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About slade1988

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Hello guys i have a big problem. I bougt apex and now i want to play the campaign (solo or even host a mp game) but everytime the came crash and e roor pop up ErrorMessage: Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramDaytimeHour.hpp not found. i tried to verify steam data but without a result. Can anyone help me to fix this error? i dont want to download arma 3 content again because it takes days... thank you!
  2. slade1988

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Only some very special people are allowed to get theire hands on this mod by now. And they never asked me for that, I just came up and gave it to them, because they where loyal. :)
  3. slade1988

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey guys, ive just tested version 1.4 :P and "wow" is the only word ive to say...Jarhead, as always, well done my friend :)
  4. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    so we was never talking about any changes of the blufor weapons and especially not to change the configs because all configs WAS 100%, after conrad destroyed them. Im so sorry for all errors and ctd caused by changed configs. dont know what konrad is doing. im angry about the fact that weve conditions and he dont care about it. Now its the time to say godbye. Ill leave (my) RWS project because i think theres no sence to continue (atm). konrad is the leader of the project now. Ive to do other things now. Konrad i wish u all the best. dont mess it up. THX to all fans who liked RWS and THX to all who tried to help (especially kju and sickboy) respectfully SladeUSSOCOM
  5. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    Yes Konrad that was inappropriate because thats was the answer of my question and its just for understanding how the rtp works. Im glad that Sickboy is helping us (and of course all other guys). And i agree with Günther...
  6. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    @günther: i know, ive recorded it myself in a room, its like a placeholder. it was fixed in the lost version. @sickboy: The missions are MSO Takistan and Chernarus as well as Domination Takistan, Lingor and isla Duala, edited by Smokey (USSOCOM). Thats from the ace version before the last update. Im using Six Updater suite and im updating every friday (Socom based interval) Ive a lot of ace based rpt entries with using this missions. any suggestions or even a solution?
  7. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    Just for understanding: I´d reworked all sound errors, missing sounds, rtp errors and i changed all configs kju send me (thx!) and all errors u get (without the opfor sounds ofcourse) was fixed. and when iwas ready for the release my windows crashed. i lost the whole work. only the currently available datas i have. and thats the reason u still have rtp errors. im sorry. i try to fix it again. i say again: thanks for the help with the configs. respect to everyone! just a little extract of my rtp file only with ace: or arent this ace errors?
  8. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    GOD DAMIT! Just look at the ACE RTP errors so uve to fix them first, after that uve to say sth about other mod´s rtp errors. even vanilla arma have rtp errors (!). well, as jarhead said its all free, and were happy about any help. when everyone pay 20 € for each DL, we´ll release a error free sound mod. by the way, ive no time to work on the mod anymore and after my pc crash last week i lost a lot of sounds. its like a virus, jarhead, opticalsnare and me lost all stuff at the same time....if i have time ill rework some configs and try to fix the rtp errors. But konrad still working. so rws isnt finished.
  9. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    just copy the pbos in the folder
  10. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    ye thx. ill fix it. currently its going a bit slow cause weve less time. and maybe theres coming a very very big suprise....we will see. pls be patient. it will take some time.
  11. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    i dont understand the problem. never change any pbo´s in the ace original folders! its so easy: WITH ACE -> ACTIVATE @RWS_ACE WITHOUT ACE -> DONT USE @RWS ACE load the updates and replace the exist folders....
  12. slade1988

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    hey mark i foud also a way to do 2 sounds at same time, and currently im working to get a 3rd sound:eek: Stereo doenst work, only music. and i dont think its possible to play 2 sounds at the same time to get stereo feeling. its a problem of the soundengine itself. And i hope that the soundengine gets an update too.
  13. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    when blufor, opfor, Soniccracks and envirenment sounds reached a good beta status, i think ill do vehicles sounds next. but first ive to fix some little issues and help konrad todo the opfor sounds.
  14. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    heres another one. im sorry dont know the status but hes still doing ;)
  15. slade1988

    RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

    hey heres a video of the upcoming soniccracks. @ dap: the soundengine creats the distand sounds automatic. dont know how to add other distands sounds yet.