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Everything posted by MissileMoose

  1. MissileMoose

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    The fix for this is easy, a Harrier in real life is capable of vertical take off. As said above, not with a full load-out. When a Harrier lands on a carrier, the aircraft has only a few minutes/seconds to land before it runs out of fuel (Correct me if I'm wrong, that's how I've heard it). Here's a small topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1818910 Also a small demonstration I made with full instructions in the description: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySoRPB-CtaU Hoped this helped, enjoy! Edit: With this "fix", it is possible to take off with a full load-out, you just have to play it realistically and not do that.
  2. MissileMoose

    Request to BI

    Is that a real life photo for the game, or an in-game picture? None of the weapons in these pictures have just iron sights. Could you post a link to the picture in question please?
  3. MissileMoose

    Request to BI

    Hi Recon, You should have posted this in the Suggestions area. To answer your question, I think the sight is built into the model (Correct me if I'm wrong please, I'm not too knowledgeable in that area). However there are quite a few addons for the UK weapons, the first that comes to mind is the P:UKF pack. Check out their home page: http://www.pukf.net/ Regards Moose
  4. I think the best way to achieve this is to use unitCapture & unitPlay. Here's the tutorial I used - (Credits to TheJserver)Also check this out: Happy flying! -MM
  5. MissileMoose

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I've just updated J.S.R.S in the last few minutes (Never updated it before), I absolutely love this sound mod! Thank you for spending your own time to work on this. :D -MM
  6. Sorry, I mean I need another set of concrete blocks for the inner part of the roof, those have to be flipped upside-down. Let me grab a quick picture of what I mean. Pictures: http://i54.tinypic.com/xm0nyq.jpg - View from the top http://i56.tinypic.com/i4lppy.jpg - View from underneath, another set of concrete blocks need to be upside-down to prevent the player from seeing through the roof.
  7. Good day all. I'm just in the 2D editor trying to finish a small mission, I'm trying to create a little tunnel/bunker for a few vehicles to sit in. I have sets of H-Barriers on each side as the support for a concrete block that I was trying to sit on top, however when I place the concrete block and raise it up with: [color="Red"]this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1,5];[/color] (Not got the height exact just yet) ...I can see through the bottom of the object as it seems only the top is solid, is there any way I can fix this? Or are there any other objects that I could use for a bunkers roof? Thank you -MM Edit: Just got to add, that I've searched Google for a while and it's just drawn blank. If anybody has a link to a solution I would be very grateful.
  8. Thanks for the reply, it works perfectly! I'm a little confused to how I would flip the object over, while still keeping it at the correct angle? I've tried changing it around a little bit, but the object still stays upright. I'm completely useless with setVector, sorry. :p -MM
  9. Thanks for the reply enforcer, I've just had a little play around with "setVectorUp", it works great but doesn't flip according to the terrain on Takistan. I changed a few of the values but I can't seem to flip it parallel to the ground. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  10. MissileMoose

    ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

    Hey, I've just re-downloaded this as you've updated it, I must say I absolutely love it! I only have one problem as I run OA-Stand alone, the road textures don't show and it gives me an error saying file not found... I'm not sure if it's been posted before, but I really hope that you could fix it! :D -MissileMoose
  11. MissileMoose

    high settings?

    Hey, I run ArmA 2 OA on "Very High" settings with an average of 48FPS on the benchmark. My system spec is in my signature. Keep in mind that my XFX 6870 is pre-overclocked. Hope this helped! -MissileMoose Edit - You could also try overclocking your CPU if you have a decent air/water cooler, just Google for some tutorials (At your own risk of course). I'm not sure if this will increase performance in ArmA much as I think it's more on the GPU side (Correct me if I'm wrong).
  12. MissileMoose

    Items in backpack not created

    Yup it certainly should, you just fixed what I spent about four hours trying to work out, in a couple of minutes? :o Thank you very much for your time, I much appreciate it! Have yourself a wonderful Christmas as well! -MissileMoose
  13. MissileMoose

    UH-1 Huey Reskins

    Awesome, Thank you very much! :p