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Everything posted by baz44331

  1. baz44331

    Warfare for Invasion 1944 Mod

    yes it is very good game but the bugs bring it down. IE modern pickup trucks and modern base. you could use the halftrack model for the MHQs. 5th Rifles clan has it runing now,
  2. just to let anyone who like's this mod know. the 5th Rifles clan have a warfare 1944 mission runing on one of its server all the time. all are welcome.
  3. baz44331

    v1.57 Freeze with 13% CPU usage

    yea mate i did. i tryed everything you can think of lol, i mean everything!
  4. baz44331

    v1.57 Freeze with 13% CPU usage

    yes i had alot of problem with this game. i have 8GB of ram but after a month of mind melting serching i found the game works very badly with 8GB of ram lol. my computer is only 3months old ther abouts, GTX 480 8 GB DDR3 ram i7 950 processor. 1 TB hardrive, 512 hardrive, Mother board. P6T Deluxe V2 ASUS. I have tryed everything i even got a new Graphics card a 2GB 5970 and it was still the same lol. i tryed the Ram setting which did help a little, i updated the hardwere, and did a complete fresh install of everthing and replaced my windows 7 HomePremium, with Ultimate, still noting, so i tested the ram to make sure it was all working ok. It was working perfect with other games. so i tryed it with just 4GB of ram and work like a dream, the motherboard is perfect too, so it has to be Arma, i see people on here every day with the same peoblem lol, i hope this helps you out, I know how bad it can get,
  5. baz44331

    v1.57 Freeze with 13% CPU usage

    try to put only four G in the computer, and it will work,
  6. looking good guys, great work so far. you have the wpns just right,
  7. WoW just about done, nice cant wait for this release, great work,
  8. baz44331

    OA Out of memory error

    ok i had 8 GB of ram in, i removed 4GB and now arma runs no problems. I hope this bug is sorted,
  9. no mate the new unforums are going to be darker lol your textures are fine mate.
  10. Blink.. get the long barrel for the styer mate, thats the Enginers one and there a pack of girls,and the range is bad on them too, also the GPMG has changed mate.. new attachments for the lucy and the kite on the top cover is a guide track just like the one for the styer,also new camo too mate comeing in, wont be long till it out, alot darker and has some changes to unforum, and we have new assult packs, ill talk to you later, im a cpl in the 5th Inf BN so ill give you a little update later, O yea and im a texture artits hahah
  11. baz44331

    OA Out of memory error

    this works, tryed it no problems here, and it stops the black screen and white flashing,
  12. baz44331

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    wait you mean the officel patch? im looking for a beta patch to fix some issues im haveing,
  13. baz44331

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    where can we find current build 76134.
  14. baz44331

    Nvidia GTX580 benchmark ArmaII

    im buying one of these cards tomorrow, can anyone confirm if this card sorts out some bugs like the minimiz bug,
  15. baz44331

    Black Screen Minimize To Desktop

    yes ,time & speed, and volts, should have a guide on the forum who make your ram, your volt is 1.5V so have a look around on how todo it,
  16. no i have a 480 and i dont have everything on VERYHIGH lol, textures veryhigh, Memory default, everything eles high, that should be ok,
  17. baz44331

    Black Screen Minimize To Desktop

    I had a problem like this, check your ram settings in the BIOS and see if there set right. i would get the right ram settings form the manfacter then set it manualy on you BIOS.
  18. so will steam be delayed again?
  19. baz44331

    Russia, return or someone new?

    yes i see where you going with it. Vets from WW2 fought in that war too. and China was pushing troops over the boarder and Russia pilots where flying ther planes. very exciting. and french british US and other UN armys fought in the war too.
  20. baz44331

    Russia, return or someone new?

    WW2 would be great, that would be epic normandy or Africa or Russia.
  21. baz44331

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Russia has being asked by NATO to go back in to faganstan to support the troops in the war. and i think there going to go. so this would be a good realistic way to go.
  22. baz44331

    minimize crash.

    this is now fixed with Patch 260.99 WHQL. thanks for any help you guys tryed. later.
  23. I just got my new rig and when i play Arma 2 CO game and i have BAF i get a minimize crash then it wont come back on, the sound would and you can fire too but the desktop is still on. i also get some light flicking. I didint have this with my last compter and the graphic card was a 470 so whats the deal? anyone know. I updated my graphics card drivers I updated my windows and most of the drivers as well. the only way to get out of the crash is by: holding down shift and number pad - and then type flush. I get a error say your driver has recoverd. I would like a full fix for this so if anyone know please post here thanks. I wouldint be able to play it at all if i dont get this sorted. my system specs. Processor CPU: Intel i7 950 2.80 Ghz 4 Cores Memory 8GB DDR3 Quad Chanel Motherboard Asus P6T X58 Deluxe Video Card 1.536GB Nvidia Geforce GTX480 Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit EDIT (((( this is now fixed with Patch 260.99 WHQL. thanks for any help you guys tryed. later)))))