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About majo213

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  1. majo213

    CSLA3 Phase1

    I want to sleep if you could help me with my modification to the top I would like to ask you rent model SA58, respectively. for permission to use it, I do not have a lot of graphics that I managed to shape everything, then I would then replace their own model, if I get some more people in the team. sorry for my bad english thanks my icq is 628055711 and email mm61031@gmail.com Chcem sa spítaÅ¥ Äi by ste mi mohli pômocÅ¥ s mojou modifikáciou, na zaÄiatok by som Vás chcel poprosiÅ¥ zapožiÄanie modelu SA58, resp. o povolenie ho použiÅ¥, zatiaľ nemám veľa grafikov aby som stihol vÅ¡etko vymodelovaÅ¥, neskôr potom by som to nahradil vlastnými modelom ak zoženiem viac ľudí do teamu. Dakujem moje icq je 628055711 a email mm61031@gmail.com Modifikacia je pre battlefield 2
  2. yeah this my commnet why ?problem ? this comment 1 moon ---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ---------- Project Reality some people did do something to modify the arma 2 and battlefiled 2. This 1st best mod on battlefield 2. Bohenia interactive, people can take what I want to get the game bought footer am away, I can use what I like
  3. bi where I could find the submachine SA-58 (VZ-58)? game in which only knew arma 2
  4. what import model in 3ds max 2010 i m use arma 2 toolbox import ? or oxygen 2 ? ---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ---------- my english bad ---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ---------- what program open (import) p3d model and export to 3ds ?
  5. OMG Project reality use convert mi 8 from arma 2 http://www.moddb.com/mods/project-reality/images/russian-mil-mi-8mtv-2-helicopter#imagebox ---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ---------- Models in modification CSLA to arma not bohenia interactive ---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ---------- Why judge me bi? the first They do not know who I am for the second Do not know where I live for the third For such stupidity?
  6. Hi a iam not work modification. This for me. Understand ?
  7. Hi guys help me i am must use 3ds max 9 ? i am convert sa-58 to battlefield 2 it will go through this program? thanks for reply sorry of my bad english