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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Fixed the cop loading problem.
  2. You can't make a PBO private, but you can have the stat save functions loaded to the player by the server. If you need more help add me on Steam.
  3. Thanks for understanding. This may be the only option for those who want stat saving for their mission without using any addons, or if server side stat saving isn't an option due to lag or complexity. It's also useful for clans too. My system does exactly what I promised it would do.
  4. If people are going to hack, then they're going to hack, that's that. There's no way to stop anyone from hacking. Mission devs can actually monitor the stats if they coded their mission to do so. Also about your PS, this is just an example - mission specific stuff that is calculated/done on the client can utilize this by not having to send all the data to the server (causing lag). @PS2: create your own serverID instead of having a randomly generated one.
  5. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    I am not going to force that system upon players. Tweakers can add it to the mission if they want it. Personally I dislike that system - you are most likely a 20+ year old man in RP, I'm sure your character knows how to drive a car or go fishing. The only limitation/skill is yourself.
  6. I already have a couple of people using this system. I know there is the vulnerability due to the saves being client side, but the benefits outweigh that. This becomes extremely useful for those whose servers can't handle large continuous amounts of data being sent between clients and the server for traditional stat saving methods; it also allows a greater amount of saving to be done at a higher rate and of larger volume. A good example of usage is a server with a large number of players (64+) that require continuous stat saving of a large amount of variables with a great amount of data. If someone really wants to hack their data, then there's already a chance they would hack on your server too -- and in that case it is up to the administration to handle them. This isn't so much of a flaw in my system than it is a flaw with ArmA. This system definitely works as a good friend of mine wanted me to replace his iniDB stat save system with my new addon-free solution due to the immense lag that he would get on his server. Once I got it all working, the server filled up and everyone was amazed by how fast the stats loaded (instantly) and how little lag there was. Not to mention that their stats actually saved successfully 100% of the time, and their stats saved every second. It's a real game changer and hopefully more mission developers decide to use this system or atleast get an idea from what it can do.
  7. zooloo75

    Terrain Blending

    Nice, I know I speak for everyone when I say, "Bring it to ArmA!" :) Looks nice!
  8. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    No problem, thanks!
  9. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    The mission is still a WiP and is nowhere near completion -- please refrain from requesting what needs to be done as it will be done in the future! Thanks! :)
  10. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Mission updated! 7/1/2013 (SERVER ADMINS, YOU CAN REMOVE INIDB FROM YOUR SERVER - IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED.) Known bug: When loading stats, players might get a message saying "Bad Vehicle Type"; Players must set their interface size to small in order to see most of the GUI properly (will be fixed) -Bug fixes -Old save system scrapped -Created a new save system that is reliable, and lag free, allowing a ton of stats with any value to be saved without worry of instability; this also means servers no longer require iniDB. Released my stat save system! - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158318-Addon-Free-Stat-Save-System-Script&p=2430926#post2430926
  11. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    I will look into those bugs. I am currently creating a new stat save system that is more reliable, no lag, good performance, and doesn't require addons.
  12. zooloo75

    why does this happen.

    Looks like it's Christmas time!
  13. zooloo75

    units screaming voice commands

    "I really don't care about that, I don't need to know there is a bunny hopping merrily by 16.7m to my 9 o'clock :/" You sir have just won the internet.
  14. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    I updated the mission a few minutes ago :)
  15. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Currently working on co-owners for vehicles. Vehicle owners will be able to set co-owners for their vehicle that will have access to the lock/unlock functionality along with access to the trunk. ---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 AM ---------- Updated -Gas pump code tweaked -Vehicle owners can set co-owners via interaction menu -Other tweaks
  16. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Thanks for the support everyone!
  17. I guess some people can't stand to see others' enjoyment.
  18. zooloo75

    Please let us have fire control systems!

    Hopefully they actually change something with vehicles (as they are pretty much the same (even less functionality than ArmA2!!!!! >.<), atleast we have mirrors.) Hopefully we'll get a proper damage system.
  19. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    6/30/2013 -Shops now have only a certain amount of items to sell (Manufacturing of items are planned!) -Added basket to supply shop (used to harvest fruits) -Added harvest areas for fruits that can be sold to the market.
  20. zooloo75

    Around 50% are roleplaying servers

    There was a thread exactly like this yesterday... Simply put: People will play games the way they want to play them.
  21. [ ["CAMP ROGAIN, RESSUPLY POINT","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>"], ["10 MINUTES LATER ...","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1.0'>%1</t><br/>"] ] spawn Bis_printText; That looks likes what you need. Just change the text in there and it should work. Haven't tested it -- about to goto bed.
  22. zooloo75

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I'd like to applaud your work Sa-Matra. I've never been a fan of Wasteland due to the fact that it's always laggy or has a terrible fps. However I played your version today and wow! Your Wasteland is superior in every way compared to the other Wasteland missions. I had fun actually being able play, and the gameplay mechanics are wonderful! You did a fine job and I hope you keep up the good work!
  23. zooloo75

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    ArmA3 has a lot of things, and Left Ctrl is not my TS key. ---------- Post added at 05:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:14 AM ---------- I'm currently working on shop stocks. Shops will no longer have an unlimited amount of items and players will influence the economy by selling/restocking the shop's inventory.
  24. zooloo75

    Future ARMA games

    This wouldn't be the ArmA we all know and love then.
  25. zooloo75

    Enjoying Development Logs

    I like how the devs actually communicate with the community. You don't see that very often!