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Everything posted by .kju

  1. is this a joke ... you only want to tease us right of course we want to have it
  2. well you better try this one at ofpec.com i'd say you can find more experts in scripting (at least for cti) there. gl
  3. well making a new CTI is damn much work, you should better try converting existing ones
  4. .kju

    WGL Everon

    @Laahustaja: well technically u can, you shouldn't play on public servers though as you are getting a modified file message. (if you are just playing along with some friends, tell em about it and it should be fine - untested though ! different height of trees could be a problem rarely) @MATRA: thanks. we'r gonna fix that one Â
  5. .kju

    Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

    no u cant ... unless the server would log a lot stuff, you could do it with ips and such ... i think the new windows server fixed this issue .. though this info wont help ya much too its a known cheat ! get the admin here to read it, thats all you can do
  6. .kju

    Nature Pack - European

    absolutely  a zillion thanks  edit: pics will follow soon
  7. well i think you have checked this already ... though double-checking if the server really has all addons required wont hurt
  8. .kju

    Retextured BIS buildings?

    ok thanks anyway mate ! if you happen to have made some stuff already, i am grateful for everything ...
  9. hello as far as i did get this by searching i need to define the p3d's in the class CfgModels. do all p3d's need to be defined or only weapons, vehicles, units ? also i dont really get the system on what base class the p3d's need to based on ? very much appreciated !
  10. .kju

    Retextured BIS buildings?

    ehm where Jakerod plz tell me, i need such stuff
  11. .kju

    muzzle flash

    argh i am not into this very much and there are so much other things to take care of too response by Sanctuary yesterday. what about if i would provide the related files and someone does take care of it ? that would be awesome i just cant post the files in public ... thanks a lot !
  12. .kju

    WGL Everon

    ok here we go again  See first and second post of the thread ! WGL Kolgujev added. its a master piece in my view ! have fun  --- info and request still vaild, so posting again  <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Resistance does have one quirk though. You can not just directly place O\ forests and expect it to look good like with Data3d\ forests. You need to add a special 'ReplaceObjects()' class to your addon\config.cpp\addon.defaultworld.cfgworlds that replaces Forest (X) with Forest (X) or some other forest. If you do not, then these Resistance forest sections will not properly wrap to your terrain, floating flat at the elevation point of the hotspot. hm need help here - i dont get it or how is it done as we do only replace the default wrp file, we dont have a config enclosed with it - so how to ? --- well hopefully you guys can give us some input here  we do also want to replace buildings and streets. are there any other quality and useful packs out there besides: Farmland MOD 01.jpg 02.jpg Third World Explosion Team (3WX Team) 07.jpg 08.jpg 09.jpg Mapfact barracks V 1.5 06.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg Nomad 15.jpg 16.jpg to sum it up: we are looking for other buildings. any other streets (farmland) available ? 03.jpg 04.jpg 05.jpg or stones ? 17.jpg (default BIS) suggestions very much appreciated ! --- hopefully someone can help us here. we cant figure out the reason for this: 01.jpg 02.jpg 03.jpg 04.jpg 05.jpg 06.jpg 07.jpg could high terrain details setting the cause ? or are the transitions faulty ? that strange thing its no always there - most times we didnt notice it at all Â
  13. well i cant find it at the moment. a player of mcy did a modified anim.pbo to achive what you want. though everyone has to have it or you have major disadvantage. the best way would be to ask at TNT forum about it or at MCY site. edit: also you should provide some screenshots about cornercamping - otherwise 99% of the ppl of this forum wont know what you are talking about
  14. .kju

    Nature Pack - European

    little more info, maybe it helps you Berghoff. errormessage while using wrp tool and latest nature pack. we didnt recognize anything though besides that. 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg waiting for ya next release
  15. .kju

    Retextured BIS buildings?

    that would be great djbluestar
  16. .kju

    WGL Everon

    PM Mr Burns about it too. plz dont make additional links to the WGL islands yet ! tacticalblunder seems to be down at the moment, still dont do it please. there are reasons why i asked not to make it Â
  17. .kju

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    well i do understand your anger about the tkc guys and limited things BIS does / can do
  18. .kju

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    well Kam i think it didnt choose the right words though its really a shame in my opinion that with this official forum the illusion is created that its almost only about Mods and Addons. yet after all this ofp is really about missions and multiplayer ... otherwise only very few people would have played this game. MEC was a start - i do strongly hope that we can see more support from BIS here in the future. as people arlready stated, ArmA has the chance to be sucessful - yet if the cheat problem isnt addressed from the start and on going combated, ArmA will be dead much faster than ofp in terms of mp at least ...
  19. .kju

    Question to the WGL team

    well thats sth u have to ask phaeden himself, as i am nowhere into the code to judge the complexity ... also the release of wargames 5.0 should have higher priority  though if other people would help us (not necessarily with the effects extraction but to take over other parts  ), it might be possible Â
  20. .kju

    Improvment to voice?

    well i like this BIS made system a lot as it allows you to manage situations more dynamicly in terms of communictaion, though two basic principles must apply: ~ good quality, yet few traffic ~ low cpu usage to the server (as its an addition to the regular stuff the server has to do, whereas you can setup a TS server on a different machine too)
  21. .kju

    Sinews of War - The New Resistance Campaign

    zeus guys and me played it a little yesterday: is there a special reason about the 6 players limit in the campaign? cant give much more feedback by now. any small introduction video might be a good idea (which shows the basic functions along with a voice comment)
  22. .kju

    Sinews of War - The New Resistance Campaign

    ill have a look, though i dont know if i can get 3 or more ppl ... will try to
  23. .kju

    WGL Everon

    Katzelowski you are right about it. still we try to keep this backwards compatibility up to 100%, though this does mean even more to get to know about all available building addons to avoid this thanks Chops, raedor and kikill for your suggestions ! best regards ps: big thanks to Placebo 'changing' my acc to Q !