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Everything posted by onfire

  1. Any idea how modules will impact fps rate ?
  2. onfire

    69 pla mod

    Amazing screenshots !
  3. The level of detail is outstanding!
  4. Very good work, couldn't find any bugs yet. Really outstanding mod! One minor request: RACS 85 to Independent side, for more compability with project RACS mod.
  5. onfire

    69 pla mod

    Any idea if Chinese will be OPFOR or IND side?
  6. Great! Tried it out, works great. Only thing bugging me if it could be made possible to switch off IF anims and GUI, for example the running animation and the texture feature of editor. Nevertheless, its fun pitting Red Army soldiers with mosins with only their clothes on their back against 2013 US Special Forces: anachronism ftw. ;) Ok, seems like IF tanks are invincible against A2 units. Couldn't crack a T-34-76 with a M1A1...strange!
  7. Perfekt - frohe Weihnachten! Good addon, merry Christmas! :D
  8. I really enjoy this mod, as I prefer vintage units over these "ultramodern soldiers" with 2008+ equipment.
  9. Very nice and good mod! I especially like the tank and infantry models. Can we expect some F2 editor groups anytime? - Would be awesome.
  10. onfire

    Project RACS

    All those Dayz kids who steal content should be deported to the Democratic Republic of Sahrani. ;)
  11. onfire

    Project RACS

    RACS mod made Arma II fun for me! Really great and inspiring work.
  12. onfire

    Project RACS

    A little tribute (am not only contributor) for the great RACS mod:
  13. Nice mod! Would be nice if there were more editor groups btw. But nice models very detailed :D
  14. onfire

    Ancient Era Mod

    I hope this will be released for Arma 2 :)
  15. Any mod where spent casings and brass remain on the ground?
  16. 80s and 90s have different load bearing vest systems. Rifleman 2 has AFAIK smoke grenades.
  17. Great mod Delta Hawk! Really fun with these nice units. Found a minor bug: some "Light" Soldiers have the same model as their normal counterpart, e.g. Army Machinegunner. Also would be cool if you added a commander unit, the model of the unarmed light soldier with cap but maybe with the officer loadout. But these are really little inconveniences, it is nevertheless big entertainment to play with these amazing units!
  18. Amazing !!! Good job Delta Hawk.
  19. Really awesome screenshots! Very much detailed units. Few questions though: Will you give us F2 groups for editor? And I would like if the different Camo units would be available without setting something in the init field, to make them different models. I am looking forward to see these units in ARMA 2! :)
  20. Looking very good! Outstanding mod.