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Everything posted by taro8

  1. Just testing waters before Gunship comes around. Im replacing the base classes so Pelicans are used in the vanilla missions.
  2. So it will be still impossible to replace Blackfoot with a pelican? I mean just a simple config replacer like this: class B_Heli_Attack_01_F : TEI_pelican_unarmed_black { };
  3. Oh, does it mean Blackfoot can be replaced with a Pelican without much of an issue?
  4. I really did try to put weapons on the Pelican via config, but try as I might, I could add the weapons for a pilot, but not for the gunner. Also: since you guys used B_Heli_Attack_01_F (Blackfoot) as a base for pelicans when I tried to replace Blackfoot with my Pelican Gunship the game simply crashes when I try to place any unit. I think some feedback loop is going on. Is there any way to use config to add an automatic Init for a vehicle? So I can add weapons that way to any spawned Gunship.
  5. Just a moment ago I had MASSIVE issues with ALiVE, my game kept crashing when loading any ALiVE mission I created. After much rage and disabling mods one by one I found the source of the problem: (very slightly) outdated ASDG Joint Rails. Once I downloaded the very latest version everything is back up and running. As for those conditions: What I would really need is a way to count the number of missions successfully completed by player. Not much else really. I noticed that if you get a Kill HVT task very often you get another one right after in same place, but to kill some other dude. Ideas for generated missions: *sling loading and transporting some cargo *rearming/fixing/refuelling some vehicle in the field *providing medical support to some units *scouting an area *waypoint patrol Alive is a total blast. I cooked myself a mission that I can just fire up and do some stuff. Few moments ago I had to drop some troops on top of a mountain, I used a Huey to do the job, flying low in the mountains to avoid ManPADS, it was awesome.
  6. A request regarding custom armors: could you include the UV map file as well? It will make easier to retexture stuff. Was playing my homecooked dynamic mission based on ALiVE (its a blast). I was pwning some doodes in my AH-9 while I realized something: the Pelican is as fast as the Littlebird, not much less manoeuvrable, but is capable of taking 12 people into cargo along with sling loaded cargo and with the jury-rigged Gunship weapon setup it has as much firepower as Mi-24. Pelican is fucking OP man... and I LOVE it!
  7. Thanks. Heh, now all we need is some attachto magic to add rear guns and we have Pelican Gunship :p. BTW: Do you guys think that Pelican pilot should sit above the gunner? EDIT: Would it be possible to add those weapons in a vehicle config so I could create a "permanent" Pelican gunship to place in the editor?
  8. GIVE! NAO! Is it a script that uses attach to? or something else?
  9. Hi folks. I have a question: how can I set up victory condition based on ALiVE. Single player: My side (BLUFOR) is in invasion mode, while OPFOR is in occupation. Everything takes place on Panthera Island with BLUFOR controlling 4 airfields and OPFOR getting the rest. BLUFOR is set to capture civilian and military targets, while OPFOR commander is linked to BLUFOR military targets (so OPFOR will try to capture the airfields). Failure: *player death (we will see, maybe I will run it as multi to get respawns). or *BLUFOR is pushed out from all 4 airbases Victory: *BLUFOR controls X% of all objectives or *player successfully completes X number of auto generated missions. Is it possible to set conditions like that?
  10. Would it be possible to have this FSM run on every unit that has large med pack in the inventory? So I dont need to micro medics to heal people.
  11. Could you guys add sound to the ramp opening and closing animation on the Pelican? Also, an action(s) to move around inside the Pelican, ie. from cargo to pilot, co-pilot, rear gunners and any of the combinations. EDIT: Will Cougar be able to transport troops?
  12. Pelican again: AI seems to be very rough when landing it. I tested it out with vanilla support transport and after few courses the D77 lost over half of its health (checked using zeus). Also when AI hits the ground everyone receive some very minor damage (I noticed it only cause TPW HUD flashes when you are hit).
  13. I like those green armor pieces, it reminds me of Imperial Guardsmen from WH 40k.
  14. I have a request: make it possible to move around in Pelicans cargo, from and to rear "gunners" positions.
  15. Hmm... fanon: a gunship Falcon (Hawk? Eagle?) without passenger compartment, but with gunner and wings for rocket and missile launchers, along with underchin gun. Basically what AH-1 Cobra was to Huey.
  16. I guess you could add a hidden gunner to falcon, who could control the cannon. If that's not possible then maybe at least give pilot some rocket pods or something.
  17. I did some testing on the D77 and I found out that bodyFrictionCoef = 1.0777; Seems to work rather well, AI flies faster (about 183 KM/h) while keeping the attitude pretty well, you can get up to 214KM/h (I checked this one this time). I noticed that if you push the nose down it has the slight tendency to pitch up once you fly forward, but AI seems to handle it. Some more testing is needed though. EDIT: TEI 0.15, now with 100% more space frigates and 23.6% more rainbows.
  18. You know what would be cool? Pelican Gunship should have 2 rear gunners with HMG's.
  19. Well then, could we at least get a dedicated ground attack version of the Hornet? Pelican is a giant target, something smaller could be useful. I found this floating in the web, fanon, but looks damn cool: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/171/d/8/mv_14b_hornet_by_splinteredmatt-d4etql0.png A stubby wings with missiles and rocket pods instead of passenger bench would be great. While we are at the Hornet: are the passengers going to sit or stand on the sides? I kinda dont like the idea of them standing around, not only its more dangerous, but it would tire the soldiers out.
  20. Sorry I was thinking that USNC lacked any kind of guided missiles, derp. Still, an AA and AT missiles are vastly different AT rocket has to punch through the armor, while AA must catch the target and at least splash it with shrapnel. Even if they can lock onto both types they wont be as effective. Although I did manage to knock out a charging T-72 with a Stinger, from the front :p. Hornet is tiny little baby man attack aircraft, we need something bigger and manlier for a dedicated ground attack VTOL.
  21. I think that AV-22 Sparrowhawk will be included at some point. Maybe we could have variants: one with rail guns and other with ATGM's and maybe FFAR's. BTW: Scorpion Gunship from the Avatar movie looks pretty cool too. Still, Im curious about the lack of ATGM's in Halo-verse. Gauss weaponry does sound like a great alternative as APS wouldnt be able to protect from it. However total absence? That is just odd. ATGM's have the fire-and-forget perk and can be fired without the need of pointing a gun at target, with makes it likely to miss if target or the firing platform moves around. In the end we could give the ANVIL-II a DAGR like homing system. Would such change require any rework of the model, or it would need to be config change only? If its config only I guess I could toy around with it just for giggles, no promises though, I like that AI is able to use D77 without much issues. About Pelican's flight characteristic: if you would increase the overall mass of an aircraft, would it make it descend faster? EDIT: Answer is no, but higher mass makes the vehicle react more to directions. PS: An idea: static rail gun that can be broken down and carried by infantry.
  22. I think I have a problem with the recoil. At first everything works fine, but some time into the mission every time I fire my rifle the game hangs for a split second. I need to do some more testing though, but recoil seems the most likely source of the problem as it does act every time I fire the gun. EDIT: Yeah, it seems it was the Recoil. I installed only explosion shake and twitch and didnt have any problems when firing the gun later in missions.
  23. The post about Pelican Gunship lacking any ATGM's interested me. I noticed that UNSC has very little in terms of guided anti-tank (and anti-aircraft) missiles. All you see is rail guns and and unguided rocket launchers, even on dedicated assault VTOL's. Then it dawned on me: maybe UNSC has some kind of Active Protection Systems on their tanks and aircraft as standard? Think of Trophy. This idea isnt that far fetched, 500 years into the future, space travel and advanced AI around, an advanced APS would be pretty easy to do. Just some random musings.
  24. About the Pelican: would it be possible to add "invisible" air breaks to slow down very fast? Just an idea. While the current handling may be be a bit over the top, at least its better then the bathtub-filled-with-bricks we had before, all it needs is some tweaking. I have been asked if I could do an olive uniform, not a big problem, but I will not release anything, best I can do is send the texture to TEI devs and hope it gets included. I just noticed that ODST uniforms actually do have bracers and elbow protectors, now I just need to figure out how to put those on heavy marine BDU and I will be happy in my pants. About Pelican Gunship, yes its big, but I like to think of it as a UNSC version of Mi-24 Hind.