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Everything posted by LoupVrt

  1. Very nice one Drongo! I've got an error playing it though: Warning Message: No entry 'config.bin/CfgVehicles.SAA_AutomaticRifleman'. Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value In Config.cpp file, "SAA_AutomaticRifleman" is referred to at lines 822, 843, 983 and 1018 but it probably should be referred as "SAA_AutoRifleman". Edit: same deal with HEZB_AutomaticRifleman and HEZB_AutoRifleman. KUTGW!
  2. Sure HighHead, was simply bringing it under to Perf binary users' attention so they know it's not on ALiVE's side.
  3. By the way, Perf Binary 5 render ALiVe unresponsive and is tagged as 1.10.114486 while its actually
  4. Riouken, would it be possible to have helmets which have cam modeled on them to recognized as a valid helmetcam by cTab? AFAIK, helmets with cam on are: H_HelmetB_light H_HelmetSpecB (and thier subclasses)
  5. It happens to me when TFR isn't started along Arma, ie. when I haven't launched it correctly. Edit: nevermind, I can't replicate anymore. :/ I only remember it was on my side, not on TFR's.
  6. LoupVrt

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Thanks Serjamers, wil investigate interaction with other addons and mods.
  7. Linkage, same "overweight" noticed here too. RedArmy, both server and clients.
  8. LoupVrt

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Could anyone confirm that Aggressors are still working on a newly created ALiVE mission? Here they still works well in missions created couple of weeks ago but any new mission is a nogo.
  9. For the life of me I can't get caf_ag_afr faction to work anymore in a newly created mission while it's still profiled in a mission built like three weeks ago. :/ Would anybody else have faced that issue too and, even better, would have a solution?
  10. So Beata DÄ…browska might not be the hottest gift from Poland to the world after all? ;) We, at the 11RDP, will definitely give it a serious try, thanks a lot for the time you guys spent on it.
  11. LoupVrt

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    Simply open them both and merge them csk222. For example, here is my roughly merged stringtable: http://11rdp.fr/rdp/stringtable.xml
  12. LoupVrt

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    You all wrong gents: Tomas Ojeda They speak a few words in english when you hang them out of a helo. ​https://www.facebook.com/MichaelYonFanPage/posts/215342445199270?comment_id=2153913&offset=0&total_comments=62 Keep Up the Great Work Ohally and gang!
  13. LoupVrt

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    Could you please send me your mission? (you can find me on Skype fdokal)
  14. LoupVrt

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    Works flawlesly here. When exactly does this occur Steve?
  15. LoupVrt

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    Good job Pokertour, thanks a lot for that new release! :cool:
  16. LoupVrt

    LPD-29: San Antonio Class

    M.Phillips, would you have any plan to port it over Arma 3?
  17. My squad and I only tested the devices during a couple of training sessions and we are now eagerly counting each and every hours before we can put them in use during our weekly immersive coop session. We may have have one or two wishes though and would be very thankful if you could tell hod do you feel about them. First we would like to be able to receive feeds from Feints' RQ-11B RAVEN instead of the regular UAV. Second, we would like a lot to send KevsnoTrev' Nine Lines Medevac from the Android device to the tablets. (I'm almost having a braingasm just thinking about them.) What do you think Riouken?
  18. Thanks a lot you both, my squad and I are having tons of fun with the the CG in A3.
  19. LoupVrt

    African conflict a3

    Not a cfg expert but I *think* that it could be because Massi's rebels are inheriting most of their stats from CSAT soldiers whom are... well, different than the other factions' grunts. See by yourself: class I_Soldier_base_F\ B_Soldier_base_F class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead { armor = 1; }; class HitBody: HitBody { armor = 2; }; class HitHands: HitHands { armor = 2; }; class HitLegs: HitLegs { armor = 2; }; }; class O_Soldier_base_F class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead { armor = 1; passthrough = 1; }; class HitBody: HitBody { armor = 6; passthrough = 0.5; }; class HitHands: HitHands { armor = 8; passthrough = 0.5; }; class HitLegs: HitLegs { armor = 8; passthrough = 0.5; }; } Source: http://browser.six-projects.net/configclasses/CfgVehicles%3EB_Soldier_base_F/config?version=73 http://browser.six-projects.net/configclasses/CfgVehicles%3EI_Soldier_base_F/config?version=73 http://browser.six-projects.net/configclasses/CfgVehicles%3EO_Soldier_base_F/config?version=73
  20. Great material you are sharing here Pomi, thanks a lot!
  21. LoupVrt

    Urban Patrol Script

    IDK what you may be missing but we faced the exact same issue past night, you're not alone JD. Interested too by any enlightement.
  22. LoupVrt

    Refined Vehicles

    Have a good time whatever you do RedPhoenix and thanks a lot for the pathdfinding work you did here and nonetheless for providing the community your files. Take care Phoenix! :cheers:
  23. I unfortunately confirm that nobody sees the green laser but the operator. Mates saw a red ball on my locked target though. What they saw: http://gyazo.com/882e93f348c8b042c4ff0772360dfdfa.png (261 kB) What I saw:
  24. Great news Slatts, will enjoy it a lot!
  25. Well, I was asking myself the same question since some mates didn't saw it while others said they did. I thought that my bird may have been too high in some case (max height for safety) or that simply that they were too focused on the firefight so I wanted to test it in a more controlled environment before posting anything on that matter. Will post my feedback as soon as I'll have some more reliable results.