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About Shinz

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. No offense, but I really don't find those firearms sounds to be realistic. Judging from my real life experience this is what an AK should sound like (watch in 480p) kwMmhSWRu3Q&hd=1
  2. You forgot a double quote on the first line. Make sure you didnt paste your code in the middle of a "bad" #ifdef/#ifndef. You should also have different textures names applied in each setObjectTexture as the first parameter (here 0 or 1) corresponds to a section of the vehicle model. If you don't do use it already, add -showScriptErrors to your shortcut launch options this will help you.
  3. Shinz

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Then could it be possible to make the connection with the player, just like any other vehicle?
  4. Shinz

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Great script, however I am not getting any kills added to my score whenever I use it as a copilot. Any ideas?
  5. Shinz

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Very nice video! The only thing I noticed in the whole video (and I think the only thing that the mod needs to be perfect, apart from bug fixes) was that explosions and shots fired from a distance need to have a lot more bass as someone already suggested.
  6. Shinz

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'm getting the same kind of problem on an A10 with a default loadout. Hydras are empty until I get to the jet service of the domination and I think I also need to reload the sidewinders and maybe the GBUs too.
  7. Inside the editor when you double click your M1A1 you can try adding this inside the init part : this setObjectTexture [0,"path\to\texture1.paa"]; this setObjectTexture [1,"path\to\texture2.paa"];
  8. What do you mean by added to the mission? Do you mean added to the vehicle rewards list (for main targets or side mission?) or directly added via the editor?
  9. Shinz

    [R3F] Debug

    There's a small bug preventing from using the script. You'll need to edit R3F_DEBUG\Scripts\cfgR3FInterface.h at line 31 so it reads : file = "R3F_DEBUG\Scripts\FNC_IF_Inactive[color="Red"]IA[/color].sqf";
  10. Shinz

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey LordJarhead, Was wondering if you still had plans to fix the m230 error, the m240 missing sounds with the woody clear pack and maybe change a little the high pitched M1A1 & MLRS sounds when driving. (my previous post for more details) Thanks ;)
  11. Shinz

    [R3F] Debug

    Thanks guys! Looks awesome can't wait to test it out. Encore du super taff les R3F/Great work again R3F team :cool:
  12. I finally managed to fix it myself, this also seems to be working for JIP For those interested here's how I (sort of) did it: if (typeOf _vehicle == "LAV25") then { _vehicle setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [0, ""desert_camo\LAV25\texture1.paa""]"; _vehicle setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [1, ""desert_camo\LAV25\texture2.paa""]"; processInitCommands; };
  13. I've got the same problem. I came across the bug report on DH http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16020 but no real info from BIS unfortunately :( This is a very annoying bug...
  14. Hey guys, I have been running into a multiplayer issue while changing a vehicle texture using the setObjectTexture method. Basically I have added the LAV25 to the list of bonus vehicles and I am trying to apply a desert camo texture to it. In the x_getbonus.sqf/x_gettargetbonus.sqf I have added the correct setObjectTexture lines right after the bonus vehicle is created (if that's a LAV25) also did a few changes to the wreck repair script when the vehicle is recreated, and everything works fine as long as I am hosting the domi. On a dedicated server this simply just doesn't work at all though. I have read here that setObjectTexture in MP only has a local effect and I should execute it on each client to avoid this problem. Anyone with an idea on how to do that? Also what about the JIP players? Any help would be much appreciated! :)
  15. Shinz

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    My face after playing on my edited domination with jsrs woody clear dlc + latest edited sonic cracks from accn + warfx blastcore. :D Happy new year LordJarhead and everybody else, may this new year bring us some even more awesome (is that even possible? :D) sounds!!!