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Everything posted by taro8

  1. Ok, so I set myself very nice mission using SecOps as centerpiece. However I dont know how to make mission ending. DnA posted that you can check SecOps history to see how many times you succeeded and failed SecOps missions. I would like to use this to make a waypoint that ends the mission after player reaches it and that shows up only after 3 successful SecOps missions. How do I do this? BTW: Right now I have Unsung vietnam map, ACM set to max to spice up things a little, other ambient modules, air taxi script to carry my ass around, advanced artillery script, UAV script, behavior jukebox script, and revive script as I suck at not dieing :p. I must say that in those conditions SecOps works wonderfully, I really advise everyone to check out that module if they didnt.
  2. So, any luck with this scipt? I could really use any kind of something like this.
  3. I know there are air support scripts, but im not happy with those ones. I will try to tell you guys what I would like to see. Basically I want plane to take off (more on that later) fly over attack position marked by player, plop a bomb on it (it shouldnt be "perfect" drop, but somewhere in radius) and then return to base. I dont know exact commands for scripts, but I will try to tell you what I want. First take off and landing. This a bit more complicated to ensure that AI wont crash its stupid ass on some tree when it tries to take off or land. You place a plane on airfield, crew it and call it "supportplane", plane is just to wait there. When players calls in for support a script runs that does this: 1. Turns on plane engine 2. Teleports plane in the air (300m) and move like it took off (azimuth and position) 4. Sets plane speed to 400 Km/h or something like this. I think this can be done using command like this: supportplane set speed 400. I dunno about this one. 5. Tells plane to fly to area marked by player. Landing After plane flies over place marked by player (to drop bomb) custom value missioncomplete is set to 1. Then plane is told to fly back to the position it was spawned on. Around airfield there is a trigger that checks if plane is inside of it, then checks if missioncomplete is 1. If it is then it runs a script that is pretty much inversion of take off script. 1. Turn off engine 2. Sets speed to 0 3. Teleports plane to starting position 4. Refuels and repairs plane if needed 5. Sets missioncomplete value to 0 I cant say much about actual bombing run. Player calls it via radio, when plane flies around place marked by player a bomb is spawned so it can fall and blow up stuff. I do not know how to make this, but I know that you need to get position of place that was clicked on map by player. As I said before: bomb shouldnt fall dead on on marked place, but somewhere around it. Plane just flies over, it should have "careless" behavior. Does anybody want to write actual script for this?
  4. Thanks a lot! I didnt put much thought to actual bomb run script as I knew there is a lot of it. However I found out that most of them drop a bomb directly on place marked by player. Also in Draper's air support script the support plane simply attacks stuff on the ground without returning to base. I think my idea about careless plane that simply flies over is better here. BTW: I think that the script you posted could be used to simulate carpet bombing, you have to loop the bomb spawning part. Also you wold have to add custom variable that is increased with each bomb spawned until it meets condition that stop spawning new bombs. I think its very much possible to create something like this. About plane: my point here was that you can manually place plane on airfield like its waiting for mission and its put in the air via script when player calls for support. Scripted landing and take off is important as i know that AI can do a LOT of weird things. Besides I think it will look cool when you are taking off to mission and see stuff that will give you support for duration. EDIT: I just got an idea how to improve my...well idea. When calling for air support player has to put two marks on map to create pipe the plane flies in. They would be weapoints plane flies through with third weapon created automatically via script, several klicks away with same angle, to ensure that plane will make proper bombing run, even if its carpet bombing, then script tells plane to return to its starting location (airfield). Hmm, maybe script should create 2 weapoints, one before the "pipe" weapoint and one after target weapoint, this would make it very hard to mes up calling in support, even if player sets his own weapoints very close to each other.
  5. Come on guys, lets tackle take off and landing at least. I tried finding a script that would teleport stuff, but I didnt have any luck. However im pretty sure its possible to set speed via script, but Im not sure about engine, I think that something like "action engineon" would be required.
  6. Point here is to actually prevent player from dying while still making it possible to "harm" him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, about that arcade script Im not all that good at this kind of stuff, but I will try my best to describe I mean. This are only random thoughts, no actual code. So first player unit has to have this in its init field: As you know this prevents player from taking damage. then another piece: I think this will make game run that function/script/whatever every time player is hit, hopefully ["handleDamage", { false }] will allow game to register this hit. set playerdamagecount +0.1 <- if you put this everytime player is hit game adds +0.1 to varaible that counts how many times player was hit. Then damage script would have something this: Beauty here lies in fact that its VERY easy change difficulty by simply changing number in "set playerdamagecount +0.1", especially if its in player init field. For 0.1 player can take 10 hits before he is teleported, if you change it to 0.25 then he can only take 4 hits and so on. Walk-it-off system would require more attention, but it would follow similar way.
  7. Maybe you could try out my idea with attached "shadow" just for now, until we come up with better idea. BTW: Would you spare some time to write script for pretty pimped out "walk-it-off" system, with image blur, increasingly red and fading screen? Not now, maybe later.
  8. Im complete n00b at coding and I dont know proper commands. The reason why it was hit was just an idea how to detect if player was hit while he's invincible. It would be something like arcade health system. Anyway, good that you know how to use CALL, HateDread could use that knowledge. However there is still issue with stuff that can insta kill player.
  9. I dont think that this "shadow" would create all that much trouble. After all its only supposed to be attached to player and take damage, die and be revived. The question is: if it will be invisible, can it take damage? Anyway, I think you need to use CALL like this: Just a guess. BTW: Could you write that arcade script I was talking about? I could use that one. EDIT: Dude I just realized that you can make "walk-it-off" health system using that "arcade" style script. However here you can combine this with first aid!
  10. Oh, Ive got great idea! How about creating some other, invisible, silent and defenseless NPC that is attached ("attachto" command) directly to player? If he dies player is teleported out, then he is revived by the same script. Also his damage can be transmited to player, who is invincible all the time.
  11. Rather important thing: I found out that "addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { false }]" dosent work all that good. In ACE it dosent work for me, but "objectName allowDamage false" does work, you can try first script with this one.
  12. As I said before you need script that will NEVER allow player to go over that 0.99 damage, and that script should be always in effect, then first script will work perfectly. Or you can do more aracade stuff like this: add this to player init: then: In script: VERY crude, but I thnk it will work. EDIT: If you somehow manage to get how much player was hit for then you can do something like this: This way you can get hurt and player is still invincible all the time so heavy stuff cant kill him.
  13. Predator or not, I just see this script as a nice way to lower difficulty quite a bit for n00bs like me without making player invincible. If its for Predator then my idea idea with arcade-like "hit-points" (Aliens vs Predator hurrrr) is pretty sound. However I would advice you to continue working on this so it can be used for normal humans as well.
  14. I was afraid this would happen. Maybe make player invincible from start, then make script that counts damage dealt to player using this: Instead of 'setdamage 0" make it add stuff to your custom variable that will count player damage. Problem here is that you somehow need to get how much damage was dealt to player per one hit. If not then you can still make use of this, if you use simple values like +1 per hit so at 10 player gets teleported. You would get same damage from tank as from rifle man, creating something like hearts or hit-points system like in old arcade games :p. However this is still pretty interesting concept. BTW: Even low intesity fire proof player is very nice thing, nice job on that one. EDIT: To make that first script a bit more fancy you can do something like this: once you are nearly dead and crawl on the ground bleeding the screen fades out, some time skips, you are teleported to some first aid station and screen fades in. Maybe you can add some radio chatter like: "Fist Alpha, this is Tiger Den, report status! Come in Fist Alpha. (pause) Fist Alpha is down organise MEDEVAC (goes on).....". It would be nice if dialogs could use callsigns you can set in SOM.
  15. This pretty interesting thing, it would allow to bypass problems with SOM and ACM synchronization. So so I understand that this: Works this way: every time unit receives damage script runs. So in that script there should be lines like: Problem here is that you need to find a way to prevent player from being actually killed. I think there would be lag between getting hurt and running the script, so in this window player could be killed. Another thing is that lots of stuff can insta kill player as well (bombs, tanks etc.). So there need to be script that works always and decreases damage dealt to player so he can only go to that 0.99 and then invincibility kicks in: BTW: you will need to remove invincibilty after player is teleported and healed. I have no idea about coding just posing some random thoughts.