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Everything posted by Monan101

  1. Ok so i've created a mission and need a support unit (ambulance) to be followed by a non grouped apc to protect it while it is executing the support command. I can't just group the 2 units together because the protection team will exit their vehicle and i need them to stay inside to cover the medics. any help would be appreciated, searched and didn't find what i was after.
  2. i've found a more simple solution to this problem, i had a similar problem it goes. b domove (a modelToWorld [7]); "b" being the unit you want to follow another unit. "a" being the unit to be followed. works for me so far. make sure to name each unit
  3. ok my problem is i want to make a mission, where a british patrol comes up to a town, but i want to have the first couple of minutes at the start, e.g where the troops are loading vehicles, to not show. is there a script that does this? i've tried searching but can't find anything.
  4. that will do, thanks
  5. sorry should have been more clear :/ i want the whole mission to kind of fade in from black say 2 minutes into the journey, so i don't need to listen to the orders and wait for the vehicle to move. i want to be able to start the mission while the apc is driving on it's way to a waypoint and i also wanted to have a squad not attatched to the apc's group to be inside. Move in cargo is exactly what i was looking for thanks!, now i just need to get the mission start time to change
  6. Im running the game on low most of the time because i get terrible fps at any other point my specs are: intel core i5 x2 3.20 ghz ATI radeon 5450 512mb (not great but meets recommended) 3 gb RAM windows 7 64-bit as far as i can tell the game should work well in medium to high settings but its far from it. when i first got it i was playing in high settings but it seems to have decided it cant be bothered anymore. anyone able to help me sort the low frame rate out? downloaded the patch to 1.08 no difference.