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About IcyAxe

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  1. Hi, i finaly tested your logger but it seems like nothing happens. No logs or errors are produced. This is what i have tried... onUserConnected = "['I am Superman!'] call A3Log;"; onUserConnected = "[""I am Superman!""] call A3Log;"; Any idea?
  2. Hi one question, does this logger work in server config.cfg event handlers(onUnsignedData, onHackedData,...)? I want to log failed connects to server. I want to know why it happens. Cheers, IA.
  3. IcyAxe

    Altis Life RPG

    Hi, i don't know if this is a bug or a feature...its quite annoying. When you go more than 300m away from vehicle it will disappear(it will get deleted by cleanup script). Especially if you drive boat to deep sea and then you go diving and suddenly when you return to the same spot your boat is gone. I think it breaks role play. Because i broke ATV broke in the middle of no where. And then i ran to the closest general store for repair kit...i ran back for few km and ATV were nowhere to be found...:mad: I did some searching and checking _dbInfo = _veh getVariable["dbInfo",[]]; _units = {(_x distance _veh < 300)} count playableUnits; if(count crew _x == 0) then { switch (true) do { case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitEngine") > 0.7 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitLFWheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitLF2Wheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitRFWheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitRF2Wheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case (_units == 0): {deleteVehicle _x}; }; }; if(isNull _veh) then { if(count _dbInfo > 0) then { _uid = _dbInfo select 0; _plate = _dbInfo select 1; _query = format["UPDATE vehicles SET active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'",_uid,_plate]; _sql = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommand ['%2', '%1']", _query,(call LIFE_SCHEMA_NAME)]; }; }; Instead of deleting every vehicle there is alone every 35minutes (no players in 300m radius) i would also check if there is owner or last vehicle user online. I would wrote patch by myself but i am not sure which variables are stored in vehicle object. Bug #2. Rebreather doesn't save. Only way to keep it after restart is to put it into backpack.
  4. IcyAxe


    sory for bad english. I meant function, statement format is not strict. like x atan2 y, why is not atan2 [x,y], because x is not object. if i completely understand language structure. if some variable is before "function" then function is method of that variable(object). x atan2 y is like x.atan2 y but this doesnt make any sense, because x is not object. it would be nice if unit data would be accessable via arrays(maybe readonly data). the dot between object and method would make language more readable!
  5. IcyAxe


    Arma needs complete scripting engine redesign( or use external scripting engine...lua), it has so much flaws (missing commands, not logics statments,etc.). I can not complete 3/4 of my ideas, because of missing commands,.... like getWaypointType(i need to implement my own waypoint "system"), a lots of information missing, lowlevel aiming, lowlevel path finding heuristics manipulation,...
  6. is there anyway to override createGroups command so i can make my own wrap and store created groups in array. Or even maybe access each group thru some index which goes 0-some n? and then check if nullGroup? offtopic: why is arma missing so much basic commands?
  7. probably this wont work dynamicly and wont output empty groups or i am wrong? i have couple of scripts which are creating squad groups?
  8. Is there any posible way to get all groups? I want to get all groups even empty ones.