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Nathaniel Cole

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About Nathaniel Cole

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Never thrown a live grenade into a window, thank God. But I can say that throwing a training grenade into a window doesn't usuaully end up like people believe it would. It usually just bounces back. One of the reason why windows are usually shot in before the throw or hammered in with weapon stocks.
  2. Nathaniel Cole

    A sincere query into 64 bit architecture.

    But how many have quad-cores that are still 32-bit? Quad core is a requirement for ARma 3 and thus one would assume there to be a very miniscule amount of 32-bit users.
  3. Nathaniel Cole

    do i need to upgrade anything on my computer?

    Not counting the fact that you spend much more money than necessary on the CPU, since an i5-3570k would have been faster and cheaper. Anyway, no you do not need to upgrade. YOur performance won't be better with better parts. I have an i5-3570k and a GTX 660ti and I run everything maxed out. Depending on the server, my performance might take a dip. But that is an issue with the game.
  4. Nathaniel Cole

    Feature: Electrical Failure

    An ACOG has no batteries in it. EoTech has, as does AImpoint. ACOG certainly has no batteries in it. The light inside the scope is done by natural illumination from a fiber illuminator outside the scope that gathers light. Even after a nuclear apocalypse and a huge EMP pulse, your ACOG will keep functioning just fine.
  5. Nathaniel Cole

    Laptop users - How is ArmA 3 playing?

    My fiancee uses a laptop, a Lenovo y570. It has a i7-2630QM, 8gb of Ram and GT555M as the GPU. The resolution is natively 1366x786. It performs adequately on all the games we play, except Arma 3. I don't really know what is at fault here. I know that the GPU is not the best of the best, but that doesn't seem to be the issue. GPU usage always hovers around 45% no matter what settings are used. Everything low and 3d Resolution at 1366x786, she gets like 35fps in single player. But multiplayer usually KILLS the computer, down to some 14fps. Well maybe the settings are too demanding? But how can they be? If we increase the 3d resolution to 1080p, put many settings into high and watch what happens, we should get even more of a dip in the frame rate, right? Except... we get 14fps. The exact same average as with all the settings with low. And GPU is used to 45%. So no matter what settings are used, single player is playable while multiplayer mostly is not. It is very frustrating, since one would assume that multiplayer eases pressure by putting the AI into the server, instead of the local machine. We are thinking if we should get a y580 that has a GT660M and i7-3630qm, but would that make a differnece? With that same amount of money, one also gets a desktop with 660ti and i5-3570k and that is surely enough for arma3. But if desktop is the only effective way to bring two playable ARma 3's into the household, then I guess that is what's happening. Does anyone know a remedy for this?
  6. Nathaniel Cole

    The Storm: Episode Two

    Negative, edited. I was being a dumbass.
  7. Nathaniel Cole

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Female soldiers, considering the complete lack of them nowdays in Arma 2 and 3. Year 2035 should not have any restrictions on their service since the few remaining countries are already getting rid of them in 2013. Thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148337-Female-Soldiers
  8. Will the CWR have a coop campaing?
  9. How combatible is the CWR2 mod with old OFP files? Is the http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/MFCTI , MF Conquer the Island that is meant for the original OFP, playable with CWR2? If not, how hard it would be to translate it?
  10. Nathaniel Cole

    COOP 06 - Roadblock Duty (ACE)

    It does not work. No matter if dedicated or private, the engineer gets no options to check or to anything. And I could not find nowhere in the game readme or instructions how to use it. What do I do when I approach the vehicle? Do I pull up some gadget or do I yell at the wall, or what?
  11. Nathaniel Cole

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    It would not be possible to implement these to be the "head" the player chooses? I mean, now you need this mod, but would it be possible to just change the head of the soldier in the menu?
  12. One thing that could benefit the tank players in ace would be the hunter-killer feature of the tank. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter-killer_sight In simple terms, it means that even when commander and gunner are both independently scanning for targets, the commander can, with a press of a button, "steal" the gunners cannon and move it to his aiming reticule, centering gunners sights in align with his, thus enabling him to spot AND effectively "presenting" that target to the gunner. Secondly, will we ever get the chance to change the control of an attack helicopter or a transport helicopter to the second pilot? Perhaps a press of a button to enable the gunner or the left-seater to fly for a moment? Thirdly, there is no zoom in the target camera of the attack helicopters when viewed from the pilots perspective, nor is there any way to move the sight even when a gunner is not present.
  13. Nathaniel Cole

    C-130 as flyable mobile respawn

    Pretty much everything went over my head.
  14. Nathaniel Cole

    C-130 as flyable mobile respawn

    And that would remove the spawn around the flag from base to the moving C-130. Hmm. While that is a solution worth considering, I'd also like to know how to do it in addition to the base spawn? Or would it be possible to replace the other MHQ with it, but only to spawn them inside during the flight?
  15. Nathaniel Cole

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    I do not get the point in requesting forest camo for the US ARMY. People do not realize the fact that the uniform the ARMY is using is the ACU, Army Combat Uniform, with the Universal Camo Pattern, meaning that the same uniform is used in every possible enviroment. "The ACU uses a new military camouflage pattern called the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP), which blends green, tan, and gray to work effectively in desert, woodland, and urban environments." You can use the US Army in Chernarus by all means, only problem is the vehicles that are painted with sand colors. The ACU is used everywhere: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/M249_with_M4_stock.jpg So, only the vehicles need repainting.