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Everything posted by cross888

  1. cross888

    WIP British Infantry

    Looking good stalker. I have only two critiques thou. 1) The pouches on the Osperay cummerbund obstruct the guys ability to get to his mag pouches and kind of looks a bit "AmericanGasho". :) 2) And finally rolled up sleeves? big no no. ( preventative measure for Flash Burns, Malaria risk reduction, Camo and concealment and most importantly.. to stop us scuffing our elbows :) But I love the textures and the trousers, any chance of making a PCS Lightweight Jacket or Smock? :)
  2. cross888

    Reality Check

    Yeah and I've used most of them When i went to war we used Soft skin land rovers due to the except able casaltie rate ratio. Then when we went on COIN ops they gave us Huskeys M-WMIK etc. You guys can chops off as much as you like about how protective vehicles are "replacing" these vehicles but there not really. Light Role troops will always use Light role vehichls IE R-WMIK and Land Rover Vixen. What your talking about is counter insurgency wagons for Mech troops as tracked vehicles are deemed to aggressive. (Source Operational tour of Basra in 2007 when they took bulldog of us). And as of "oh BI just cloned arma1/2 for arma 3" I wouldn't care at least you could do more with that.
  3. cross888

    Reality Check

    Yeah Roger that but its mostly prototype nonsense and counter insurgency gear. It has no place in general warfare. General warfare you would be using hummvee's and other light role assets over MRAP's Russian equivalent. WW3 Scenarios 80% casualty rates so why waste all this high tech rubbish. Also, its set in 2035 all the UK's fighting vehicles have been extended to 2035 which means all this nonsense units that "Exist" today wouldn't be about, if it isn't broken don't fix it. Its stupid scifi nonsense.
  4. cross888

    Reality Check

    I have to say as it stands I wouldn't pay full price for ARMA 3's Fantasy war. Should have stuck with the forcible future like you did with ARMA2/OA. If you wanted to fight Iranians then we should be fighting them with equipment that exists today. Also who were your military advisers? Because you have counter insurgency vehicles with a general warfare game, fail. All honestly like I said in the Alpha the hole futuristic nonsense has really not worked out for you and you've shot you're self in the foot.
  5. cross888

    Tracked Vehichels

    Hello, I was wondering weather or not your intend to add the tracked vehichels to the beta. My priamry reason for asking for this is because we have our own CVRT fleet from ARMA2 that we wish to continue developing in ARMA3. Esepecialy seen as these vehichels would meet the ARMA3 time scale due to the british armys operational service life extention. Thank you
  6. cross888

    Tracked Vehichels

    Word to your mother.
  7. cross888

    Tracked Vehichels

    No its for the Combat Vehicle Recon Tracked. Scimitars, Spartan, and the latest variants that will be in service till 2045 :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146022-British-CVR%28T%29-Family&highlight=cvrt its not Heavy armor just Tracks so we can figure out how to get it working.
  8. cross888

    British Units

    True that, all the qualls you get mean nothing in the real world.
  9. cross888

    British Units

    I was RAF Regt for eight years... Words escape me.
  10. cross888

    WIP British Infantry

    British troops are encoraged not to wear things on there armor due to clear plate policys espeicaly in afghanistan. How ever they are issued a cumberbund for mounted operations. Dismounted troops now are being trained to use there webbing as they were before but with the General Issue Osperay (The new armor). Espeicaly seen as british forces no longer train for afghanistan there training for general warfare ie against Syrian army regulars. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1015090_10151414572705566_271901575_o.jpg Every single one of those infantrymen has webbing on. Its throwned apon to have a 1000+ things on your armor and it looks unproffesional. And as standard to reduce time on Battle Prep the guys are issued with either head scrim for there helmets like the isralies or french (with a british twist, reminiscent of 1980s troops). And also nasty things can live in the grass that your useing to do your personal cam. :) The only time you don't cam your helmet is operating in a built up area. (But who cares ;) )
  11. cross888

    Soldiers appearance. Important!

    Wow... Right the Americans are usually all big lads. But that's about it there's not many body builders in infantry regiments there's guys on Op Massive trying to build T shirt mussels for when they get back but honestly fella. Most infantry men come in all different size and shapes especially when you have to tab every were so you don't see many massive guys thats not saying there isn't any. Personally I think there's nothing wrong with the arma troops.
  12. cross888

    UK Armed Forces

    It's pink trololololol :P
  13. cross888

    astast: WIP Thread

    Has any one thought about making a battle smock? http://www.konstipation.com/stuff/walt/sas/iraq/UKSF-3.jpg
  14. cross888

    Better animations?

    Roger dodger! Vote up gents I really want to see this in game. The thing that bugged me about arma 2 was the bad anims for machineguns and long rifles. In my career I used GPMGs all the time and there's tons of alternate carrying and fire positions that you never see in game. For example Running with the GPMG after you've just fired 1000 rounds through it your not going to hold that close to your body so you use the carry handle. GPMG Sprinting (turbo) Its not just Machine guns that its relevent to either the 338 weights roughly the same weight as a GPMG. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7205
  15. cross888

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    Don't forget the British 1st Airborne Division. :)
  16. cross888

    Better animations?

    Hello BI, I would like to request that there be another animation made for the use of GPMG Light role machine guns. (Light role HA! anything but light) As it stands at the moment the light machine gun is operated from the shoulder like a rifle would be, I was wondering if you would consider making another animation for the use of bigger man portable machine guns for example the M240 / FN MAG 58. From experience as a professional soldier that weapon is heavy so the current animations wouldn't suit the weapon and have a detrimental effect to realism and immersion. So hear are some pictures I have collected to show what I mean by how anims could be adopted to mimic that of the operator of the General purpose machine gun. Patrol Stance were the but of the weapon isn't in the shoulder A kneeling stance relaxed Possible sprinting stance (After you've fired about 1000 rounds and your displacing to reorganise with other elmenents that guns going to be hot) Standing Fire position alternate - As Gash as it looks its legit. (use Reaction to enemy fire, or Close Quarters Battle.) And maybe use you're Control Up to put it in your shoulder if you're firing from a high wall etc. :) I believe this is the current standing postion for fireing Light Machine Guns in Arma 3 which is fine its good I like it, But it isn't used for the GPMG / M240 because its to heavy and long. :) Thank you. Please Vote up on the ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7205
  17. cross888

    UK Armed Forces

    Cheers dude. david put the bush hat in game last night it seems to be pretty flush I just need to modfiy it a bit. All I did was take the arma 1 sample mod "boonie hat" and trim the rim and pull the material on top forward so it resembled how we get our bush hats cut. I'd like to tidy it up as well but that would take all week and i'm currently busy on working this plate carrier and webbing combo and that's just the model. We'd then need a talented textureer to help I mean davids can map and put textures on units but he's no Saber :P I can't texture for anything, and i'm pretty noobish at modeling only just figured out how to make a set of armor with internal and external faces. We're currently looking for a texture artist to help with the mods if any ones out there and has too much free time on there hands giz us a shout :) UPDATE WEAPONS The L119's are pretty much done they just need texturing The L129 sharpshooter rifle just needs a lick of paint too The L110A3 SFLMG is almost squared away too just needs a config and maybe a cheeky texture. The Glock 17 needs config as does the UGL. L85A2 IW is in game and working the UGL Variant is in the works too but that will need a texture and config I don't think we will make a GPMG due to animation issues which i'm going to raise with BI actually if the thread doesn't get locked. :)
  18. cross888

    UK Armed Forces

    Because there's no head on the better LOD's... Feller!!
  19. cross888

    UK Armed Forces

    Yeah yeah I err only put it on there to sort out my horrendus attempt at making the side straps for the plate they were orginally like wings so i just used the body to contour the straps with about 2 inche's (in editor) to allow for clothing underneith. It was mostly just so I could see if the plate and PLCE weren't too big.
  20. cross888

    UK Armed Forces

    Right Standby for some geekyness. when I was on Ops we used to work with the SFSG and THEM and I took a mental note of the equipment that the sneaky beaky warriors were using and decided to try and replicate there dress and attire. And today i was just cutting and snipping tailoring the bits and bobs too the example model to make sure i had the correct scale on some of the bits and bobs I got a bit of a chub on. WIP Plate Carrier and Modular PLCE Ignore the MK7 Helmet for the time being I was just seeing if i could get it to fitt his sweed.
  21. Arma 2 MLODS? So we can make some new uniforms and civilian clothing possibly some body armor templates :)
  22. cross888

    More Modding Support?

    Those who would like to play Arma 3 before release have the opportunity to participate in the Arma 3 Alpha. Set on the island of Stratis (20 km²), the Arma 3 Alpha features a limited selection of playable content – including 4 single player showcase missions, 2 co-operative multiplayer scenarios and a subset of weapons and vehicles. The powerful scenario editor and modding support are also present. Hiyar, I was wondering when BI is going to release some new modding tools and some more sample models. Not that I'm saying you haven't assisted the community in any way you've done more then most. I live off the principle that if you don't ask you don't get and and the answers always no till you ask. Sample models for example: Tracked Vehicles Some more Charicator models for clothing etc. And maybe the Stock Bluefor Plate carrier? I'm aware there's already sample models out there like the vest and naked guys legs and arms i was just wondering if BI could release something more user friendly? Also is there an estimated time of arrival for the new tools if there are any? Thank you. Ps not sure if there was a thread for this but I searched any way and my search came up inconclusive.
  23. cross888

    More Modding Support?

    I might be dead by then. ;) I aimed the question at BI to try and get some gen out of them. Its not about being inpatient its about time management, I'd rather get as much done as soon as possible, and MOD tools and More Example Models would speed up the process significantly. Why reinvent the wheel?
  24. cross888

    More Modding Support?

    Didn't VBS2 Have a map generator? Or any easier way to make terrain to Tailor operations to troops.
  25. cross888

    More Modding Support?

    Roger dodger Messiah. I still wouldn't mind some more sample models to examine how things work. Some fella released his M16 as a sample and that helped tons with weapon creation in a template kind of way.