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Everything posted by McLupo

  1. Hi, i must answer your friendly words. ;) The interaction of your idea and the realization result in a rounded and unique overall picture. A small idea can change an atmosphere and the atmosphere will be all too often underrated. What is the use of a big mod, if those little things are missing? You have created these missing little thing. ;) Greetings McLupo
  2. Hi, what a pity, but you will have your reasons...?! Good to hear you will not stop the project. Good luck. Greetings McLupo
  3. Hi, it´s always a matter of taste, but this is my taste - not overtuned, overdone. It sounds like it should - not an overdose of annoyance of sounds. It is a good overall ratio. Keep it up. Greetings McLupo
  4. ...that is no accident! :) Hi Solano! After using your mod a couple of days, I would like to confirm my first impression and I am now able to describe which visual details are so impressive. My very personal and subjective opinion/feeling. This mod creates a new and special atmosphere, because it brings a lot more details, like sun bleached stones, very detailed shadows and a fantastic looking vegetation. It´s like real, ´cause the colors are fade away under the glare of the sunlight. In contrast to it the shadows are much more detailed in overcast situations. It´s awesome, I'm lost for words! Example pictures and you know what i mean, hopefully... :) Brightness: Cloudy: Details: Vegetation: Overall: The last time I had that feeling - it was the release of a very simple addon, the tpw_houselight, very small but very immersive, the same applies to your "Real Light" mod. Thanks again! Greetings McLupo Sorry for my poor english mode of expression - I´m not an english native. ;)
  5. Hi, I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered. But I found nothing comparable on the subject. My question: I want to implement an idea, but I am stuck. Is it possible to retexture the Military Cargo HQ (Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F). I have tried everything but I am failed. Thanks in advance, if someone has a solution. :) Greetings McLupo
  6. DONE! A-143 Buzzard: Completion of the Read Me file, minor tweaks and a final test = Release of an update. :) That will be asap. Greetings McLupo
  7. Hi Solano, at first - thank you for your awesome work and much more for that visual highlight and epic moment! What an amazing effect. Keep it up. Greetings McLupo
  8. Hi, to avoid permanent updates, I will publish a major one. This will be the final, hopefully. Please be patient. :) Update in progress for the TO-199 Neophron Greetings McLupo
  9. McLupo

    Airborne Infantry

    Niiiice shot! :) Subtitled ... "One last photo for the dearest, before duty calls." Greetings McLupo
  10. McLupo

    Airborne Infantry

    Hahaha... Great info,I like your new idea. US and UK - Paratroopers opens up a lot of new options in warfare! :) Take your time and don´t rush it. Greetings McLupo
  11. Hi, don't let them confuse you, buddy. According to your roadmap...nothing else. Keep it up, your excellent work. Greetings McLupo
  12. McLupo

    Airborne Infantry

    CNN LIVE+++ Breaking News+++Massive airborne units over Altis spotted+++Unknown number of paratroopers darken the sky +++Situation unclear+++Citizens are scared+++Breaking News +++CNN LIVE ...no,no, don´t be scared it´s my lage scaled operation against the CSAT. (Surprise with an unexpected and astonishing assault) Thanks to your Airborne Infantry, I won the battle. :P It´s so much fun, thanks again. (I love the mechanized units) Greetings McLupo
  13. McLupo

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    Hi GrumpyRhino, in a word: Great! Thanks for this outstanding job. One of the best chopper packs one can get. Greetings McLupo
  14. Hi, to bridge the waiting time until the release of the update, here are some pictures of the A164-Wipeout, which are added to the NATO. In addition to the classic version, I will also add a woodland version,too. (Samples added) A - 164 Wipeout A - 164 Wipeout (Woodland) In order to ensure equality of arms to all parties, CSAT will get the TO-199 and the AAF the A-143. I hope this will be the answer for all of your requests! :) Greetings McLupo
  15. McLupo

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Hi SGT Fuller, it's your fault that I only play ArmA...hour by hour. :) But it takes some time to capture everything in detail. Thanks for that outstanding piece of work! Grretings McLupo
  16. McLupo

    Airborne Infantry

    Alpha One: "Papabear, I read you Five by Five"! "Mission Download accomplished. We are RTB. Do you copy?" Papabear: "Roger that, Alpha One. Good job and congrats sir. See you´ll at base for receiving a beer. Papabear out!" Mikey, that was the best announcement i've ever read. I'm still laughing...just great! :lol: ...and of course - thanks for the update!! Greetings McLupo
  17. Hi kparis, no Sir, I will release the update at the weekend, sorry for the delay, but real life and small improvements/tests... ;) Thanks for asking and your interest. Greetings McLupo
  18. McLupo

    What is your best/worst experience in Arma 3?

    Thank you very much for telling your point of view In spite of all this things - please keep up your awesome work. All the best to you! McLupo
  19. McLupo

    What is your best/worst experience in Arma 3?

    Hi SaOk! It is not for me to judge that, because I'm not involved, but I am speechless after reading your commentary. Any feedback/statement from BIS? Greetings McLupo
  20. McLupo

    Mighty GAU-8/A Avenger

    Hi zabuza, I can only repeat myself..., this mod blows my mind! There is nothing comparable... To all users: Close your eyes, enjoy that awesome sound and you become addicted. Compare the real A10 gun run (brrrrrrrt) with the mod...and you know what i mean! Greetings McLupo
  21. Hi Matthehacker, thank you very much for this advice mate. I didn't knew that. I will try it. Greetings McLupo
  22. Hi, how does one get those ideas?!!! :) It is soo cool. Thank you for this unique idea/work. Greetings McLupo
  23. Hi theevancat, thanks for your response! But, as I already suspected. :( I have tried every possible way to figure it out, but no chance. It´s a lot of new stuff implemented. Like this: I feel somewhat at a loss and I cannot explain this to myself. Now I have to find a modeller ...who is willing to help?! ;) I will see and I won't give up. But I found this too, by accident... :rolleyes:
  24. McLupo

    BW-Mod - Ranksign

    Foxhound you're the best, you have an eye for those seemingly unimportant details. ;)
  25. McLupo

    Airborne Infantry

    pah, technical equipment...we will finish the job with well trained soldiers from mikey... :D Thx for the info. Greetings McLupo