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Everything posted by miloo_88

  1. i dont get to see how do we can sling the copilot out of the helicopter... i tried the 2x r no deploy rope on the menu... in the map menu » notes: It state that helicopters have a winch, and i couldent see why the copilot is there if its not for spotting and being winched... anybody found how
  2. would be nice to create a secops manager to create random police / swat , ems / SAR, firefighter, trafic, and news mission
  3. crash when i load desert hawk hosting from my coputer, about when i turn the engine to idle ... P8 P67 Pro (rev 3) i7 2600k @ 5 Ghz + h100 gtx 570 stock 1tb caviar black 60 Gb Ozn sata3 ssd
  4. having a secops manager like in arma would create some mission like police mission -swat -men chase -crowd control ambulance / search and rescue transport forest firefighter on the run, like sim copter of sort
  5. helicopters that can transport LAV whit an internal load system like the mi26 mod... since arma 3 gonna stand in the future, this one would be prpbable http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2005/photorelease/q3/pr_050923p-2.html http://media.popularmechanics.com/images/advanced-tandem-heli-0108.jpg