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Everything posted by OMAC

  1. Why do you avoid all the enemy contact? The Chedaki grouped below FOB Manhattan provide one of the real tough spots of A2, and you can take out the bad guys near the guy's house with the documents using the Hummer MG.
  2. I have to say that I agree with Fruity that an overall FPS drop to fix minor issues is not worth it for a game that is so demanding on hardware already. My rig can handle the slight fps drop, but still...
  3. Hanzu, I voted for your bug to be fixed. I have only played through Harvest Red once in SP (using CO), and that time I did report the weapons in Gorka. I left in the chopper with Razor in Bitter Chill, ignoring help from NAPA guys at FOB Manhattan - in fact, I had no idea what was going on when NAPA suddenly started attacking the base, so I quickly got on the chopper and split the scene. Only later (from you, I think) did I find out that one could talk with the attacking NAPA and get escorted to the red car. I chose to go the NAPA side after chopper crash - the guys I met in Novy Sobor scolded me about taking Fyodor's weapons before telling me where hidden NAPA hideout was. The complexity of Manhattan in terms of choices is very intriguing, but appears to be bugged, so I will wait to replay it until you (and hopefully BIS staff) give the good Thumbs-Up that everything is working properly. However, doesn't the fact that Jezuro apparently experienced the correct behavior for this issue contradict what you are saying? Jezuro, are you playing SP within CO?
  4. To me, and I expect Hanzu also, this is the worst kind of bug possible. It is probably easy to fix, yet inspires a strong lack of confidence in A2, and is ABSOLUTELY VITAL for gameplay. Is it really worth it to play A2 if one is not sure that basic game choices and consequences are working properly? BIS, PLEASE game test A2 campaign and fix this and all similar bugs regarding triggers/choices! Hanzu probably knows them all - consult with him!!!!
  5. In all of A2 CO + PMC there is no fixed-wing aircraft of any kind, either for AI or a player. In BAF campaign an AI A10 does some strafing and bombing runs in the last mission, as does a friendly AI chopper. I've never seen enemy AI using aircraft, either.
  6. Yes, I just confirmed the same thing. Patch install tech is now flawed. Please fix for next beta. ---------- Post added at 07:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 AM ---------- I reverted to 79600, and got 50 fps on benchmark E08 using same settings as above. Definitely decreased performance in 81921 (1 fps), and game seems a little more sluggish overall. Also, GPU temps are up to 4 degrees C hotter than in 79600.
  7. Using video settings already reported in this thread, I played Little Wing and Steel Panthers using this beta, and can't really see any difference from 1.59 +/- 79600, except the birds always gliding with no wing flapping (already reported). What is a good scenario or campaign mission to play that is best to test changes made in this and recent betas? I tried starting Harvest Red campaign in MP, hosting myself, and cutscenes/animation appeared to have strange, dark gamma settings, where talking men on the carrier appeared way too dark. After animations, gamma looked fine.
  8. I'd also like to add that the Arma 2 campaign is WAY too good to not keep patching it - forget patching the engine, animation, etc. and focus on patching AI behavior (especially driving and following), Warfare 2 functionality (squad reinforcement, adding new soldiers to squads other than your own, fix vanishing US weapons when buying other weapons at captured bunkers, etc.), autosave timing, mission triggers and objectives, and other little details that improve gameplay. The engine/graphics/weapons/environment are more than good enough already - I would say GREAT! I'd also like to see more available thermal scopes to make forest combat more user friendly, although that would make things MUCH easier. I would definitely pay for a revamped Arma 2 SP campaign. Anything to keep Dwarden and Suma (and others) hard at work. However, I'm all done with everything Arma 2. I need more Arma 2 levels and DLC NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for Take On Helicopters, let alone A3.
  9. Excellent. I installed the new beta. All good so far. Got 49 FPS on Benchmark 08 using NVIDIA 275.33 driver and these settings: video resolution=1680x1050 visibility=3405m texture detail=high vid mem=default AF=high AA=low (atoc=0) terrain detail=norm object detail=high shadows=high HDR=norm PP=low vsync=on (+threaded optimization in nvidia CP) As per BIS suggestion to improve bloom and other PP effects: brightness=0.8 Gamma=1.1 Basically just a hair slower fps than with vanilla 1.59 (that could be the new driver tho). There have been no changes to ATOC since 1.59, right? I always use the beta uninstaller executable accessed from "Uninstall Arma2 OA Beta Patch" shortcut - works perfectly.
  10. Hi Pvpscene, Thanks for the info. I already uninstalled 76900 beta, so there is no beta folder. If I install the latest beta, will I have to remove the whole game just to remove the beta (obviously this has never been the case before)? I think not, but I want to make sure. Cheers, OMAC
  11. I saw the same flickering of wooden bunker floors in A2 way before these post-1.59 betas, I think in 1.58 + pre-1.59 betas, so that flickering is nothing new. ******************* I just tried installing 81921 beta, and the installer told me that the whole game would have to be uninstalled to remove the beta patch, which was not true for previous betas. Is that true?
  12. OMAC

    How do you fast travel?

    It only works in Warfare 2 missions. Go to a captured base, then hit M for map. You must stand or be in a vehicle right next to the main base strongpoint. Select fast travel from map menu at upper left. Green circles will then show on other bases that are under your control. Click on the desired green circle, and travel will begin. You must have a direct line of captured bases along roads for you to travel to them. For example, if there is a base under enemy control between the captured base you are at and the one where you want to go, fast travel is impossible. Fast travel is VITAL to complete Dogs of War without completely losing your mind. Hope this helps. Write back if it does not. Fast travel has generally worked well for me. Sometimes it is temporarily unavailable for some unknown reason, but usually becomes available soon after moving away from the strongpoint and returning.
  13. I'd rather not, but how many of us wouldn't pay a few dollars for a patch, especially as A2/BAF/PMC were very cheap to buy and download (all US$10 each) in the first place? Although sometimes very frustrating, BIS games inspire stong loyalty to the company, so if BIS promised to speed up patch development a little, I'll bet quite a few people would pay for patches. The problem is that once someone has played through an entire game, one is much less likely to pay for a patch. What about requiring payment for new patch releases, which become free after a few months? Simply put, the A2 series offers incredible value in terms of fun versus amount paid, even with the bugs. There's just nothing else like A2 out there. That said, it's always better if a released game is bug-free (duh...) Will BIS take advantage of the army of loyalists available for pre-release play testing for Arma 3?
  14. This issue has been talked about many times, including here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=114722 I, too, first experienced the severity of the problem in Badlands.
  15. Here is the key excerpt from the Gamespot review, with which I agree entirely: "Despite an infuriatingly buggy single-player campaign and some artificial intelligence driving issues, Arma II is a triumph." You think that is irrelevant? Have you actually ever played A2? The fact that you wrote "even if it was in the state you describe it to have been in" makes me think that you haven't. Or that you are a BIS fanboy whose opinion can't be trusted. I never said that A2 was worse than BLOPS. Apples and oranges. BLOPS is an overpriced game with over $2 billion in sales, but a dumbed-down console port for teenagers. A2 is not a game, it is a beta sim. BLOPS is pretty damn fun to play, with no bugs. Got that? No bugs. And it was play tested. Imagine that. I suggest wasting less time trolling these this forums looking for spam, and get to work fixing A2 bugs. Check this hilarious unfixed A2 bug. This vid really cracked me up. http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/3009/1.avi
  16. I have moved on a long time ago. To OA, PMC, BAF, and COD Black Ops. The latter seems so cheesy and simple after BIS games. Especially when you are piloting the Hind chopper. You can bump into the surrounding mountains like they are padded bumpers in a pinball game, with no harm to chopper. In about 8-10 hours, BLOPS is done, whereas with A2 and add-ons, the interest holds for many months, and that's not even counting user-designed missions. I HIGHLY recommend Mountain Warriors by Coffeecat. Absolutely top notch. OA, PMC, and BAF are worlds apart from A2 in every way. A2 was needed to work out most kinks. It's a shame they abandoned A2 itself for these add-ons, which are just AWESOME! After all the chopper fun I've had in OA, etc., it looks like I will buy Take-On Helicopters, not to mention A3. But old A2 in Chernarus? Oh god, let me out of there, please. I would rather drill a hole through my kneecap than deal with Razor 2, Dogs Of War, and Badlands again, at least for a few years. In coop, the problems you guys have encountered are simply devastating and I can't believe that you guys put up with that frustration. If I hadn't wasted days and days hassling with Freedom Fighters, I would have a better overall opionion of A2. But hey, it was more than worth it, and very satisfying, to play through the A2 campaign and all scenarios on Veteran, with all objectives successfully completed. Once. However, without A2 I wouldn't have had the chance to play Eagle Wing, which was just INCREDIBLE in every way. Memories of that campaign will last for many years. I still think that the Chernarus environment is so fantastic that BIS should design many more missions and campaigns to play in it - I would buy them all for sure, as long as all the OA fixes and engine tweaks are incorporated. And I'd like to add that much of my frustration with A2 was self-induced by my insisting to play on default Veteran difficulty with only one user save per mission. With unlimited saves, much of the mind-bending pain and horror related to bugs, flawed triggers, etc. is mitigated.
  17. IMHO, after two years+ and 9 patches A2 is not AT ALL ready for prime time. Why are you guys wasting your time with it? It's a new form of torture dealing with that buggy mess, especially in coop mode, for which it obviously was not designed. As I've said before, it is just a beta simulator, certainly not a game. Great potential, poor execution, incomplete development. Move on for your own peace of mind.
  18. I'm not sure I understand the alternative to this. Surviving by using so many mods that you can't die, and the mission is unrecognizable from that which BIS designed, making it really a new game? :eek:
  19. After reading all these complaints about the mission, I replayed it on Veteran, and still loved it. It really helps if you re-key the Num 0 scope view to your fourth mouse button (if you have one), the one near your thumb. Then you can scope in and out real fast. The first time I played, I didn't know about the Num 0 scope. I thought mouse 2 did all the scope views. NOT. Why doesn't mouse 2 do scope for mounted guns? It is true that before you hit the town with the Zu-23 on the truck, the 2 client SUVs in the convoy can go off on their own into the hills. They usually eventually do follow you quite well. It's generally better that the clients are cautious and hold well back to avoid trouble, as the mission will fail if they are damaged or destroyed. I did see the mission end twice because the two client SUVs were "lost" in the hills, although undamaged. It can be frustrating when in a town under fire, you hit S for reverse, and your AI driver goes forward! ARGHH! I guess it is an AI driving object avoidance problem. The mission is classic BIS. Kick ass. Not for the faint of heart, as I have written before.
  20. With 1.57 and 1.58 beta patches, using default VERY HIGH video settings (including high AA), I played through A2 and OA campaigns with only rare crashes to desktop (CTD). With last 1.59 beta patch, and now with 1.59, I am getting WAY more CTD than with 1.57 or with 1.58 beta patches. I've been playing PMC 1.01, but I assume that the problem is across all of Arma 2/OA. The crashes are due to NVIDIA error: Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. I assume that something in the new patch is overtaxing my GTX 295. With the very high settings I have been using, my gpu temps will run as high as 89 deg C. I have had to start messing around with my A2 video settings for many hours to maximize fps and detail while keeping gpu temps down. Does anyone else notice significant performance differences with 1.59? I'm using 266.58 driver, multi-gpu, single display, triple buffering on, all other nvidia settings default. Here are the results of some tests with 1.59: 48 fps benchmark 8: 1680x1050 vis:=3600m texture detail=normal vid mem=high AF=high AA=low terrain detail=normal object detail=high shadows=high HDR=normal PP=low vsync on 48 fps benchmark 8: 1680x1050 vis:=3600m texture detail=normal vid mem=default AF=high AA=low terrain detail=normal object detail=high shadows=high HDR=normal PP=low vsync on 55 fps benchmark 8: 1680x1050 vis:=3600m texture detail=normal vid mem=default AF=high AA=disabled terrain detail=normal object detail=high shadows=high HDR=normal PP=low vsync on The main point here is that AA is all of a sudden killing fps performance on my 295. It starts to look like any AA setting other than disabled will cause the game-killing CTD (nvlddmkm error), but I am still trying to figure things out. There has been mention of ATOC AA. What is ATOC? Is that new in 1.59? I have never touched the arma2 config file. Should I fiddle with ATOC settings in that file? I've seen this in the 1.59 changelog: "[77289] Improved: Vegetation rendering using AToC (require antialiasing enabled)" I would GREATLY appreciate it someone could suggest optimal video settings for my setup if they are different from those above that I have been using. That's asking a lot, but I would be grateful. I've already checked out PvPscene's excellent video setup wiki page (http://pvpscene.net/wiki/doku.php?id=english:configure_your_game). video resolution= visibility= texture detail= vid mem= AF= AA= terrain detail= object detail= shadows= HDR= PP= vsync= ___________________________ Alienware Area 51 X58 ASUS X58 P6T Deluxe motherboard with integrated sound (SoundMAX) Core i7 940 2.93 GHz 6 GB DDR3 RAM 1333MHZ (3 x ELPIDA 2GB DDR3 1333MHZ JEDEC STANDARD PC3-1066) NVIDIA GTX 295 (2 PCB, 896x2 MB VRAM), no overclock, Video BIOS: 62.00.4E.00.02 NVIDIA GTX 295 Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_05E0&SUBSYS_064E10DE&REV_A1 Win 7 Home Premium x64 Dell 2408WFP monitor, 1920x1200, 60 Hz WESTERN DIGITAL 300GB 10,000rpm SATA HDD REV2 main hard drive 1000 watt power supply