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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Joe98

    The problem is in scripting

    Mines and satchel charges are available as individual items in the editor. Select your mines and place them on the ground for people to pick up. Give each mine a name. Then you can test in a trigger whether each individual mine is present. When all 3 are present the trigger fires. Or, place 3 triggers on a map, one trigger for each mine. As the mine is present the individual trigger fires. After all 3 triggers fire, this causes a 4th trigger to fire and you have your result. .
  2. Another option is to place the HVT and the chopper on the map and give a command that has him enter the chopper as a passenger. .
  3. Do you mean shoulder patches?
  4. Joe98

    Create Vehicle Position help

    Test 1: Place a box on the map. Right click on the box and take a note of its X,Y and Z coordinates. Now place the box somewhere else and place a trigger on the map. In the trigger, write a command so that the box is transported to those coordinates Test that when the trigger fires, the box moves to the correct coordinates. Test 2: This time, place a box on the map and use the mouse so that the box is well above the ground level. Take a note of its X,Y and Z coordinates Now place the box somewhere else, at ground level, and place a trigger on the map. In the trigger, write a command so that the box is transported to those coordinates Test that when the trigger fires, the box moves to the correct coordinates. The problem is that, when the mission starts, gravity will takeover and the box will fall to the ground.
  5. I too looked at this issue. During my testing I tried to pilot various aircraft and make ground attacks on enemy infantry. The infantry are difficult to see. Even if you place them on a runway they are hard to see. I switched to night time and used thermal sights. The little white dots are tiny. If you fly low to the ground the enemy, in real life, would have anti aircraft weapons so that is not feasible.
  6. He has used a 20mm flare instead of a 40mm flare
  7. 1. Have a practise. Create a trigger, walk into the trigger and watch the flare fire. 2, Place a man on a road in an out of the way place. Have him run through a trigger, use a cycle way point so that he runs back and forth. Every time he runs through the trigger a flare fires. 3. Now make it to that when he runs through a trigger at location "A" a flare fires at location "B". Out of interest this works for all explosives, artillery, mortars hand grenades, aircraft bombs, everything. .
  8. I presume you mean very specific predetermined RANDOM locations? Is that right? If so: Place the ammo box on the map. Click on the ammo box and empty the ammo box and then fill it with the required equipment. Find a marker named: Markers-System-Empty. Place 5 of them on the map at very specific predetermined locations. Right click on the box and select: Connect - Select Random Location and draw the line to the first marker. Do this for all the markers. The ammo box will start at one of 6 locations at random. That is, its original location or one of the other 5. .
  9. Joe98

    dynamic waypoints

    Place a waypoint on the map. Give it a radius of, say, 300 meters. Sometimes there might be rocks, a building or a pond at the exact waypoint so you can never actually complete the waypoint. To correct this, make the completion radius 50 meters. Now, every time you start the mission, the waypoint will be within a radius of 300 meters but it will be in a different place. This is very useful when you give enemy troops waypoints as it means their patrol route is different every time. .
  10. My suggestion is to do it all using standard equipment and weapons. Only after you have succeeded, then you can consider doing it again with a WW2 mod.
  11. The waypoints come in different types. One type is called a Cycle waypoint.
  12. Another option. You said you want the tower to start at a place at random. You could place 50 towers on the map and each one has a soldier on top. The soldier has waypoints so that he patrols around the top of the tower. Each of the 50 towers has a name: T0 to T49 Now have the game select a number at random from 0 - 49. That tower is kept and all the other towers are deleted. .
  13. You don't need to attach it. By experimentation, you place the compass on top. After you get it right, you click on the compass and then you know the coordinates. You can practise by trying to place a compass on a table. Then start the mission and see if you can pick up the compass. If you can pick it up, it means you have done it right. It takes a bit of experimentation to get it right. To make a man patrol around the roof you need to give waypoints. As he has appeared at random, unfortunately, you need to use scripted waypoints. Scripted waypoints can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 Start, by using scripted waypoints on the ground. Then use a bern and use scripted waypoints on the top of a bern. The do it on your tower.
  14. Place something small on top of the tower such as a compass. Name the compass start1 Name yourself blue1 blue1 setpos getpos start1 .
  15. Give both of them separate waypoints so they walk along side by side.
  16. Also, in the condition field of the trigger, try command < 75. I dont know the command, you need to experiment.
  17. What do you mean by "modules" ?
  18. Not that I know. Rather, place a building on the map. Name it building1 Set it so it will start at random places. There is a command (don't have my notes handy) whereby you place building2 on the map and the building always starts, (for example) 20 meters south east of building1 In this way you can arrange for your composition to start at random places.
  19. I don't know sorry. You need to experiment. I have a set of notes 20 pages long! Careful. If the enemy is only 75 meters away he will shoot you!
  20. In the triggers, There is a condition called - detected by. Test this condition. It works great!
  21. Place a small rock on the map. Name it rock1 Set the rock so it will start at a random place. Place an enemy on the map and name him red1 In the init of the enemy write red1 setpos getpos rock1 The rock starts at a random place and the soldier starts by standing on the rock.
  22. Another way: Write 5 scripts. Create 5 triggers. Each trigger runs one of the scripts. The 5 triggers are placed in an out of the way place on the other side of the map. The five triggers are named from zero to four. trig0 trig1 trig2 trig3 trig4 Place a 6th trigger on the map in the centre of the action. When this trigger is fired, it selects one of the five triggers at random and fires that trigger. .
  23. Are those times correct? it is unlikely that a mission would last for 15 hours. .
  24. Create 10 AI soldiers. Each has a Bergen back pack with a different load of ammo. Create a trigger that makes all 10 come to you to provide ammo. Create a trigger so that 9 are deleted at random and one survives. From the player's point of view, every time you play the mission, an ammo carrier will arrive. he will have one of 10 back packs at random.