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Everything posted by .kju

  1. .kju


    maybe the links are based on the german part
  2. .kju

    Does Arma support Terrain LOD ?

    @whisper depends on the netcode what happens / should happen
  3. @FriketMonkey http://ofpc.de/wargames/wglhelp/index.php?page=Various
  4. @t80 thanks every kind of projectile and missile in ofp has a certain lifetime. combined with its speed this gives a certain range for each one. the way you can overcome this is by the systems CoC and MCAR for example use: replace the projectile/missile again and again after a certain range and pass over its velocity, angle and so on. as this would involve quite a bit of scripting and battles over ~2000 meters are in ofp quite uncommon, we hope for a change in ArmA. not sure about the (init- &) speed in general. one thing comes into my mind here: you need to adapt things from RL to a game, like can AI and human still use em / what is the main battle range and so on. @Bonko the Sane as for t55 vs carl: are you sure about it, or is it only the lack of crumble / effects here - i am pretty certain that the t55 shouldnt survive this. also keep in mind that the direction of hit is far more important in WarGames.
  5. @456820: did you check out misc2 or shacktactical pack of converted BIS missions ? i can offer you to convert any amount of BIS missions very fast to WarGames too @the unknown thanks for reporting ! @punishment i dont have so much experience with newer crCTI yet i doubt the reason for this is WarGames. its just the massive power needed to both host and play if you dont have a dedicated server. just rename the file extension. that should do the trick <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">freya.pbo to freya_cti.pbo
  6. .kju

    ofp replacer

    rheydrich contact me via pm
  7. it seems to be a map bug. i can confirm the issue. sorry i didnt get that one. can you try to rephrase it. @456820: what kind of maps are you guys looking for ? there is Zeus missions, CCE, DAC - what about these ? this could be a bug. we will check this. @coderdfox: CAS target is basicly a laser target. AI should be able to target this one with laser guided weapons like GBU or rockets from the ah64. ill give it a go
  8. WGL crCTI by HTM phoenix and Cleanrock  have fun
  9. @Jblack: there are a few out there, but not many due to the MP nature of this MOD. ill try to find em and upload them. @FriketMonkey: thanks for reporting ! @the unknown: maybe you mean this: if you are inside a tank or air units, we simulate damped sense of hearing. so yes once you are inside one, you cant hear much, but outside of one as infantry they should be audiable quite well. on a more general note. thanks to Bn880 and Jinef (from Zeus) we have very well tweak sound ranges. this means you cant hear sounds in unrealisitic distance like in default ofp. @AgentFox2 could be intentional. i dunno. do they sound the same in reality we plan to extend this dynamic system in ArmA, but lets see what ArmA may bring.
  10. NSV issue is fixed - thanks for reporting ! as for the models: WGL wiki: Models_Base System - please read this. or check this thread (in short there is a system to replace the models easily)
  11. .kju

    Resistance: The series

    congratz very well done and enjoyable. i like your site a lot as well - very nice keep up ps: maybe add some pics here for better adveritsment
  12. .kju

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    The idea of a wiki is that everyone can and should help to build it. So the main issue for the start is to get a host and to merge the readme into it in a reasonable way. ofpc.de/hx3.de offers hosting for such kind of projects.
  13. @AgentFox2: thanks mate. we will look into it. that was fine before.. @ch_123: ups Â
  14. cheers 456820 maybe your clan wants to add them to this list Where to play WarGames in MP - Squads presenting themself.
  15. @ch_123: maybe this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define WGLMOD_models but <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#ifdef WGLMOD_MODELS i think defines are case sensitive. give it a try. (=> #define WGLMOD_MODELS) i hope you will share your config with us @seminara well there is a chance. always. @AgentFox2: good stuff that seems odd. can you supply us with a screen plz. @ch_123 and t80: did you check or FAQ about How_do_I_setup_the_mortars_for_a_mission - give it a try. cheers if thats not the problem, please give a more detailed explanation - best with screens. @pandalefou:
  16. hi Xawery  i guess sanctuary can tell us a bit more about it. we didnt spend much time on checking the difference for obvious reasons. can you please try to get a screenshot of that - never heard of that issue yet as for the mortars - we try to look into it. its a good idea not to use them too fast in the way doubleclicks or misclicking --- hey scotchsoldier  thanks for the report - we will look into. expect an update shortly. --- the_shadow did you get your problem solved ? also which mirrors didnt work for ya ? --- yo pandalefou  expect a comment on this topic tomorrow.
  17. @punishment: expect some surprises tomorrow
  18. @william1: i can think of the problem here. can u name me the mission name or its number for easier finding - cheers ! @Jblack can you please try to double check your way of doing it according to our help pages: WGL wiki: Models_Base System - please read this. or check this thread other than that - screens help a lot
  19. you are welcome C4P741N sorry about the late reply ! still i have to work during the week. you get the problem expect several updates (wiki, questions and more user friendly versions) this weekend. well this one is easy ... you only have to look close correct: WGL_PipeBomb_PDM false: WGL_PipeBpmb_PDM => mission maker's fault The (WGL) smoke should always appear - it just takes a bit of time. yes, noted. they do ? i guess not. can you please name me some examples. i think its only about the models you are mixing. the model replacement doesnt work for a very small set of special units. if a unit still has BIS weapons, then there is a problem. tricky. it would require editing of several different files.
  20. DONT do it this way ! read these: WGL wiki: Models_Base System - please read this. or check this thread
  21. .kju

    Airlock only?

    maybe the cost value could help you here. it tells the AI when its worthy to attack a vehicle and i think cost is based on the attackers weapon and not the attacked unit (cant check right now).
  22. .kju

    Airlock only?

    well if its only for AI, this should be possible by altering the threat values. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">threat[]={0.700000,0.500000,0.300000}; Inf, Vehicles, Air 1 = ATTACK this unit 0 = "ignore" this unit yet you better double check this. its been a long time since i was into this. note that this works the other way round - these values are to be set in the attacked unit and not in the attacking unit !