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About Nilmerg

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  1. The mirror on my domain is offline since a few weeks and isn't offered by Armarize anymore. Did you enter this mirror manually in the advanced settings? (That's the only reason that comes into my mind why you can still choose it as mirror for the synchronisation.) As for the issues with the synchronisation itself: Some mirrors seem to have quota checks. If that kicks in while you are connected Armarize does not automatically switch to another mirror. Try restarting and select another mirror than the one before.
  2. It's working again. Some configuration issues prevented the server from responding correctly.
  3. Seems to be rather an issue of Armarize than one from the game, which I had initially under suspicion. Well, in case your password had any special characters (anything else than a-Z and 0-9) try a password with standard characters only. Might be worth a try for the meantime. :)
  4. Hallo, Schön zu hören :) Zu deiner Frage: Armarize lässt es nicht zu, ein Spiel mehrfach parallel zu starten. Wenn es wieder auftritt, sieh mal im TaskManager (bzw. in der Task-Leiste ;) ) nach, ob das Spiel noch läuft und beende es ggf. Falls es noch läuft, obwohl du das Spiel eigentlich auf normalem Weg beendet hast, solltest du vielleicht in Erwägung ziehen das Problem genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen! Bitte antworte in Englisch oder stelle weitere Fragen auf meiner Webseite im deutschen Bereich. Hier wird i.d.R. nur Englisch geschrieben, siehe Foren-Regeln. :) ---- Hello. Glad to hear :) As to your question: Armarize prevents you from starting a game multiple times in parallel. The next time it occurs, take a look at the TaskManager (or the TaskBar ;) ) whether the game is still running and stop it if desired. If it keeps running while you did stop it regularly you should consider to take a deeper look at it as the problem might be located elsewhere. Please respond in English or keep asking questions in German by using my website. These forums require you to write in English, as stated in the forum rules. :)
  5. zsync. A subject that I've avoided with respect to the SixUpdater/PwS during the last two and a half years, but since only one or two official rsync mirrors are left I thought it's time to take this step. This update now introduces the zsync functionality which will enable all Armarize users to access the entire SixUpdater-Network again. But this does not only have positive effects (though this depends on the point of view) as it was necessary to switch the file analysis method, that is necessary to keep modifications in sync with their packages, to one that is significantly slower but more reliable. Internationalisation is now also nearly complete again, big thanks to Stephnet and zickey at this point! The possibility to make Armarize behave as a portable application is also part of the installer from now on, besides a few additional well-known functionalities. Lastly, custom synchronisation networks are more flexible now as they are able to fully replace modifications from the official network. [FEATURE] Added support for zsync repositories. [bUGFIX] Configuration files are not correctly loaded when in portable mode. [bUGFIX] Crash when activating a server in the browser after uninstalling a non-network modification. [bUGFIX] ArmA3 multiplayer servers cannot be joined due to false positives when validating gameversion equality. [iMPROVEMENT] Updated translations. [iMPROVEMENT] Portable mode needs to be confirmed by the user now. [CHANGE] The package property "rsync_path" now behaves as stated in the readme file. [CHANGE] A modification from a non-official network can now replace one from the official network. [CHANGE] Modification files are now analyzed based on their md5 checksum instead of their last modification time. If you have already installed Armarize, just start it. Otherwise: Download Armarize for Windows 32bit Download Armarize for Windows 64bit
  6. What has been requested the first time two days after the initial release, the last time nine months ago and announced six months ago is finally there... Custom rsync repositories! Well, the trained eye realises immediately that this is not the full truth as zsync is still not supported, but the groundwork has now (finally) been done. Another feature that is waiting on the way to the final version are server presets, which will also make custom repositories a bit more straightforward for users than they are right now. (Please refer to the FAQ for more information.) The feature that made this actually possible are the advanced configuration options. This enables users to customise Armarize in such a way that it can even act fully autonomously. (Do not worry, that does not mean that I will stop developing/maintaining Armarize in the near future.) Most of those options are uninteresting for the normal user but since it is now possible to edit the details of every single modification someone might cause Armarize to handle specific modifications a bit different. Due to the import/export functionality users can even share their configuration with others! Continuing with a feature that improves the flexibility of Armarize it is now possible to make it behave as a portable application. Just create a directory named "settings" in its installation path and move any already existing content of its appdata-path in this directory. Advanced configuration options should behave the same way (by creating a "config" directory) but that is currently not working as I just discovered the first bug of this version... There's more to come, yeeeha! [FEATURE] Advanced configuration options. (This includes custom repository support!) [FEATURE] Added location-based filter which will be applied additionally to the compatibility-based filter. [FEATURE] Listings can now be sorted based on two columns at once. (The very last column used to sort the listing's content acts as alternate key.) [FEATURE] It is now possible to make Armarize behave as a portable application by (manually) creating a "settings" directory in its root path. [iMPROVEMENT] When using the manual mod selection before joining a multiplayer gameserver it is now also possible to select modification groups. [iMPROVEMENT] Some browser filters are now already applied at server side in case network utilisation is set to "Next to nothing". [iMPROVEMENT] Filtering servers based on a specific game causes Armarize to only refresh exactly such servers. [iMPROVEMENT] If a modification has no license the user will not be demanded anymore to wait ten seconds when installing it. [bUGFIX] Using the profile dialog of the serverbrowser to change which modifications are loaded on game launch did not have any effect in some circumstances. [bUGFIX] Using the "Activate dependencies" functionality might lead to a crash if the compatibility filter is enabled. [bUGFIX] Some modifications for ArmA2 Standalone or CombinedOps were not handled correctly by the compatibility filter. [CHANGE] Armarize now enforces a valid installation directory to be selected for a game that should be handled. [CHANGE] The dialog to manually select modifications before joining a multiplayer gameserver now also pops up if no modifications are enabled in the active profile or on the server. [CHANGE] Installing key files is no longer possible. If you have already installed Armarize, just start it. Otherwise: Download Armarize for Windows 32bit Download Armarize for Windows 64bit
  7. Today's update adjusts Armarize to be fully compatible with the ArmA3 Beta and adds features/improvements regarding usability besides some obligatory bugfixes. The changelog actually speaks for itself but please note that when using the UAC-less executable you will likely notice "less" smoothness when using Armarize, so use it only if you have a specific reason to do so. You might also notice the little button in the upper right corner of the profile management which was not there until now. That is the compatibility-based filter functionality which can be enabled/disabled for each profile. Once enabled this filter is linked to the "Default game to start"-setting and displays only those modifications which are compatible with this game or which do not originate from the network. [FEATURE] Added UAC-less executable. (Does not need administrator rights.) [FEATURE] Added compatibility-based filter functionality to the listing where the modifications to load can be selected. [iMPROVEMENT] Added search functionality to the synchronisation wizard. [iMPROVEMENT] Highly improved search functionality. (Better highlightning and more than one column is scanned.) [bUGFIX] Crash when starting the synchronisation and no update information is available. [bUGFIX] Starting the game by using a custom executable without connecting to a gameserver does not work. [bUGFIX] Crash when the beta-patch for ArmA2 OA is not installed and a modification where it represents a dependency is going to be launched. If you have already installed Armarize, just start it. Otherwise: Download Armarize for Windows 32bit Download Armarize for Windows 64bit
  8. Sure. Go to the "Settings" section of the "Configuration" and right click on the directory (right handed listing) where the modifications are currently installed and select "Change package directory". Whether this causes the packages to be regenerated/downloaded or not depends on the directory structure PWS is using for splitted packages. Armarize expects something like this: > Selected destination >> Modfolder >>> .pack >>>> addons >>>> keys >>>> ... NOTE: Armarize will automatically relocate your packages located in the ArmA installation directory, if any.
  9. Some of the changes from today's update are already known for those who upgraded to v1.4.1.1 but I have added some more improvements and bugfixes since then. Especially the dependency as well as compatibility handling for modifications has been greatly improved. This update is also the second one which drops a feature that was added with v1.3: The contact list. This is because it experienced too little usage in the last few months and I do not think that I will increase its set of features some day, so it's probably not a great loss anyway. [FEATURE] It is now possible to filter gameservers based on their location. [bUGFIX] Filtering based on "similar" versions works now for ArmA3. [bUGFIX] Crash when less than four rsync mirrors are detected as available/reachable. [bUGFIX] Crash when removing a modification directory after a package directory has just been added. [bUGFIX] If ArmA2 or ArmA2OA is not installed Armarize requests the installation directory only once. [bUGFIX] When switching between profiles in the serverbrowser the server list will not be filtered multiple times anymore. [CHANGE] Disabled contact list. [iMPROVEMENT] Improved compatibility and dependency handling. [iMPROVEMENT] The serverbrowser considers now the reqBuild gameserver information. If you have already installed Armarize, just start it. Otherwise: Download Armarize for Windows 32bit Download Armarize for Windows 64bit
  10. Glad to hear that you like it! :) The list of modifications, which are available to download, comes initially from the Six-Updater network. This network does not provide "any" modification for the ArmA series, as this is not manageable (I suppose :D) and a modification must be added by request (by developers[/users]) to be listed in Armarize/Six-Updater/PlayWithSix. Well, the button to launch the game is the big one in the bottom right corner of the server browser. ;) (Which game and modifications are launched can be set by using a specific profile which can be created by using the widget above the launch-button or within configuration->profiles)
  11. Which modifications are you trying to synchronize? Is rsync allowed to access the internet? (Are your firewall settings correct?) Please also attach your logfile. (Located under: %appdata%\Armarize\logs\errors.log)
  12. The ArmA3 alpha is finally out and one third of the community curses BI for how we open our "g"ear by default, another third thinks the splash screen should state that its "madness" when they look at the bug tracker and the remaining third happily plays the game. While I am part of the remaining one I have adjusted Armarize besides so that it supports ArmA3 natively. But there are also some bugfixes and improvements included in this update because not everything worked well after the update to v1.4. Especially the synchronisation should run much smoother as its a bit more obstinate in case a mirror does not answer right away. [FEATURE] Added native support for ArmA3. [bUGFIX] Crash when connecting to a server via manual mod selection where mods are running which are broken on the client side. [bUGFIX] The Operation Arrowhead beta patch will not be marked as broken anymore after an update or repair. [bUGFIX] Crash when starting a synchronisation while Armarize is running without administrator rights. [bUGFIX] Crash when trying to delete a profile within the server browser while no profile exists. [bUGFIX] Searching for a player aborted a running browser refresh. [iMPROVEMENT] Added possibility to change the loadorder with drag and drop when connecting to a server via manual mod selection. [iMPROVEMENT] When the network utilisation is set to "Next to nothing" it is now possible to abort a running browser refresh. [iMPROVEMENT] The synchronisation is now a bit more tolerant in case the mirrors are overloaded where it tries to connect to. If you have already installed Armarize, just start it. Otherwise: Download Armarize for Windows 32bit Download Armarize for Windows 64bit
  13. Here is what I do with Armarize: (Cut down to the relevant parts.) http://pastie.org/6101655 Maybe you can convert this to PHP? (If Python does not run on your webserver.)
  14. Nearly five months passed since the last full update and its incremental successors. That is a long time, and definitely my personal record, but I suppose there was not any need for a new update as Armarize ran very stable. Though this stability might be a little bit affected with today's update as I changed much parts of the code and did a bunch of minor improvements. But I hope that I had enough time to ensure that everything is working well... This update also introduces a new feature which was requested a few days after the first release of Armarize: Drag & Drop when changing the loadorder of mods. (Another record beaten!) I have also integrated the functionality for creating groups of modifications which gives finer grained control how modifications are loaded when launching the game. And to facilitate joining on a gameserver it is now possible to link a specific profile with one so that this profile is used when joining. The next major update will also introduce a feature that was long awaited by some of you: Custom synchronisation repositories. Though rsync will be the only supported type of repository initially and zsync might follow some time later. [FEATURE] Added possibility to create groups of modifications. [FEATURE] It is now possible to link profiles with favorite/history gameservers. [FEATURE] Changing the loadorder of modifications is now also possible with drag and drop. [iMPROVEMENT] Decreased memory usage. [iMPROVEMENT] Increased performance of the server browser. [iMPROVEMENT] Removed some unnecessary confirmation dialogs. [iMPROVEMENT] System language is now set automatically on the first run, if available. [iMPROVEMENT] Some context sensitive as well as graphical parts of the UI were reworked. [iMPROVEMENT] A dummy "addons"-directory is not necessary anymore to detect the OA beta patch. [iMPROVEMENT] Auto update initialisation is now a bit more tolerant in case the downloaded installer is being scanned by anti virus software or the like. [iMPROVEMENT] When status notification is enabled the icons wont be reset anymore when Armarize is not in the foreground and the status of a server has changed. [bUGFIX] Rare crash when refreshing the browser. [bUGFIX] Crash when the game could not be started. [bUGFIX] Performance hits caused by redundant data aggregation. [bUGFIX] Random crashes due to incorrect parallelisation logics. [bUGFIX] Synchronisation with the modifications running on a gameserver is working again. [bUGFIX] Fixed that modifications were sometimes installed at an incorrect location or listed multiple times. If you have already installed Armarize, just start it. Otherwise: Download Armarize for Windows 32bit Download Armarize for Windows 64bit
  15. Hi. Try adding the server manually as favorite (right click on empty space in the upper server list) or join on it using the "Connect"-Button (Left to the "Start"-Button on the lower right in the browser) wherewith it pops up as history entry. Using the ip and port ( the server will be displayed for me, though with a slightly different name than the one you have mentioned. Hope this helps. PS: Also note that the server is currently password protected so please check your filter settings! ;)