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Everything posted by rcdxph

  1. rcdxph

    Wind simulation

    The MM5 (short for Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model) should be used into the ARMA3.
  2. well,guys: i find some codes using for record the events during the simulation ,the codes are created by the sofeware multigen vega, it is named the "vgVCR",hope to help you! it is c++ codes created by VC++6.0 ! /* ============================================================================ $Revision: 1.13 $ $Date: 1996/12/06 04:44:20 $ ============================================================================ PARADIGM SIMULATION INCORPORATED Copyright 1996 by Paradigm Simulation, Inc. No part of this source code may be reproduced or distrubuted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of Paradigm Simulation, Inc. ============================================================================ */ #include <stdio.h> /* definition of printf */ #include <stdlib.h> /* definition of exit */ #include <vg.h> /* include file for Vega */ #include <pf.h> /* include file for Performer */ #include <vgfx.h> /* Vega special effects public hdr */ #include "vgvcr.h" /* public vegaVCR header file */ #define VCR_FILE "./default01.vcr" /* * Function Prototypes */ static void processKey( vgWindow *win ); static void createVCR( void ); static void TimeDrawCallback( vgCommon *chan, void *udata ); static void handleKey( int key ); static void toggleProp( void *handle, int what ); vgVCR *vcr; /* current VCR enabled for keyboard input */ vgScene *scene; vgEnv *env; float tod; vgMotion *mot; vgChannel *chan; vgGfx *gfx; float cw, ch; /*************************************************************************** * * main() * * Example of a writing code to create and use VCRs. vcrAPI.c * demonstrates a keyboard input only application. This sample * also demonstrates VegaVCR's ability to record objects that are * dynamically added to and removed from a scene. The blimp object * is dynamically added to and removed from the scene. * ***************************************************************************/ void main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) { vgWindow *win; vgObserver *main_obs; vgObject *blimp; vgPosition *pos; /* temporary position */ vgMat mat; /* work matrix */ unsigned added = FALSE; unsigned deleted = FALSE; double addTime; double delTime; if ( argc < 2 ) { printf ( "syntax : %s <config file>\n" , argv[0] ); exit ( -1 ); } /* Initialize, define, and configure the system */ vgInitSys(); vgInitFx(); /* initialize special effects */ vgInitVCR(); /* initialize VCR */ vgDefineSys( argv[1] ); vgConfigSys(); win = vgGetWin( 0 ); blimp = vgFindObj( "blimp" ); scene = vgGetScene( 0 ); env = vgGetEnv( 0 ); main_obs = vgFindObserv( "main" ); /* locate the main observer */ tod = vgGetProp( env, VGENV_TOD ); mot = vgGetMot( 0 ); chan = vgGetChan( 0 ); gfx = vgGetGfx( 0 ); /* * Create and enable VCR 0 for input */ createVCR(); addTime = vgGetFrameTime() + 20.0; /* add blimp 50 secs from now */ delTime = vgGetFrameTime() + 30.0; /* del blimp 65 secs from now */ pos = vgNewPos(); vgIdentMat( mat ); /* the real-time loop */ while ( 1 ) { if ( !((int) vgGetProp( vcr, VGVCR_STATE ) & VGVCR_PLAY) ) { if ( !added && (vgGetFrameTime() > addTime) ) { if ( blimp) { vgAddSceneObj( scene, blimp ); added = TRUE; } else vgNotify( VG_NOTICE, VG_APP, "Blimp object could not be found\n" ); } if ( added && !deleted && (vgGetFrameTime() > delTime) ) { deleted = TRUE; vgRemSceneObj( scene, blimp ); } } vgSyncFrame (); vgFrame (); processKey( win ); } vgExit( 0 ); } /* * Keyboard only input for this sample - to make sure users can indeed * have just keyboard input if they so desire */ enum Key { RECORD = VGWIN_ALTR, PLAY = VGWIN_ALTP, STOP = VGWIN_ALTS, PAUSE = VGWIN_ALTX, REWIND = VGWIN_ALTW, FF = VGWIN_ALTF }; /*************************************************************************** * * processKey() * ***************************************************************************/ void processKey( vgWindow *win ) { int key = vgGetWinKey( win ); if ( key ) { if ( key <= '9' && key > '0' ) /* 1-9 */ { unsigned i = key - '0' - 1; /* key 1 corresponds to VCR 0 */ if ( vgGetVCR( i ) ) vcr = vgGetVCR( i ); return; } if ( vcr ) switch ( (int) vgGetProp( vcr, VGVCR_STATE ) ) { case VGVCR_RECORD: if ( key == STOP ) vgVCRStop( vcr ); else if ( key == PLAY ) { vgVCRStop( vcr ); vgVCRPlay( vcr ); } else if ( key == PAUSE ) vgVCRPause( vcr ); else handleKey( key ); break; case VGVCR_PLAY: case VGVCR_FF: if ( key == STOP ) vgVCRStop( vcr ); else if ( key == PAUSE ) vgVCRPause( vcr ); else if ( key == FF ) vgVCRFF( vcr ); else if ( key == REWIND ) vgVCRRewind( vcr ); else if ( key == PLAY ) vgVCRPlay( vcr ); /* disable FF */ else handleKey( key ); break; case VGVCR_STOP: if ( key == RECORD ) vgVCRRecord( vcr ); else if ( key == PLAY ) vgVCRPlay( vcr ); else if ( key == REWIND ) vgVCRRewind( vcr ); else handleKey( key ); break; default: /* VGVCR_PAUSE */ if ( (((int) vgGetProp( vcr, VGVCR_STATE ) & VGVCR_RECORD) && (key == PAUSE || key == RECORD)) || (((int) vgGetProp( vcr, VGVCR_STATE ) & VGVCR_PLAY) && (key == PAUSE || key == PLAY)) ) vgVCRPause( vcr ); else if ( key == STOP ) vgVCRStop( vcr ); else handleKey( key ); break; } } } /*************************************************************************** * * createVCR() * ***************************************************************************/ static void createVCR() { if ( (vcr = vgNewVCR()) ) { vgSystem *sys = vgGetSys(); vgName( vcr, "CNN" ); vgVCRInFileName( vcr, VCR_FILE ); vgVCROutFileName( vcr, VCR_FILE ); vgProp( vcr, VGVCR_INTERPOLATE, VG_OFF ); vgProp( vcr, VGVCR_FREQUENCY, 15 ); /* 15 Hz */ vgProp( vcr, VGVCR_VCRLIST, VGVCR_ENV ); /* all env */ vgVCRRegisterInstance( vcr, vgFindObserv( "main" ), NULL ); vgVCRRegisterInstance( vcr, vgFindPlyr( "car" ), NULL ); /* * Record the parts of the car, but do not record the parts of the blimp */ vgVCRRegisterInstance( vcr, vgFindObj( "car" ), (void *) VGVCR_PARTS ); vgVCRRegisterInstance( vcr, vgFindObj( "blimp" ), NULL ); vgMakeVCR( vcr ); vgVCRRegisterInstance( vcr, vgFindFx( "smoke" ), NULL ); vgVCRRegisterInstance( vcr, vgFindFx( "fire" ), NULL ); #ifndef IRISGL /* calculations for OpenGL only */ { int wl, wr, wb, wt; float cl, cr, cb, ct; vgWindow *win; win = vgGetChanWin( chan ); vgGetWinSize( win, &wl, &wr, &wb, &wt ); vgGetChanViewport( chan, &cl, &cr, &cb, &ct ); cw = (cr - cl) * (wr - wl); ch = (ct - cb) * (wt - wb); } #endif vgAddFunc( chan, VGCHAN_POSTDRAW, TimeDrawCallback, NULL ); } } #define kBoxL 10 #define kBoxB 10 static char *states[] = { "REWIND", /* 0x000 */ "STOP", /* 0x001 */ "RECORD", /* 0x002 */ "", "PLAY", /* 0x004 */ "FAST FORWARD", /* 0x005 */ "", "", "PAUSE", /* 0x008 */ "", "PAUSE", /* 0x00A pause from rec */ "", "PAUSE", /* 0x00B pause from play */ "PAUSE" /* 0x00B pause from ff */ }; /*************************************************************************** * * TimeDrawCallback() * * This is the channel post draw callback which will draw the * hud on top of the channel which has already been drawn * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef IRISGL void TimeDrawCallback( vgCommon *chan, void *udata ) { char str[VG_MAXSTRING]; char name[VG_MAXSTRING]; float time; int hour, min, sec; Matrix mv, mp; /* * Convert time (in seconds) into hours, minutes and seconds */ time = vgVCRGetElapsedTime( vcr ); hour = (int) time/3600.0; time -= hour*3600.0; min = (int) time/60.0; time -= min*60.0; sec = (int) time; vgGetName( vcr, name ); sprintf( str, "\"VegaVCR - %s\" Time: %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s", name, hour, min, sec, states[(int)vgGetProp( vcr, VGVCR_STATE )] ); /* * pushstate: * Save drawing state, so when the callback relinquishes control * of application, application will know how to carry on. */ pfPushState(); pfBasicState ( ); pfDisable( PFEN_TEXTURE ); pfDisable( PFEN_FOG ); pfDisable( PFEN_LIGHTING ); pfTransparency( PFTR_FAST ); zbuffer( FALSE ); /* disable zbuffer */ /* * GL/OpenGL function calls to draw hud */ mmode( MPROJECTION ); getmatrix( mp ); mmode( MVIEWING ); getmatrix( mv ); ortho2 ( 0, 1280, 0, 1024 ); /* make viewing matrix ortho */ mmode( MVIEWING ); pfPushIdentMatrix(); RGBcolor( 255, 0, 0); /* color is red */ vgFontSize( 30, 40 ); /* set char size */ vgFontPos ( kBoxL + 20, kBoxB + 24, 0 ); /* draw string here */ vgDrawFont( str ); /* draw string */ /* * popstate: * restore drawing state basically put it back the way it was */ zbuffer( TRUE ); pfPopMatrix(); /* restore matrix */ pfPopState(); /* restore state */ mmode( MPROJECTION ); loadmatrix( mp ); mmode( MVIEWING ); loadmatrix( mv ); } #else void TimeDrawCallback( vgCommon *chan, void *udata ) { char str[VG_MAXSTRING]; char name[VG_MAXSTRING]; float time; int hour, min, sec; int orgmmode; /* original mat mode */ int zbuf; /* * Convert time (in seconds) into hours, minutes and seconds */ time = vgVCRGetElapsedTime( vcr ); hour = (int) time/3600.0; time -= hour*3600.0; min = (int) time/60.0; time -= min*60.0; sec = (int) time; vgGetName( vcr, name ); sprintf( str, "\"VegaVCR - %s\" Time: %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s", name, hour, min, sec, states[(int)vgGetProp( vcr, VGVCR_STATE )] ); pfPushState(); pfBasicState(); zbuf = glIsEnabled( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); if ( zbuf ) glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); glGetIntegerv( GL_MATRIX_MODE, &orgmmode ); glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D( 0.0, cw - 1.0, 0.0, ch - 1.1 ); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glColor3f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); vgFontSize( 20, 30 ); /* set char size */ vgFontPos ( kBoxL + 20, kBoxB + 24, 0 ); /* draw string here */ vgDrawFont( str ); /* draw string */ /* * popstate: * restore drawing state basically put it back the way it was */ glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode( orgmmode ); if ( zbuf ) glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); pfPopState(); } #endif /*************************************************************************** * * handleKey() * * Assumptions: * * env, chan, gfx are non-NULL * ***************************************************************************/ void handleKey( int key ) { switch ( key ) { case 'D': tod += .01; if ( tod > 1.0 ) tod = 1.0; vgProp( env, VGENV_TOD, tod ); break; case 'd': tod -= .01; if ( tod < 0.0 ) tod = 0.0; vgProp( env, VGENV_TOD, tod ); break; case 'f': toggleProp( gfx, VGGFX_FOG ); break; case 'j': toggleProp( chan, VGCHAN_RENDER ); break; case 'l': toggleProp( gfx, VGGFX_LIGHTING ); break; case 'm': /* Toggle motion model type */ if ( mot ) { long m = (int) vgGetProp( mot, VGMOT_MODEL ); if ( ++m > VGMOT_WARP ) m = VGMOT_SPIN; vgProp( mot, VGMOT_MODEL, (float) m ); } break; case 'P': if ( mot ) { vgPosition *tpos = vgNewPos(); float x, y, z, h, p, r; vgGetPos( (vgCPos *) mot, tpos ); vgGetPosVec( tpos, &x, &y, &z, &h, &p, &r ); printf( "(x,y,z) = (%7.3f,%7.3f,%7.3f)\n", x,y,z ); printf( "(h,p,r) = (%7.3f,%7.3f,%7.3f)\n", h,p,r ); vgDelPos( tpos ); } break; case 's': { unsigned stats = vgGetProp( chan, VGCHAN_STATSSEL ); if ( ++stats > 4 ) stats = 0; vgProp( chan, VGCHAN_STATSSEL, stats ); break; } case 'T': toggleProp( gfx, VGGFX_TRANSPARENCY ); break; case 't': toggleProp( gfx, VGGFX_TEXTURE ); break; case 'u': toggleProp( gfx, VGGFX_BACKFACE ); break; case 'x': /* Toggle motion model state */ if ( mot ) toggleProp( mot, VGCOMMON_ENABLED ); break; case 'w': toggleProp( gfx, VGGFX_WIREFRAME ); break; case 'z': toggleProp( gfx, VGGFX_ZBUFFER ); break; case '?': printf( " D : increase time of day (brightness)\n" ); printf( " d : decrease time of day (brightness)\n" ); printf( " f : toggle fog (on/off)\n" ); printf( " j : toggle channel rendering (on/off)\n" ); printf( " l : toggle graphics state lighting (on/off)\n" ); printf( " m : cycle motion model type\n" ); printf( " P : print current eyepoint location\n" ); printf( " s : cycle statistics\n" ); printf( " T : toggle transparency (on/off)\n" ); printf( " t : toggle texture (on/off)\n" ); printf( " u : toggle backface display (on/off)\n" ); printf( " x : toggle motion model state (on/off)\n" ); printf( " w : toggle wireframe display (on/off)\n" ); printf( " z : toggle Z-Buffer (on/off)\n" ); break; default: break; } } /*************************************************************************** * * toggleProp() * * Toggle property of instance from on -> off -> on * ***************************************************************************/ static void toggleProp( void *handle, int what ) { if ( handle != NULL ) vgProp( handle, what, !((int) vgGetProp( handle, what )) ); } ---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ---------- VCR API This is an example of how to create and use Vega VCRs. vcrAPI.c demonstrates a keyboard input only application. This sample also demonstrates VegaVCR's ability to record objects that are dynamically added to and removed from a scene. The blimp object is dynamically added to and removed from the scene. VCR usage is as follows: alt w = rewind alt s = stop alt r = record alt p = play alt f = fast forward alt x = pause Keys 1-9 on top of keyboard enable VCR numbers 1-9 to accept input from the keyboard D = increase time of day d = decrease time of day f = toggle fog on/off j = toggle channel rendering on/off l = toggle lighting on/off m = toggle motion model type P = print current eyepoint location s = show stats T = toggle transparency on/off t = toggle textures on/off u = toggle backfacing x = toggle motion model state on/off w = toggle wireframe on/off z = toggle Z-buffer on/off
  3. Yes,you can research the software "VR Link of MAK" ,they can do this. This is the addr. http://www.mak.com/products/vrforces.php
  4. well, VBS2 may used the tech of "HLA,high level architecture",so they can record data of "PDU,Protocol Data Unit". So,zvukoper,you can study the distribute simulation system of Russia army! may be you can find the method.
  5. I support you! Dont give up! Here must be methods!
  6. Well,thank Carl Gustaffa ,and i am very happy to find the friends who study this kind of problem also. ---------- Post added at 11:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 PM ---------- In the virtual battle technology, people can use the MM5 model to simulate the weather, such as Pressure,Temperatures , Moisture saturation level, Air parcel movements due pressures and local effects, Vertical air movement and so on. The kind of technology is called synthetical nature environment(SNE), and is used to the OneSAF,JMASS,STOW and so on. and ,the VBS2 is equal to OneSAF, so i think the Arma2 must be achieve this simulation.
  7. what kind of amtosphere model is in the Arma2? Is the mesoscale model MM5 ?
  8. it is very mazing ! but,there is one bug that "how to finish the state of Spectating ,then reback the nomal state ? "
  9. it would be perfect if the AAR could compatible wiht the "TroopMon2 created by Charon"http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7948, i hope zvukoper could make the compatibility for "the AAR and TroopMoo2" come true !
  10. well , the problem has been solved. the mistake that i made is that " i didn't place the dsound.dll in the same place with arma2.exe ". now ,it is good. and i used the only arma2 with -mods=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@JayArma2Lib; so the AAR is good for single AA2. thank zvukoper very much and you are good guys !i support you for ever! ^_^
  11. Well,zvukoper: I have place aar_io_1.utes in my MPMissions,and created one folder named "Replays".and in the "Replays",i place the "ra_aar.velmet.org" and "test.aar" in it. then i do as in your readme,and in the MPmission——Utes,i find the "Arma2 AAR Alpha Demo",then i start it,and in the start,i put Laugh AAR as you mentioned,in the left-down of the screen,there are some message like"No pipes",and the infomation fo the ra_aar.velmet.org.exe is still the "no pipes",so i didn't konw the reason for this, and how to solve it ?
  12. hello zvukoper: "Start the mission aar_io_1.utes." what is mean? In my AA2, i can't find the aar_io_1 neither in SP nor MP ? So, i hope you would make one help of graphs. and my OICQ is 45824645 ,email is rcdxph@126.com I hope contact you.
  13. well,I didn't know how use AAR? can you creat one help of graphs?