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Everything posted by zodd

  1. Sounded interesting so I decided to have a crack at this. Having issues getting the cannon to rotate towards the target but all good with a target location slaved to the pilots visor. Untested with TrackIR but works with freelook so should be no issue. Now just to get the actual functionality to work... (ie. moving the damn weapon system).
  2. Update - I believe I have fixed the MP issue - original post updated, very much appreciate any feedback as to if it has fixed the issues!
  3. Apologies for delay in responding; I have been away for a while (and didnt realise there was still interest on this) I am fairly confident I know the issue re: dedicated servers and my aim is to get back into Arma modding in the relative near future and fixing this is near top of the list... So for those that are interested, thankyou for your interest and standby....! As far as using this without modules, it is possible as a script/image asset file however it will make the mission file quite large. PM me with what you want and I can look at trying to make something a tolerable size that achieves what you are after!
  4. What exactly are you looking for as far as the chanting? Something like the Adhaan is quite good https://www.freesound.org/people/ejaz215/sounds/33937/
  5. Gday all, CombatRPG (the name is as much a WIP as the mod) is a mod that started as a bit of a challenge to myself to make something completely outside the Arma realm. I decided on an MMORPG style (starting zones, camps, quests, experience and levelling etc) and relished the challenge as it was something a bit out of the ordinary for the Arma community. After a bit of work it has actually evolved to the point that it is something that is becoming a fair bit of fun (to both play and create!). While this is still VERY early days, as it is something a bit out of the ordinary I figure it is worth putting out there! Currently it sits somewhere between the fantasy MMORPG style and a Borderlands style RPG. The intent is for players to group (ideally - soloing I am sure will always be an option) to progress through the content - starting in lower level zones before gaining power, skills etc and moving onto higher level content. Key features: - Pure stat based damage - Levelling and progression - Class based skill (damage) with weapons - Class skills (magic, stealth etc) - Visual damage system (Damage displayed as a number when you hit the enemy) and HP bar/names when targeted (THIS took a while but happy with how it turned out!) - Will feature a custom grouping system Key shortfalls: Animations - Not contained in the video but I have found a few placeholder animations within the Arma animation viewer however some custom animations would be a lot better I think. Particle effects - Something that I will work on once the mod is in a releasable state - if anyone is a particle guru though, feel free to chime in! Units/equipment - Functional as is however longer term it would be nice to have custom (non 21st century soldier) units. AI - Getting the AI to fight in an effective way given the overhauled damage system will take a bit of work but even as is it is functional. Persistant server/character saving - This is a longer term issue however will be a key issue that needs to be sorted if it hopes to be something people actually play more than once! UI needed (tracking skills, HP etc) - I hate dialogues and my art skills are woeful! Key points/features are covered in the video below but interested to hear feedback and if anyone has skills in the key areas I dont... that would be great too! Version history/changelog/current bugs list is being maintained so if it is something people are interested in, feel free to comment/add input - I am most definitely NOT a programmer so all feedback helps! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74159983/Arma3/CombatRPG/CombatRPG%20tracker.pdf Note - While I will refer to this as a 'mod', assuming the finished size is not too large I will probably leave it as a script so people are not required to download additional material. That said - if custom animations/weapons/units etc are implemented, obviously that takes it out of script only territory!
  6. You are declaring the functions after they are being called - try and move the function definitions to before the calling part eg BEAKS_addAction = { _gun1 = (_this select 0); _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true]; _gun1 addAction ["REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT",{call BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon}, nil, 9, true, true, "","(_target getVariable ""reinforce"") && (_target distance _this ) < 5 && !(alive ((crew _target) select 0))"]; }; BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapont = { _gun1 = (_this select 0); _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",false]; // addAction should not be available [_gun1] execVM "ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf"; // _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true] inside ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf to make the addAction available again }; if (isServer) then { [[_gun1],"BEAKS_addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; The other thing you could do is precompile the functions in your init.sqf (or script package init file) eg: initBEAKS.sqf BEAKS_addAction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "AwesomeMod\Functions\GunAddAction.sqf"; BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "AwesomeMod\Functions\GunReinforce.sqf"; AwesomeMod\Functions\GunAddAction.sqf _gun1 = (_this select 0); _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true]; _gun1 addAction ["REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT",{call BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon}, nil, 9, true, true, "","(_target getVariable ""reinforce"") && (_target distance _this ) < 5 && !(alive ((crew _target) select 0))"]; AwesomeMod\Functions\GunReinforce.sqf _gun1 = (_this select 0); _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",false]; // addAction should not be available [_gun1] execVM "ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf"; // _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true] inside ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf to make the addAction available again (also the typo as Buliwyf pointed out)
  7. Just a quick idea, something along the lines of the following should do it (cant test it) Laptop this addAction ["Show me the hint", "LaptopFound.sqf"]; LaptopFound.sqf _sideThatFoundLaptop = side _this select 1; [[[_sideThatFoundLaptop],"hint.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; hint.sqf if (!isDedicated) then { _unitside = _this select 0; switch (_unitside) do { case west: {if (side player == west) then { hint "Hint text here"; // script is supposed to check for a _caller side, then broadcast a hint to all players of the same side. }; else { hint "Blufor has located the laptop."; // this hint is supposed to appear for every player of the other side. };}; case east: {if (side player == east) then { hint "Hint text here"; }; else { hint "Opfor has located the laptop."; };}; }; }; Should be enough to get you in the right direction at least
  8. BIS_fnc_MP uses functions by default. Using the BIS_fnc_MP with a script means you need to pass the script title as an argument to BIS_fnc_execVM. eg something like [[[_caller],"teleport\MHQ.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",_caller] call BIS_fnc_MP; (assuming you add a parameter to the MHQ script to accept the argument)
  9. Very nice. I recall someone doing similar work for aircraft MFDs too. Any chance of porting the app to i-pads as well or does it rely on Win 8 functionality? (Although my understanding is you need to develop on an apple computer for iphone/pad apps so that may be a hiccup)
  10. I dont know if you need the 'drop' command for Arma 3 (I am only just starting to dip my toes into it at the moment though) I couldnt find the file you are using - is it from an older arma version? edit: Is it this one http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21218 ? I could not get that to work either - as it is a port from Arma 2 it may be referencing particles that no longer exist in A3 I have managed to get two effects working without using drop command (Code largely from wiki) //Heat haze _ps1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _target; _ps1 setParticleCircle [1, [0, 0, 0]]; _ps1 setParticleRandom [5, [0.1, 0.1, 0], [0.2, 0.2, 0.5], 0.3, 0.25, [1, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0]; _ps1 setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract",1,0,1], "", "Billboard", 1, 10, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5], 0, 10.1, 7.9, 0.01, [1, 1, 1], [[0,0,0,0.7], [0,0,0,0.4], [0,0,0,0.2],[0,0,0,0.1]], [0.125], 1, 0, "", "", _target]; _ps1 setDropInterval 0.01; sleep 2; //Smoke _ps2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _target; _ps2 setParticleCircle [1, [0, 0, 0]]; _ps2 setParticleRandom [5, [0.1, 0.1, 0], [0.2, 0.2, 0.5], 0.3, 0.25, [1, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0]; _ps2 setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 8,0], "", "Billboard", 1, 10, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5], 0, 10.1, 7.9, 0.01, [4, 5, 6], [[0,0,0,0.7], [0,0,0,0.4], [0,0,0,0.2],[0,0,0,0.1]], [0.125], 1, 0, "", "", _target]; _ps2 setDropInterval 0.075; The 'drop' command is from OFP era so maybe the new particle system doesnt require it? The main trouble I had was specifying the initial path - Maybe try using "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal" to test it out? And "Billboard" in lieu of "SpaceObject"? No idea if any of this will help but they were issues I worked around initially (and using hints to confirm you reach points and setting the effect location at the player location to assist in debugging) Good luck... let me know if any of it helps (and where to find the particle editor if you have a good one!)
  11. 'this' refers to 'this object'. eg. If you have a unit called 'boss' then you can refer to it anywhere as 'boss' but if you are using the init field of the 'boss' unit you can just use 'this' which refers to 'this object' Within the script, the '_this' refers to the script argument. When you are calling player execVM "loadout.sqf" you are actually passing the 'player' variable (referring to the player object) to the script as an argument. This is the same as putting in the player init box: nul = this execVM "loadout.sqf" (Remember 'this' refers to 'this object') Ok - Back to the script - Inside the script as we know now, '_this' refers to the argument passed. In the above instance you have just passed a single object so '_this' refers to the object you passed (ie. 'player')! In your instance that is probably all you need but you can pass more than one value - eg. for a teleport script if you would want to pass an object (eg. the player) and a position. This is done by passing an array as the argument instead of just one object. eg. [player, (getPos TeleportLocation)] execVM "teleport.sqf" In this instance, the object passed is actually a reference to a 'list' of objects. We are still only passing one argument (one array) but it contains multiple things. Back inside the script again - '_this' still refers to the argument but instead of it referring to just a single object, it is referring to an array now, so what we have practically is _this = [player, (getPos TeleportLocation)] If we want to access the first object, we use the array handling syntax (great guide here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100559-Beginners-guide-Arrays ) to select it. so in this instance if we want the player, we use _this select 0 (as player is the first element) So our teleport script may look like: _unitToTeleport = _this select 0; //First element of the array passed to the script _location = _this select 1; //Second element of the array passed to the script _unitToTeleport setPos _location; Hope it puts it into perspective a bit!
  12. Might be better in the editing and scripting sub forum though http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?162-ARMA-3-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTING I am interested in this too - I have had a quick test but no luck as yet. From https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVelocity Advanced method used for relative acceleration: _vel = velocity _vehicle; _dir = direction _vehicle; _speed = 10; comment "Added speed"; _vehicle setVelocity [ (_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed), (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * _speed), (_vel select 2) ];
  13. Gday all, Two questions: 1. Is it possible through scripting to remove the animation/effect when hit by a round (body shudder, weapon flies off target) 2. Assuming 1. is answered - Is it possible to re-enable this through scripting after it is disabled? _x allowDamage false will still play the 'hit' effect. ---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ---------- Bah wrong subforum - mods please delete - reposted to http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181862-Unit-hit-animation
  14. Gday all, Two questions: 1. Is it possible through scripting to remove the animation/effect when hit by a round (body shudder, weapon flies off target) 2. Assuming 1. is answered - Is it possible to re-enable this through scripting after it is disabled? _x allowDamage false will still play the 'hit' effect.
  15. Perfect! eg code: if (currentCommand arty1 == "FIRE AT POSITION") then { hint "FIRING!!!"; };
  16. Is it at all possible to determine if an artillery unit is firing (or more importantly is NOT firing) under commandArtilleryFire? The only workaround I have currently is to try and track the rounds given and fired using the fired event handler although this is messy (at least how I am implementing it currently)
  17. Bloody excellent - thanks! A bit to work through before I hit that part (I thought it would take a lot longer for a good reply!) but the key I believe is in this line _hitvalue = getnumber (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "hit"); Much appreciated!
  18. Gday all, Is there any way to determine a weapon damage from the class name (through scripting - ie. without manually digging through CfgAmmo?) I am working on a script that will determine an appropriate weapon - It is easy enough to hard code this in using vanilla systems but if you can access the data through scripts then it will allow it to work for any addon as well.
  19. Gday all, Apologies for the delay, I have been outside busy a fair bit. Hmmm I dont know what is causing it - I will have a bit of a poke around - seems strange that it works sometimes and other times it doesnt... Try add the additional setup modules and turn the init hint on - does it say anything? Also does the vehicle odometer work in those instances?
  20. Release thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?171053-Land-Navigation-mod -------------------- Old thread -------------------- Navigation Aids (pre release) Apologies for the ordinary video - A quick showcase setup to give you an idea of pre-release capabilities. RELEASE NOTES Update - Download link Pre Release V2 updated version: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74159983/Arma3/NavAids/Final/ZOD_Nav_PreRelease2.zip V1: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74159983/Arma3/NavAids/Final/ZOD_Nav_Release.zip Details in post #5 There are many aids to land navigation present in real life that are not in Arma. These are often made redundant by difficulty settings (eg. Showing location and direction on the map) but on higher difficulty settings or in specific situations, these real life aids come in handy in game. This mod is an attempt to bring some of these real life options in game. Currently it is a collection of scripts but the endstate will be a packaged mod. It is fully functional in SP and has been tested in hosted and dedicated MP without any issues. To any coders or others that will look through the scripts: The contents of this mod are: 1. Hand Angles – A convenient way to get an approximate angle is using hand angles. While hand angles are not as frequently applied in navigation, they are used extensively in target indications. 2. Pace counting – The main low tech way to keep track of your distance travelled is pace counting. This is handy for both paces and bearing navigation (Fundamental land navigation technique – especially used in thick terrain or terrain without key landmarks) 3. Vehicle odometer and trip meter – Self-explanatory; allows you to track distance travelled in vehicles. Current Issues: Setup: Editing values: Usage: HAND ANGLES PACE COUNTING VEHICLE ODOMETER/TRIP METER Hope you can get some use out of it and I look forward to your feedback! Enjoy!
  21. zodd

    ArmA 3: Speed Radars!

    Haha was just thinking that (above post) Very nice mate!
  22. Haha as fun as mag variation would be, it would only be a brief sidenote! V1.1 had no change to setup - was just updating you on what I was working on for 1.2.... Speaking of... First post updated with V1.2! This will probably be the last update for a while, it has all the customisation and functionality needed (I think?) for at least the short term... Now I will wait for feedback and (hopefully no...) bugs! ---------------------------------------------- V1.1 - Hotfix for protractor/map size over different maps. Added compatability with previous maps (eg. A3MP) ---------------------------------------------- V1.2 ADDED: - Basic and advanced configuration option modules (see below) - Support for spawned vehicles (Can be customised in advanced config module - toggled on/off and duration between checks for spawned vehicles specified) - Automatic hint of user keys if advanced config is specified in case user keys are changed (can be turned off) - Distance measurement with the protractor string (hints) when in protractor map screen. (On by default, can by turned off in basic config module) MODULES: Place in the editor via the modules [F7] menu. Modules are located under ZODD in the category menu. Load ZOD_NAV modules - Basic editor module required to use. Allows you to specify: Init hint (Show a hint when each element has been initialised. Default to off) Hand Angles (Load the Hand Angles functionality - default to on) Pace Counter (Load the Pace Counter functionality - default to on) Vehicle Odometer (Load the vehicle odometer functionality - default to on) Map Protractor (Load the map protractor functionality - default to on) Basic Config - Allows you to specify: Pace counter default distance (Distance it is set to prior to being configured - default 100m) Random offset from default distance (A random number between 0 and the offset will be added or subtracted from the default distance to simulate human error. Default set to 0) Default pace distance (Distance of one 'pace'. Only effect is number of paces hinted per 100m. Mainly useful for aligning the pacing to your real world pace distance. Default 0.7m) Hint recalibration distance (Hints the exact distance calibrated when recalibrated. Default to off) Include Spawned Vehicles (Runs a check for new vehicles to add the odometer to. Default to on) Spawned vehicle check duration (How often the mod will check for newly spawned vehicles. Default to 10 seconds. Only needed if the above is set to on. Avoid setting too low to minimise lag) String distance hint (Show the approx distance (to nearest 10m) between the middle of the protractor and the end of the string. Default to on) Advanced Config - Allows you to specify: Add hotkey hint action (Adds an action to players which will show a hint of the current hotkey settings. Highly recommended if you change the hotkeys or for people not familiar with the mod. Default is on) Pace count toggle hotkey (Allows you to choose specify the hotkey for toggling pace counting (User 1 - User 20) or specify No Hotkey. Default to User17) Hand Angle toggle hotkey (As above for toggling hand angles on/off - default to User15) Hand Angle cycle hotkey (As above for toggling cycling hand angles - Note it will also toggle them on if they are not displayed. default to User16) Hand Angle Layer (Defines the layer the hand angles are drawn on. This is designed so if another mod uses layers that conflict, you can change the layers this mod uses. Only recommended if mod compatibility issues arise. Default to 6) Pace Count Layer (As above for pace counter - Default to 7) Veh Odo Layer (As above for Vehicle odometer Default to 989) Protractor Layer (As above for the protractor - Default to 11)
  23. Cheers B00ce Unfortunately the map scale isnt aligned to a set distance (ie. you cant set to 1:25 000 etc) - It also means that different size islands will have different values for the 'scale'. At this stage I dont think it is feasible to anchor the protractor to a set scale and zoom in/out from it (or at least doable without massive headaches). How hard is it for you to read? It shows fairly clearly to me. Distance measurement is the next thing I am working through. I am toying with a few ideas but I think (at least at first) the distance measurement will just be a basic hint about the distance represented by the string length. I would like to implement something a little more life like (such as the paper/pencil method) however in the meantime, that is pretty much exactly what I do (literally.... Holding paper up to the monitor....... haha it works at least!)
  24. DoRo - We call them pace counters - check first post, already in (Pace counting section - Default distance set to 100 for lower beads but you can customise this by in game pacing) and what I consider a key part of this mod! Oktyabr - Thanks - I cant say it has been exhaustively tested but the script version was tested as much as possible and had no issues with SP/MP/Dedi/Hosted/JIP so the expectation is that it is fully MP compatible! (As long as I dont piss off the Arma Gods somehow and they curse me!) Also - I havent tried it with AiA but it works fine with A3MP so I dont forsee any issues with AiA. Script version - It is possible (Originally how it started). The problem with a script version over a mod is the images - If you just have it as a script, the mission file becomes about 20mb! Having it as a mod allows the mission files to remain small. I have already started work on V1.2 and fully implemented the "Future definable variables" in the first post. This allows you to have all the control that the script version has with in editor modules. Basic config covers things like default pace counter settings (Distance, random offset simulating human error for default setting, specifying distance of individual paces to align with your own real world pace distance if you want for training) Advanced config is purely designed for compatibility with other mods. The main forseeable conflicts this mod would have is with other mods using the same User Action keys, or using the same layers for images. Rather than editing the mod and repackaging it whenever there is a conflict (or waiting for the opposite mod to work on it) the advanced module lets you override the default layers/keys and specify which will be used in your mission. The only shortfall this has is if you are used to a certain hotkey and the mission designer has overridden the keys without telling you, it might be hard! May put in a hint if it is changed.... NOTE that the two config modules are purely optional and only for mission designers that want more control over the specifics. Standard use remains as easy as placing the main module then starting the mission! Whilst the advanced config is designed so I DONT have to repackage the mod whenever there is a conflict, if it becomes apparent in the short term that the default layers are being used by another mod(s) I will change them for general ease of use! 1.2 will not be released just yet - rather the intent will be to hold off and attempt to address any important shortfalls/issues identified after people have a chance to play with it! edit - Will add in support for spawned vehicles having the odometer added by checking every 10 seconds for new vehicles. This will also be configurable in the basic config module (set to 0 to disable)
  25. Ok, does it work with Drongos Arty on if you use the mousewheel menu? If it does - it is a hotkey issue. If it doesnt, it is an image layer issue I think... Both quite fixable (Will add to the to do list when confirmed)