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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions, especially the guide shared by Uro. The dynamic airport object now works roughly:
  2. Looks really good and the distance and fuel state radio calls are well done. I hope the basic refuel config stays the same, as I've rigged the Unsung planes and the F/A-18 for the USAF system. If there are any changes to them, please get in touch with me via PM so I can update the Unsung planes as well.
  3. Is there still any chance to see some sort of jamming for electronic warfare birds and ground stations? If not, is there a way to check and manipulate a side's view as well as individual units view on targets acquired by sensors? Background would be to give the EA-6B the task to duplicate sensor entries and hence simulate to 'spoof' radars, if there's no native jamming support.
  4. Anyone familiar with the ILS configuration? With the new dynamic airport object, auto landing and AI landing seems to be within grasp (without massive scripts). So far I've derived from the Freedom's dynamicAirport_01_F the following object: class DynamicAirport_01_F; class TTT_dynamicAirport: DynamicAirport_01_F { ilsDirection[] = {-0.5, 0.08, 3}; ilsPosition[] = {-25, 150}; }; This shows a nice landing hud for the Nimitz, when placed at the same position as the JDG_carrier_spawner (the Nimitz). The problem is, that the direction for landing is reversed, e.g. the autopilot tries to land from the bow. This unfortunately doesn't work... Any ideas how to revert the ilsDirection?
  5. I've added a Darter UAV and close by some OPFOR trucks to the mission, and those are reported as white hollow squares on the Mk 29 launcher radar sensor, as should be. However the radar I tried to create does not report the planes it detects. The radar itself however detects the planes and they are presented as solid green and white triangles on its radar sensor. Only when the planes are within detection range of the Darter, they are reported on the Mk 29 launcher radar sensor. Interestingly when I switch places with 'moveInGunner' between radar and Mk 29 launcher, I see the hollow triangles of the planes for a split second. I've checked the eden 'Object: Electronics & Sensors' checkboxes (Data Link Send, Data Link Receive, Data Link Position, Emission Control active) on the darter, radars and mk 29 launcher. The config also has the reportRemoteTargets and receiveRemoteTargets set.
  6. TeTeT

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    I fully agree, it would be awesome to spawn a single large object with all of the sub lods contained. From limited testing with the USNS Patuxent (thanks to NightIntruder for sharing) it seems that a 200 meter plus resolution lod works now, as does a geo lod with multiple smaller objects - a 200 meter geo lod will still not work. Unfortunately this approach came to a full stop when the road lod was tested, which still seems to be at the old 40 - 50 meter limit. On the USS Freedom itself, I think it's a great piece of work. The flightdeck looks so great, especially from a distance, as do the interiour rooms that are full of ambient objects. Well done! Of course there are still some scripting problems to be observed, but I'm sure those will be overcome. From the Nimitz point of view it would be great if the scripts would allow some mechanism to 'plugin' other third party code. For example the catapult script for the Nimitz would need to emit steam. I'm not sure if this is feasible though, as the base script would get rather complicated. Anyway, keep up the great work!
  7. Thanks for your trust in this mod. I'll first want to clarify that a team is working on the Nimitz, not only me. I'll forwarded your comment to the dev team. I very much hope that the 'carrier dream' can be kept floating in the form of the USS Freedom from B01 studios and BI, and also the Nimitz mod. We're looking forward to see the details on the Freedom and hope to find a way so the Nimitz can be compatible, so carrier based planes can depart and land on any given carrier on the map. And who knows if there are not other carriers joining soon :) On a personal note, I think that the flightdeck first approach is a very valid one. Most players enjoy the thrill of the rapid catapult start acceleration and the challenge to land on the ever so short flight deck. Some players want to extend this experience with a more thorough carrier experience, with elevators and hangar and repairs and rearmament and a bridge and what not. We hope to deliver a nice package for those players. On the next update and current development, I've started to continue some experiments with the sensors enhancement for the AA defenses and it looks ok. Currently I'm trying to figure out how to use the datalink sharing between radar and AA assets and planes. TheSn4k3 is working on an improved entrance area at the bow. Ulisses is improving the 2nd deck rooms, though it's not clear yet if this work will be included in the next update or later.
  8. Thanks for checking the config and the helpful comments! I tried to reproduce it with a 'cube' object and added the lodnoshadow and autocenter attributes, but it kept working. So I cannot reproduce the issue, sorry. On using the datalink to share data between radar and aa asset, I now added a radar with a range of 20km and the mk 29 sea sparrow launcher has a 16 km range. I had hoped that via datalink the mk 29 sea sparrow can see datalink targets on the radar between 16 and 20 km, but this does not seem to be the case. The sample mission has in the radar initbox 'this setVehicleRadar 1; this setVehicleReportRemoteTargets true;' and the mk 29 sea sparrow launcher has in the initbox 'this setVehicleReceiveRemoteTargets true;'. Anything obvious I'm missing or misunderstood?
  9. No, animDirection is not defined anywhere, neither for the Mk.29 Sea Sparrow nor for the Phalanx nor for the RIM-116. I've uploaded the config to http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/sensors/ttt_nimtech_aa_config.cpp . In the same directory is the experimental Nimitz build with the models et al, but binarized.
  10. Today I configured the Nimitz air defenses with active radar sensors. Strangely more or less the same config worked on the Phalanx and the RIM-116 RAM but not on the Mk.29 Sea Sparrow launcher. The radar would turn on on the Sea Sparrow launcher, but no aircraft would ever be detected. After a lot of fiddling I removed the attributes from geo lod of the Mk.29 Sea Sparrow launcher, lodnoshadow and autocenter. Once this was done the radar would work properly on the Sea Sparrow launcher. Not sure how the attributes relate to this? Maybe if all attributes are missing from the model lod, some sensible default values are used that make the radar work?
  11. TeTeT

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    I've heard from such requesters that they want to be able to control the version of the mod in their 'mod pack'. I guess it's a limitation of steam workshop that collections do not control versions for the mods, this would help in this use case.
  12. Hopefully the first error is gone in Echo, but in Delta it will still exist. Problem is that some of the selection in units need to be renamed/added. The second error is new with the 1.68 update and I haven't seen fully through it. I've opened feedback ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124249 on the issue that the 'this' object in a userAction does seem to point to the player now instead of the object. Strangely this does not seem to be always the case.
  13. We haven't finished the integration of Joe's and TheSn4k3's new entrance to the fore hull and hence there will be no update this weekend. We plan to have it ready soon, tm ;) Once the USS Freedom hits dev branch we'll take a look how this ship operates and what engine commands will support arresting and cat operations, if any. Then we will see if it will be possible to make the Nimitz compatible with it, without breaking existing functionality.
  14. TeTeT

    Getting an 3DEN attributes from init unit

    You can call a function from the expression, implementing the spawning of the objects within Eden, so they are present at mission start. Only drawback is that multiple settings of your array will spawn multiple objects. For this reason in the Nimitz I added two steps to 'populating' the carrier: First put the classnames in the Eden attribute list. Second use tools->Nimitz->Populate carrier to put the objects on the ship. As an alternative you can check with is3den in your script if it's called from Eden or not and only add objects in the mission.
  15. Hello, a short progress report on the incoming update. First, there's a fair chance that there will be no release at Easter, as real life takes it toll. On the current areas of work, some completed: improve front hull entrance area, added gangways by Joe, mostly done, one stray texture is barring a door and some model parts peeking out of the hull adjust weapon room height, the 2nd deck now sits solid on the same level improve weapons elevator , unlikely to be completed, we try anyway to make it more functional and less deadly added picture map of a map to briefing and map room maps (4 times map in a sentence, no flatmap though) updated Phalanx ciws by TheSn4k3 with new textures added touchdown tire squeal sound on succesfull trap fixed aa crew presence upon Eden checkbox toggle Tilly crash crane now removes Air, Land and Ship wrecks within 200 meters added new logos aft mast is hideable number selectable (non functional due to an Arma bug, works in dev though) There's also a work in progress with the secondary textures on the Nimitz hull by Shockley, we'll see if this becomes part of 0.99 or 0.100. Further plans are to renovate the hangars and 2nd deck. Cheers, TeTeT
  16. I've had that in the past too. Usually I load the graphics file with gimp and save it in a different format (png -> jpg, jpg -> png) and try again with the new format. Good luck.
  17. Check if the mods for mission are all on the server. Just stumbled over the same problem a couple of minutes ago.
  18. TeTeT

    Jets - Wheel/Suspension PhysX

    @Firewill, so the simulation is now 'airplaneX' with physx lod and the new suspension system and all of this is usable on the Nimitz without blow ups and so forth? Very good news!
  19. The reason is not known by me. Probably best add a feedback tracker ticket with the crash files attached and mention the ticket here.
  20. TeTeT

    Jets DLC revealed

    Not going to happen so soon ;) But the change in the RV engine to give the plane and UAV suspension a chance to work on the Nimitz was very welcome. I hope more carrier focused enhancements will happen in the engine, would allow us to dump a bunch of scripts and go for a more solid experience.
  21. TeTeT


    Nice work! How do you track the missiles that are being fired?
  22. Currently the number change configuration is broken on 1.68, but still works on dev branch. I just tested the UAV MQ-4A Greyhawk and the Caesar BTT plane on the flight deck and they stopped bumping over the fligthdeck. Previously at every joint in the geo lod the plane/UAV would brake to 0 and accelerate again. Now it seems to be a very smooth transition from one object to the next. That's not only good for the Nimitz, but also for those who want to use bridges as temporary runways for a change ;)
  23. Hello, some weeks ago I added support for changeable hull numbers for the Nimitz via an Eden attribute, a custom combo box. This has stopped working with the 1.68 update, although I'm pretty sure I tested it on RC. I've put the config up at http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/JDG_carrier-config.cpp and if anyone wants to check the experimental build, it's at http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/@Nimitz.7z The two parts of the config that no longer work (e.g. instead of a drop down list nothing is displayed) are: class ctrlCombo; // external class Cfg3DEN { class Attributes { class Default; class Title: Default { class Controls { class Title; }; }; class TTT_Nimitz_NumberCombo: Title { attributeLoad = "[_this controlsGroupCtrl 100, _config] call ttt_fnc_attributeLoadCombo;"; attributeSave = "[_this controlsGroupCtrl 100, _config] call ttt_fnc_attributeSaveCombo;"; class Controls: Controls { class Title: Title{}; class Value: ctrlCombo { idc = 100; x = ATTRIBUTE_TITLE_W * 2 * GRID_W; w = ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT_W * GRID_W; h = SIZE_M * GRID_H * 1.2; class Items { class Nimitz { text = "CVN-68 Nimitz"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number68_ca.paa"; }; class Eisenhower { text = "CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number69_ca.paa"; }; class Vinson { text = "CVN-70 Carl Vinson"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number70_ca.paa"; }; class Roosevelt { text = "CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number71_ca.paa"; }; class Lincoln { text = "CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number72_ca.paa"; }; class Washington { text = "CVN-73 George Washington"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number73_ca.paa"; }; class Stennis { text = "CVN-74 John C. Stennis"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number74_ca.paa"; }; class Truman { text = "CVN-75 Harry S. Truman"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number75_ca.paa"; }; class Reagan { text = "CVN-76 Ronald Reagan"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number76_ca.paa"; }; class Bush { text = "CVN-77 George H.W. Bush"; data = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number77_ca.paa"; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; and the attribute itself: class Number { displayName = "Choose number"; tooltip = "Change the number on the island and foredeck"; property = "ttt_nimitz_number"; control = "TTT_Nimitz_NumberCombo"; expression = "_this setVariable ['%s', _value]; [_this, _value] call TTT_fnc_number;"; defaultValue = "jdg_carrier\data\num\number68_ca.paa"; typeName = "STRING"; }; TeTeT
  24. Just tested a similar config on dev branch from today and it works there. Only change I had to make was to reduce the width of the value combo box: x = ATTRIBUTE_TITLE_W * 2 * GRID_W; -> x = ATTRIBUTE_TITLE_W * GRID_W;
  25. TeTeT

    Civil Aviation

    Might be related, the get-in and get-in-dir memory points for the SU-35 was not on the ground and no one could get in after 1.68 update. I lowered it to the ground level and now it works again. Might be the same core issue.