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Everything posted by djfluffwug

  1. djfluffwug

    Take on helicopter environments for ARMA 3 ?

    Voxel animation is possible. I don't know why people said it isn't. Research would be good people ;) Plus physics and destruction is also possible with voxels. (Nobody heard of AE?)
  2. djfluffwug

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    1. Realistic Post Processing effects. This comic comes to mind: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/images/070119.jpg 2. Better Animations (Good this is being worked on :D) 3. Shooting out of vehicles (As mentioned alot) 4. More focus on campaign gameplay.
  3. Not punkbuster. I also have had so many problems with it. Plus getting banned from hacks when I wasn't hacking in games...
  4. djfluffwug

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Is it just me or is the second pictures artifacts pointed out similar to the shape of the Aries star sign? xD (I am really stretching this theory :P) Note: Nevermind. It is completely different :D
  5. djfluffwug

    ArmA 3 Multiplayer Ideas and Improvements

    Sorry for not having my searching skills up to scratch. Though I thought a seperate post for Multiplayer ideas would be good since multiplayer is a large part of the ArmA series.
  6. In advanced, sorry if there is already a thread like this but I did a quick search and couldn't see one. I thought I would make a post so everyone can post their ideas and improvements for multiplayer in ArmA 3. I will start by laying down some of my ideas. 1. Better Multiplayer Browser UI For new ArmA players most find that the Browser is confusing. The list of multiplayer sessions looks scrambled and quite hard to understand. Also, for some reason (As others have noted) most of the empty servers are shown at the top and it is quite hard to find populated games. I think the browser should be filtered by lowest ping vs player count so there is a good amount of players and a low ping. This would help new players find a suitable game to join with ease. 2. Auto Mod Downloading I saw someone list this on the forum earlier and it would help new players into games without having to search the net for hours on how to install mods and which ones to install. I am not sure exactly how this would be implemented as there are various ways but I think this would be a good feature. 3. Improved Game Modes I think this is one of the things that makes new players turn away from the ArmA series (Well atleast my friends I know). The vanilla game modes don't seem to be up to scratch. For the casual new player they are boring and hard to understand. Most new players are thrown into a hostile and unnatural environment and have no idea what to do. I see many players going onto ArmA servers and constantly asking what to do. Their needs to be maybe a popup instructional box at the start of the game briefly describing the game mode and how to play. This would help new players into the confusing world of ArmA drastically. If this was implemented I don't think we would have anyone really asking how to play. Also, the game modes need to be polished so more servers will implement them. Hardly any of the ArmA 2 servers are running vanilla game modes. I could think of more but I don't want to ramble on too much. I would like to hear anyone elses multiplayer Ideas and Improvements for Arma 3 :D And PLEASE keep the posts friendly and non arguementative!
  7. djfluffwug

    Arma3 - content pack chace Bi-sudio - army packs

    It is kinda pointless but if we can narrow the countries down to the popular ones I think it would be a great idea! (When I say popular I don't just mean US. I mean just a small amount of other countries apart from US)
  8. djfluffwug

    Arma3 - content pack chace Bi-sudio - army packs

    Yeh, the current stuff they have shown is beyond what I expected for ArmA 3. I think it will be an absolutely awesome game :D (Sorry for going off topic there) Anyways, I think if they added some full armies in at the scale of the US army they currently have it would make multiplayer even more entertaining :D
  9. djfluffwug

    Arma3 - content pack chace Bi-sudio - army packs

    I would love to see an official Australian army in the game :D I think also an Australian map would be awesome for some missions due to the different landscape of Australia. (Though would take alot of extra effort to design a whole map just for Australia). PS: I swear almost every thread I have checked out today has Cameron and CJ argueing. Please make an arguement thread in the offtopic xD