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=242= CPT. Helios

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Everything posted by =242= CPT. Helios

  1. =242= CPT. Helios

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    I'm using this mod, but not CUP, but I can't place this LHD in the Eden editor anywhere. I filter for LHD, Atlas, HMS, USS, but nothing turns up Does this mod require CUP? If so it should be stated that it does.
  2. Is there a way to close the menuposition dialog without respawning?
  3. I'm looking for a way to find, isolate and close the Menuposition dialog as soon as it comes up. I need some kind of command to close this dialog accurately and reliably once the player is dead.
  4. I saw that apparently the ArmA devs had added set/get speciality command to the scripting engine. But I can't guess for the life of me how this command works, or find any documentation for it. I'm using the latest stable branch, btw.
  5. Mods please delete this.
  6. After the removal of the merge feature, my group attempted to use my mission template, which contained a number of synchronized units and modules. We use these modules to ensure the stability and uniformity of our missions. However, 3den does not have the merge feature anymore, and when units are copy-pasted between missions, their synchronizations to modules, is lost. I have not yet tested the synchronizations between triggers. Problem: Units and modules lose their synchronizations when copy pasted between maps in 3den. Steps to reproduce. 1. Create a mission - Preferably in VR. 2. Place any unit and module and synchronize them together using the right click context menu. 3. Drag select and copy these units with control + C. 4. Open a new scenario in a new map without closing 3den. 5. Paste the units with control + P. You will notice that your synchronization between units has been lost. This is a significant feature for my group, as we use this mission template to ensure uniformity of play, and to expedite the mission making process.
  7. None of what you've said here is true. You're overreacting and are being really inflammatory and derisive for no real reason. No one is deleting your shit, and if you don't want to be replied to, then don't bother shit posting to people. Please remember that BIS are actual human beings, and not robots who you can complain at as if they're not real. The least you could do is actually look at how the thing works before you go writing nonsense like this.
  8. =242= CPT. Helios

    Wheeled APC have strange KindOf

    The AMV-7 Marshall of NATO and Marid of CSAT are classified as cars. I have determined this by placing one into the editor and using vehicle player isKindof "Car" and seeing if the result returns true, which it does. This, however, brings up some issues. These are clearly not hunters, they are Infantry Fighting Vehicles. I have some scripts which try to regulate which vehicles can be used by which classes. Crewmen are allowed to use tanks, IFVs, and APCs, where infantry are not. This is not a problem if we use the other APC for NATO, but we lose the capabilities of the Marshall. It would be much better if we could have the marshall and marid reclassified from Car to wheeled APC.
  9. It's a smaller Chernarus with different textures and minor differences. Fly around it with EDEN and see what comes to your mind.
  10. I don't really understand what you're missing besides gamelogic waypoints I mean, okay then. There's really not much of anything to relearn, you can pick up pretty much all of the UI changes in about 30 seconds. I really feel that BI is damned if they do, damned if they don't by people like you. I see complaints that the tools are ancient, and need some updates, but when BI releases some updates, people complain about alienation. I really see nothing is gone save for a few features like AND OR waypoints with gamelogics, etc. But if you really must fall back to ArmA II, I guess there's really no stopping you if this is your response.
  11. =242= CPT. Helios

    EDEN destroying Headless Client setup

    Virtual entities are currently bugged. I would assume that this includes your current headless client setup. The Bohemia devs have stated that they're working on it and a fix should be out soon.
  12. =242= CPT. Helios

    Broken Scenario Attributes

    I'm afraid that I was mistaken. I did some more testing with this, and it seems that eden has a tendency to load the attributes of the previous mission saved, and not the mission that's currently being worked on. Loading a mission on Stratis named Mission A, then switching the editor to previewing mission B, will load the attributes of Mission A on some occasions. This lead my to believe that there was something wrong with the attributes. However, I've seen that this issue is resolved outside of Eden, once the PBO is loaded. I've only seen this error persist once, with one mission back in the old 2d editor, so I don't think it's really worth pursing right now. Sorry about that. As for the debug console. The scenario attribute for enabling the debug console outside through the scenario attributes seems to not work sometimes. When I load a mission using the Description.EXT, these functions appear to work all the time. I usually only see this issue when previewing a mission in the editor. Thanks for the awesome work, BI
  13. =242= CPT. Helios

    Lack of map object interaction/IDs in Eden

    Given this reasoning, would it be possible for us to get a way to detect the classname of a particular building or object on the map just by looking at it?
  14. =242= CPT. Helios

    Virtual Entities in Eden do not work

    Case I. - Virtual Game Master placed in editor 1. Place a virtual GAME MASTER entity and ensure that he is zeus. 2. Attempt to load your mission using a dedicated server, slotting into the zeus slot. 3. You will notice that you will not be able to load. It my particular case, as soon as the admin pushed escape, and stopped loading in as a game master, all players immediately loaded into the game without incident. Case II. Virtual SPECTATOR placed in game. 1. Create an empty mission with 1 player 2. Execute the following code on the player using a function (Or remove the underscores and use the debug console). This code was confirmed to be working before the eden update. _unit = player; BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = false; createcenter sideLogic; _newGroup = createGroup sideLogic; _newUnit = _newGroup createUnit ["VirtualCurator_F",[0,0,0], [] ,0, "FORM"]; _newUnit allowdamage false; _newUnit hideObjectGlobal true; _newUnit EnableSimulation false; _newUnit setposasl [0,0,150]; selectplayer _newUnit; waituntil{player == _newUnit}; deleteVehicle _unit; ["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; You will notice that you can not switch to this new spectating unit, your character will also be stuck, unable to move or interact in any way other than to exit the game.
  15. =242= CPT. Helios

    Merging Missions?

    I've got a template of playable units, scripts, modules and settings for ACE, a briefing and respawn settings already preconfigured for use with my group. My group uses this template mission in order to drastically cut down on the time to make missions with unified settings. Will we, in the future, be able to get a way to merge units with 3den? This feature is highly missed :(
  16. =242= CPT. Helios

    JIP in EDEN

    I'm seeing this error everywhere. My mistake
  17. =242= CPT. Helios


    I'm occasionally having this problem as well
  18. I really wish we could get some kind of info from BIS about this change.
  19. =242= CPT. Helios

    Eden - Author problems?

    The solution for now is to use a description.EXT file with the following line entered. Author = "gadjr114";
  20. =242= CPT. Helios

    JIP in EDEN

    Just use a description.EXT file. It works better IMO
  21. I think I'm having this issue as well, will try to confirm
  22. =242= CPT. Helios

    Eden - Retain custom spawn loadouts after respawn

    I just tested this system, it appears to be working properly. I have only tested one respawn and not multiple ones, however it appears to be working.
  23. =242= CPT. Helios

    Merging Missions?

    I'm referring to the fact that synchronizations made in a previous mission, for the purpose of expediency when making new missions, are lost when copy pasting over, but were preserved when merging.
  24. =242= CPT. Helios

    Cannot set faction specific respawn templates

    Excellent, thanks
  25. =242= CPT. Helios

    Broken Scenario Attributes

    I also had this issue with a zeus module that was set to #adminlogged. I was not able to, on a dedicated server or in Local Host, get zeus to work properly using #adminlogged.