)
  6. Hello bobtom! Thank you for answering so quickly and giving me the answer I was looking for. I will come back if it doesnt work or if I have any other questions! :) Thank you so much! One last question though: Is there any way to change the task marker? Instead of having a Circle with a ! can I have for example a Red X? How do I change this? EDIT: Its not working. Im using this: tskExample3 = player createSimpleTask ["Task Title 3"];tskExample3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["nje", "nje", "nje"];tskExample3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Obj3"); But it says briefing.sqf not found when I run over the trigger.
  7. Hi! I made a mission where a chopper will follow a waypoint after you radio delta. However I want the trigger to automaticly activate that waypoint after 120 secounds. Ive tried searching but without luck. How do I do this? Ive tried the following: Condition of trigger: this OR time > 120 2 triggers, one being radio delta, otherone activation on anybody present with a 120 countdown, onact for the countdowntrigger is: A1 = true (A1 being the radio trigger) I am fairly new so bear with me here. EDIT: Fixed with two triggers, one radio, one countdown activate anybody present. Onact for both triggers are helicopter dofollow helicopter and on the waypoint where the chopper should wait I put dostop helicopter.