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Everything posted by .kju

  1. @rekster hm yes. it was supposed to be in there. we will do an update and merge it in. anyway you can get it at ofp.info (messor). @Rikki Tikki Tavi WGL wiki about Models_Base: Advanced - How To Make Your Own Config (almost at the end). @rheydrich can you please repharse your question. i dont get it, sorry  @Speed123: WGL wiki about the installation double check: 1. the structure is like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">...\operationflashpoint\@wgl5\ and this folder contains <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">...\operationflashpoint\@wgl5\addons ...\operationflashpoint\@wgl5\bin ...\operationflashpoint\@wgl5\dta ...\operationflashpoint\@wgl5\doc 2. your link: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">*\OperationFlashpoint\flashpointresistance.exe -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5 if that doesnt help, please post screenshots about your problem - i would be great to post about your problem in the WGL forum in the future to keep this clean from other posts  :tup:
  2. .kju

    BRDM-2 AT3/MCar problem.

    looks good
  3. .kju

    OFP : Happy Birthday 5 Years

    happy b
  4. .kju

    Airlock only?

    AFAIK there is no way. you could make (all) grounds units not lockable at all ... but thats not really an option i guess Â
  5. @rheydrich WGL wiki: Models_Base System - please read this. or check this thread
  6. burroughs mate - cool down i will upload working data3d tomorrow. the idea with the p3d files is that you are easily merge this in a skypack for example.
  7. @burroughs: hm it has to be dta - so is it data or dta for you?
  8. .kju

    ArmA mod listing thread

    WarGames MOD
  9. @Rikki Tikki Tavi you may NOT renamed the modfolders name ! it must remain "@wgl5". try again with this settings please and report back.
  10. Sorry to hear that burroughs ! I wont make it tonight, yet i will add a section to the wiki for a step by step installation for the replacment packs. A bit of patience please. (Note that any specific comments or suggestions about the current readmes are welcome ! )
  11. @tpM_91: can you please tell me from what source you have downloaded the file and roughly what time and day - thanks !
  12. works fine again here. can anyone confirm this please. (though i guess the other problem that the site isnt reachable for certain IPs isnt solved yet - reports welcome !)
  13. There seems to be an issue with ofpc.de (h3x.de)'s host. All its domains are currently unavailable. Sorry for the inconvience ! We keep you updated. --- i will reply the other questions later today - i am still in office
  14. .kju

    Eurofighter Typhoon beta

    congratz hardrock
  15. .kju

    Need help using OPF Replacer

    Jblack as i suppose that you after converting missions to the WarGames MOD, i can suggest you an easier way for now. we have developed "an own tool" to do that job. just provide me the missions (yousendit.com) and i will do the job for you. how does that sound as for OPF Replacer, its a good start, but it doesnt have the real capabilities that are needed.
  16. Mirrors WGL5 June 18th 2006 Release WGL Islands (Gaia and Samak Hills) WGL MOD Island Texture Replacement Packs BIG thanks ! to http://www.gotf.net/ and Rhodite. WGL5 June 18th 2006 Release (wgl5_2006-06-18) WGL USMC Gaia Island WGL Samak Hills Island WGL Vegetation Replacement Pack WGL CWC Islands Texture Replacement Pack WGL O Texture Replacement Pack BIG thanks ! to http://www.roughnecks.org/ and russin. WarGames_MOD_v5 WGL_Gaia WGL_Samak_Hills _Texture_Replacement_Pack BIG thanks ! to http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/ and scotchsoldier.
  17. Some Important Notes: ~ some people might have an issue with ofpc.de domain. our host tries to get this sorted asap. sorry for any inconvience ! ~ news posters get the post here as a press release here: press_release_base.rar (basicly this posts source with and without html tags) - please add a link to your news to this thread ! cheers. ~ Mirrors very welcome ! Please PM the links as well. ~ Translations into German, French, Russian, Czech would be very helpful - thanks !
  18. like vektorboson said still i guess its quite the way it suits you - you have a pbo anyway and either you add a description.ext to your missions which only contains the include or tell the people that they should do the include job themself.
  19. .kju

    TOP1 for OFP

    not 100% certain myself - only the devs of TOP1 can say this for sure. yet i believe most ppl here dont get the picture right and thinking of something different. TOP1 is NOT a replay-system. TOP1 is an AfterActionReport-system. In this case this means you can review the mission on the map view, like having a marker for every unit and see the markers move, as well as some event listing and other basic information. There is no units replaying the actual mission. The developers of TOP1 please correct me if i am wrong !
  20. 6th Sense are cool guys greetings to Sickboy
  21. .kju

    TOP1 for OFP

    thanks to Gaia / Stranger, Celoush, Faly, LAW, Stene, Blackjabel, Martinius, MilWin impressive work i got it to work after a bit of trying. really interested to see how it performs in a large scale mission with hundreds of units and the mission taking like an hour my questions for your future readme: ~ where does the mission ID come from ~ where to put the 'replay' files (i know by now) ~ how to implement the system in a mission ~ possible to track the units in slower/quicker cycle again great job !
  22. .kju

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    hm can you please forward me via pm your IP range. we will contact ofpc.de about this issue then. thank you !
  23. .kju

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    WarGames Site - check the forum ! reworking mission conversions at the moment though. you best try Zeus missions for real WarGames gameplay  yet we still lack like good feature promotion missions wanna help ?
  24. .kju

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    depending on your windows version you have to or dont have to use quotations marks - if you have to, its a bit tricky. i think it was like this: target: "y:\Games\OperationFlashpoint\flashpointresistance.exe" -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5;@llaumax but you have to try. else look for keg's ofplauncher
  25. .kju

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    @kyosei nah. thats what we are preventing by ours system. verify these things: 1. @wgl5\bin\models_base.hpp <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define DMA_ARMY_MODELS //#define DMA_NAVAL_MODELS //#define BIS_MODELS //#define WGL5_MODELS 2. ofp link looks like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">..\ofp\flashpointresistance.exe -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5;@YOUR_DMA_ARMY_MODFOLDER 3. you have DMA-Army addons in \ofp\@YOUR_DMA_ARMY_MODFOLDER\addons <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~ EST_troop.pbo ~ EST_Weapons.pbo ~ res_troop.pbo ~ WST_troop.pbo ~ WST_Weapons.pbo else what errormessage do you get?