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About 4958stanton

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    Private First Class


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  1. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    Well the new patch 1.57 for OA has been a bit better ,on the benchmark I get 67FPS. B4 I got 42 but still there is parts of the game that only use 32% of each gpu? What Fps are peeps seeing with this new patch.
  2. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    Right got 10.12,all settings set to very high,aa set to normal. FPS 45-23 look up at the sky 154fps but in towns,and lots of trees 30 23 Fps. NOT GOOD! Lol GPU load is 67% on each GPU,well crossfire works now but it's not very good on this game hope it gets better. Who has a 6870 crossfire set up and what FPS are you getting ?
  3. For crossfire use this http://www.radeonpro.info/en-US/ hope it helps
  4. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    Try this it's sorted out lots of me games for crossfire http://www.radeonpro.info/en-US/ very good app Must have !
  5. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    i no but when it dose work they kick ass:o
  6. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    just done the xp thing but still same fps and just one gpu,thanks all for the help but looks like this game dose not use xfire gutted thats why i got 2 6870,s to play this game in max setting :mad:---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 PM ---------- i no what u mean mate ati/amd #### but like allways will have to wate for ccc 10.12 and that will sort it out, NOT:(
  7. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    lol soz mate looked at what u said but dident sink in,but cant use that in OA. OA is only useing one gpu how do i get crossfire to work?
  8. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    I used gpu-z and just run crysis and only uses one card and now in arma 2 oa it only uses one card as well ? Ps just put 10.10e on again and now one card works this crossfire stuff is bad if I new it was going to be this bad I would have stuck with one 6870 and no I haven't used the winxp switch will this work for other games?
  9. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    Hi one card is at 100% and the other is at 24% can't seem to sort this out Help plz
  10. same as me mate,2x 6870 :(gutted hope some one can help
  11. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    just useing one gpu now and the fps are the same as when i have two, WTF is going on how do i get the game to use 2 gpu,s i no the cards work because when i play crysis all max settings and 4xaa i get 60fps and that game is well old and that uses crossfire.hope someone can help as i love this game so much :confused:
  12. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    Thanks for the info but dose it all the time get good fps then it drops to 20 fps is crossfire not good on this game?
  13. 4958stanton

    Plz help 6870 crossfire ARMA 2 OA Bad FPS

    Done that don't help
  14. Hi comp in me sig.Right my comp can max out all games I have but not this,ime getting 30fps with all settings to max 1080 P ,AA set to low but keep getting fps drops to 22-15 fps ps if I do the bench mark in OA I get 55-60 fps with all settings at max but in game it's bad PLZ help is there a good setup for 6870 crossfire