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Everything posted by stupidwhitekid75

  1. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Has anyone come across an ETA on when this will actually be released? I figured yesterday or today, so far I haven't seen anything yet though. Any word from BI?
  2. stupidwhitekid75

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I was wondering if anyone would be able to create some replacement packs to use. I'd like to see an AK-74 pack for the Takistani Army, getting rid of their M16's and FAL's. Also I was wondering if someone would possibly create a replacement pack using Robert Hammer's M16's & M4's for both the U.S. Army (M4's) and U.S.M.C. (M16A4's) in a similar fashion in which ACE has done. I know that packs exist already for the M4's and M16's, unfortunately though either they lack OA functionality (IR lasers, CQB sights) or have the old (+) styled optics from the original ArmA as opposed to the newer ACOG sights found in OA (picture: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/TheSpaniard1980/ACOG-reticle-1a.jpg). Would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me out with this, I've been trying to make replacement packs on my own and I'm not having any such luck.
  3. stupidwhitekid75

    JSDF MOD 1.0 released

    For some reason whenever I use infantry units from the new version with OPFOR infantry, the JSDF units lose their helmets. If there's no OPFOR units however, the helmets are present and visible.
  4. stupidwhitekid75

    Project CDF

    Added you on Steam, my name on there is JMDECC
  5. stupidwhitekid75

    Project CDF

    I'm down if you need any help.
  6. Miles, if you want someone to test Markb's non-ace config I would be more than happy to do so. Let me know if you'd like any help.
  7. From past experience the Forward Observer module is easy to use. First, place down the Forward Observer module, and then place the mortar/artillery units you want to use. After that, place or choose an infantry unit whom you want to use as your forward observer (this usually works best when you use the sniper or spotter from a sniper team). Afterwards, synchronize the FO module with both the lead mortar/artillery unit and the unit(s) you wish to be your forward observer. Give them waypoints and once they move out they will identify targets on their own and (assuming there's enough distance from the mortar/arty unit and target) order a strike. If you want to have multiple mortar units and forward observers, just repeat the same steps above. I hope that makes sense enough, it's a little late on my end and I'm wiped haha. Also next time you have trouble with mod specific features, don't create a new thread, post in the pre-existing thread and wait for an answer: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131613-Invasion-1944-v2-6-(CO) :)
  8. I would greatly appreciate it if markb50k would be allowed to create a non-ace config, I hope it's considered. I mean no offense to any of the Lost Brothers team, but I doubt I will use the IDF mod much if there is an ACE dependency. Should there be a non-ace config then I will most likely be using it all the time.
  9. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Yep, Jelliz is right, Taki's now have BVP-1's. Also something else I just noticed and didn't list above - under support the Czech forces have a Landrover Ambulance now too. Maybe this could possibly be added to the BAF faction as well.
  10. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Gossamer says it perfectly. The thing is, if you really want to play a summer Chernarus map, download the summer pack and use it. Otherwise - enjoy the two maps we're given, and remember, while they're cut and pasted in most areas they're still not exactly the same. Saying that BAF and PMC are better than ACR is stupid considering it's full version hasn't even been released yet. What can you be basing that off of anyway? The beta? Okay, you mean the beta that only includes units, vehicles and maps... no missions or campaign. So basically your comparing content...let's see...not including any variants of each new unit/vehicle/aircraft, BAF gave us: 2 new aircraft (Merlin & Wildcat) since the Apache & Chinook models were already in game, 2 new vehicles (Jackal & Warrior) since the Land Rover and ATV were already in game, and 1 set of new infantry. PMC gave us: 2 new aircraft (KA-60 & Ka-137) and 1 new set of infantry. The SUV's were already present in game, the "armored" variant with mini gun was the only major change. All together 8 new models were created. With ACR, we're getting 6 new models (T810, RM-70, Dingo 2, Pandur 2, L-159 Alca, and new infantry), that's almost both BAF & PMC combined. Onto maps...so everyone wants a new map. Honestly I think unless BI creates another Chernarus/Takistan sized map, it's going to be lose/lose for them. If its another Shapur/Proving Grounds sized map, I can hear it now: "It's TOO small, what're we supposed to do with it?!" ...now that they've taken that feedback and opted to please the community in the easiest/most cost effective way, they're still taking heat because it's snippets from old maps. My question is, why do you care? The maps are not EXACTLY the same. The changes may be small, but still, it keeps them from being identical and allows for new experiences. The fact that they are decently sized as well opens up all kinds of possibilities for combined arms operations, as opposed to the limited operating area Shapur and Proving Grounds provided us. Why a snippet of Takistan? It adds new challenges...you have to look a little outside of the box. You now don't have an airfield to operate out of, how does the lack of available air support effect your mission now? Does it put you on an equal playing field with the OPFOR? There are less roads to travel around the map, does this make you more vulnerable to ambushes traveling to certain locations? You have to stop looking at it all in such a negative way. We don't know anything about ACR's campaign yet, so it simply cannot be compared. PMC and (even more so) BAF had excellent campaigns, but each came with their own set of flaws as well. If ACR's is anything like either of those, then it looks to me like it has both past DLC's beaten to a bloody pulp. And the best part? Your only paying $9-12 for this. I still don't understand how people can complain about that unless you're completely ungrateful or are just looking for things to complain about...when it all comes down to it just try and enjoy it for now, A3 will presumably be out sometime next year and then you can start complaining about something else.
  11. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I'm really curious, what was it exactly that you were expecting?
  12. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I just downloaded the latest beta to check out the ACR faction and new maps. Let me begin my saying that the amount of content is purely awesome for the price this is. Here is a list (not including the content which is already available): Weapons: Handguns -CZ 75 Compact -CZ 75 Duty -CZ 75 Phantom -CZ 75 Phantom SD Sub Machine Guns -CZ Scorpion Evo 3 -CZ Scorpion Evo 3 CCO -CZ Scorpion Evo 3 SD Rifles -CZ 805 Bren A1 -CZ 805 Bren A1 G1 -CZ 805 Bren A2 -CZ 805 Bren A2 SD -CZ 805 Bren B1 G1 Machine Guns -UK-59 Sniper Rifles -CZ 750 Misc -Target Locator Static -RBS-70 Vehicles Wheeled (desert) -HMMWV AGS-30 -HMMWV DShKM -T810 -T810 MG PKT -T810 Open Wheeled (woodland) -RM-70 -T810 -T810 MG PKT -T810 Open -UAZ Armored (desert) -BRDM-2 -BMP-2 -Dingo 2 CZ GL -Dingo 2 CZ MG Armored (woodland) -BRDM-2 -BMP-2 -Dingo 2 CZ GL -Dingo 2 CZ MG -Pandur II 8x8 CZ -T-72M4 CZ Air -L-159 ALCA -L-39C -L-39ZA -MI-24V Ship -PBX To comment on the maps, I am not familiar enough with Chernarus to list too many differences between the two (I always thought the fall setting of Chern was really ugly so I never bothered with it, that's just me though), but they look really nice. They completely blow the summer vegetation pack out of the water IMO. The map featuring the main airport appears to be more like a large training area, aside from military installations it seems very desolate save for a few buildings here and there, while the map that inherits Chernarus's original coastline seems to be the more populated area...a few cities, several villages, a railroad track running across the river in one section, etc. In the 15-25 minutes I messed around the map, I wasn't able to find the flooded village shown in one of the screenshots earlier. I just want to say once again that the summer terrain looks absolutely awesome, even though its the 'lite' version it still looks really, really good. Cannot wait for the full version to come out. About the size of the maps, they each are obviously smaller in size compared to Chernarus, however they are perfectly capable of allowing wide scale operations throughout without using entire map or feeling too cramped. I did not spend much time on the Takistan cut out map, when I did fly around it a little bit though I didn't notice anything majorly different. Once I spend more time with it I'll try to report back and give everyone a better idea. Hopefully this gives everyone a better idea of what they'll be getting with the DLC.
  13. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    The storyline does give some hope that we will see some OPFOR units, should there be any they'd come in the form of some limited militia/insurgent force at the least.
  14. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I'm really interested in whether or not a new enemy faction will be introduced along with this DLC, we already seem to be getting a lot of content based off of what we've seen in those screens today.
  15. stupidwhitekid75

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    New pictures up on facebook: http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/243720_10150921995246017_1300156644_o.jpg http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/169634_10150921995406017_596712835_o.jpg http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/336457_10150921995641017_1884749657_o.jpg http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/411813_10150921995841017_97351268_o.jpg http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/178757_10150921995976017_2088552361_o.jpg http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/287871_10150921996131017_690444926_o.jpg http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/287790_10150921996291017_1349433864_o.jpg
  16. stupidwhitekid75

    Macedonian Armed Forces (APM)

    For the T-72: No mods, unless I somehow missed something. I will test again just to be sure. EDIT: Just re-tested, I double and triple checked to ensure I wasn't running anything and the problem is still occurring. There is a green set of cross hairs fixed on the center of the screen in front of the tank, they don't move along with the turret as it rotates. I'll try and throw up some screenshots this evening if I can get the chance/you would like some. Thanks for the info on the RPG btw, never knew that. You learn something new all the time.
  17. stupidwhitekid75

    Macedonian Armed Forces (APM)

    Goss I have a request, do you think it would be possible to add these guys to both the BLUFOR (as they currently are) and Independent sides? That way there's a lot more flexibility for missions and stuff (for example blue on blue), the desert units you posted look awesome and I think that they would probably make a pretty good desert themed OPFOR group to play against. If not it's all good. Some things I've noticed while playing: -The T-72M does not work correctly, for me at least. When I enter the vehicle and get in as the main gunner I'm able to move the turret around in all different directions, but when I fire the projectile comes out of the front of the tank. This goes for using the machine gun as well. It can be a little deceiving because it seems that the flash occurs at the muzzle of the gun giving it the appearance that it fired in the direction your facing, but this isn't the case. I set up a mission where I was leading an AI group against the tank and it would proceed to follow me around with its main gun but it would only fire (whether the gun was facing that direction or not) when I was standing directly at the front of the tank. The T-55, M113 and BRDM are all okay it seems. -The M-79 Osa has a weird texture problem, for me at least, sometimes it will be entirely black and then flicker to what I believe is its correct OD/Green color. It does this on and off while playing, a lot of times it depends on which way you're looking at it I think in 3rd person (if it's the normal 3rd person view from the back, it's fine, but if you use free look then the flickering back and forth begins), and all the time in first person. -In the editor, one of the AT soldiers is listed as 'AT Specialist RPG-9'. I honestly don't know if there is or isn't an RPG-9 or not, but when you use the weapon in-game it is listed as an RPG-7V still. Nothing major or game breaking in any way, just sort of knit picking over the names not matching. Can anyone else confirm/deny if they are having these issues? Everything else is great, can't tell you how stoked I am for the desert units, they look awesome. Your work is top notch, keep it up man.
  18. stupidwhitekid75

    Macedonian Armed Forces (APM)

    Sounds awesome, can't wait for the release dude. Will there be desert vehicles or just woodland?
  19. Sounds good. Are there any more screen shots of the infantry other than the one that was provided the other day?
  20. Yeah a future non-ace config would be very welcome I'd think, not that I don't mind using ACE, but for compatibility reasons with other mods it's just been better not to use it. If not I understand, can't please everyone. Either way your work looks great, really really been looking forward to this release :) Keep up the great work!
  21. stupidwhitekid75

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I seem to be having a problem...currently I'm running JSRS with CBA, ACE, ACEX, ACE RU, & ACE US Navy. When I go to play as the Russians, the AK-74M still has vanilla sounds. It seems that no matter which AK-74M variant I choose, the vanilla sound still remains. If I use any other Russian weapon (AK-103, AK-74P, etc...) the sounds are completely fine. I read through the thread and it seems like a few other people may be having a similiar problem. I got on sixupdater and made sure ACE & CBA were all updated and currently were the most recent versions I could get, but the problem still remains. Anyone have any ideas?
  22. Awesome! Cannot wait for the release :) Great work!
  23. stupidwhitekid75

    Project CDF

    Gossamer, I'm really excited for your vehicle templates. Do you think you'll release anything else to aid in re-texturing other things, like infantry units or aircraft? Your work always seems to be top notch and I've been trying to get myself into re-textring units but it's been a slow process so I feel that if there's anyone to learn from it'd be you. Aside from that, I'm looking forward to the next update, PCDF is pure greatness and the new weapons are looking awesome.
  24. This is great news, I can't wait for the release. It will go perfectly with the Iranian Forces mod :)
  25. stupidwhitekid75

    FV107 Scimitar - interest?

    Ah this looks fantastic..I hope it and each of its variants find their way into the game sometime, they'd be a great addition to BAF and I would certainly love to use them. :)