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reaper lok

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Everything posted by reaper lok

  1. reaper lok

    ASR AI 3

    Many thanx :)
  2. reaper lok

    ASR AI 3

    Do I need to enable this as a separate addon or can I simply place the rhs pho's in the ASR_AI addons folder?
  3. This may cause issues with players attempting to join who have not deleted the pbo, no? Either way, it is possible to play with ACE stamina disabled (my group plays without the stamina feature)
  4. Place the Advanced Fatigue Module in the Editor onto the desired mission and then use the drop down menu to disable Fatigue.
  5. Getting into specifics as I did not in my earlier post.... The Hostage Rescue Task will not complete even when transporting the Hostage back to the designated location. The Pick up troops task will not 'FAIL' even when all of the troops that are set to be collected are killed in action (happened today). Just remained ACTIVE. Destroy the Vehicle task is hit or miss (pun intended), destroyed the vehicle or vehicles and not end task (used debug to search for a possible missed vehicle...nothing. These are not complaints, just would be nice to get the tasking system running smooth :) Keep up the great work with this mod guys. I have been using your work since the MSO days where the Team Leader needed a backpack to call in missions...awesome stuff!
  6. I have this but more so with the Rescue Hostage task. When I transport him to the designated position....nothing :( Also - some of the other Tasks do not seem to cooperate.
  7. Name your enemy enemy_1 and yourself man_1 then.... trigger 1 should have the condition regarding killing the enemy such as: !alive enemy_1 trigger 2 should have a radius plus: !alive enemy_1 && man_1 in thisList
  8. Here is how I achieve what I think you describe above: 1. Forget the LOAD waypoint action and just use move. In the MOVE waypoint where you would like the Chopper to land place the below text in the activation box - (assuming your Chopper is called Chopper_1 and you have named the Helipad, land_1). Chopper_1 land "land_1"; 2. Have a second MOVE waypoint almost directly on top of the MOVE waypoint with the above text in but this time sync it to a trigger (RADIO ALPHA) or with some code such as: player_1 in Chopper_1 (if your playable character is named Player_1 it will take off when you get in so...be the last one getting in) *The Radio activation will have the Chopper stay on the Helipad until you activate the Radio Menu etc. 3. If the Choppers waypoints are set to CARELESS it will follow these MOVE waypoints regardless of what is going on. Repeat this for the second Chopper but name it Chopper_2 and the Helipad named land_2 etc This is probably very simple and a complete redneck way of doing things, lol.....but, it works for me!!
  9. Since this last update I am getting massive game stutter when using the auto generated tasking system. As each task or sub-task (part of a three part task) gets completed I am experiencing what feels like a game pause or a massive dysnc for about 3-5 seconds. Anyone else?
  10. reaper lok

    ASR AI 3

    wow - they fire rockets at me every time I even think about getting in a vehicle, lol Love this AI mod - great work Robaldo :)
  11. My initial post may not be correct - just trying to offer a possible alternative suggestion ;) Let us know if you have any success. My best course of action when coming across an IED is to either avoid it or send a team mate over to investigate, lol
  12. Do you not have to be an Engineer to be able to disarm, not a Civilian? Also - is that an ACE IED?
  13. I am on Stable but was not sure if the fix posted only works while in Dev Branch?
  14. Same for me - however, I am on stable branch and NOT Dev Branch (would this make a difference)?
  15. reaper lok

    Where would BIS have to go next, to top the Tanoa map?

    Having a Takistan/FATA/Zargabad style map with current Arma 3 tech would be a most welcome addition to the game. My group often gravitate back to the small villages of Takistan (great performance also) when we struggle to get over 30fps on Tanoa and Altis. Don't get me wrong - Tano is a spectacle to behold and a great accomplishment, however, do we enjoy creating battle scenarios in a seaside vacation spot......bring me a war-torn gritty half destroyed city on the outskirts of the Afghan boarder anytime :) With the size of Altis and more recently, Tanoa, I would argue a case for the possibility to have regional weather or certainly regional terrain differences with high mountain areas with snow covered hilltops while lower areas may see rolling hills etc. Wishlist for me would include: River system (not just Islands as in Tanoa) Extreme terrain differences on the same Map - (Desert - Woodland - Snow), if one large Continent style map again. Several smaller Terrains rather than one huuuuuge continent (performance issues)
  16. reaper lok

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    yes - I just ignore as everything is working as it should
  17. I am creating a multiplayer mission where I want the players to choose from multiple respawn positions when they die. And I want the respawn positions to have custom names. This question was asked in 2015 but no answer was given (just a link to a now empty page). How do I use the MenuPosition feature to display custom names to the respawn positions? Any help is appreciated - thanx. So far I am using a trigger to complete a task and when activated the trigger has this code: [West, Medical_1] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; FYI - Medical_1 is the Building that will become available to respawn inside after the task is complete.
  18. reaper lok

    Naming a Respawn Position

    Thanx Lucullus - I will give that a try :)
  19. reaper lok

    ASR AI 3

    Anyone else suffering from amazing AI accuracy and frequency of grenades, lol I am not complaining but wondering if there is a value somewhere that I can adjust to tone down this situation - many thanx.
  20. reaper lok

    ASR AI 3

    Thanx Robaldo for the continued support and updates for this great AI modification.
  21. Grrrrr......I am pretty annoyed also. It was featured on the spot-rep as a feature that had been improved with more task variety. Now its not even functioning. Well, its not functioning as in you cannot use it, however, it still works with older tasks made prior to this update. You cannot input anything in older versions either but it somehow remembers the old task type and the icon still reflect that. Let's hope we see a hot fix soon (over the weekend). All you editors and mission makers please let yourself be know so we can get a fix soon :)
  22. reaper lok

    ASR AI 3

    Is it possible that ASR_AI is causing the Syndicate Faction to have certain weapons not be heard? I think its the AK's - they all sound like they are now surpassed (I only hear bullet impact sounds). I am NOT using any sound mods. Thanx.
  23. Thanx for the update and continued support for this great mod!!
  24. Thanx for the detailed reply :) I am using Takistan (99 fps in base, 75 flying a chopper across the map and 56 in full combat with multiple vehicles and 20-30 enemy). I may have made a schoolboy error with the active limiter....I drop that bad boy down from the 144 to 12 or 14. Is this a mistake? Please explain how this works if possible. The missions that I set up is basically CSAT occupying the Military Facilities (Mil Obj) with Rebels Red (Civ Obj) and CQB of 10% single not pairs. BLUFOR will be the playable slots for coop play so its only RED fighting BLUE (players). No additional AI BLUE team in battle anywhere else on the map - just the player and its surrounding AI enemy. Performance is good on the whole but the reinforcements (6 choppers carrying vehicles etc all at once) and the initial spawn of enemy when reaching the 1200m radius brings with it a lot of stutter. Thanx for the tips :)
  25. Loving all the improvements and updates but can anyone guide me in the right direction regarding eliminating some of the stutter that comes with enemy spawns? I understand that there will be a certain amount of stutter, however, recently this seems to have become very......noticeable. Is there a sweet spot or trick (staggering enemy spawning maybe) to having this effect reduced (playing on a game server not hosting locally). Any help is apreciated. REAPER