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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. Alrighty, so here's the design: I am mimicking Convolution reverb using only scripting. The idea is that when a weapon is fired, the sound wave bounces off nearby buildings and other objects. In urban areas, the effect is most noticeable. The listener fires his weapon and can hear his shot reverberate off of buildings and may even notice a delay of the reverb (effected by distance). Working within the limitations of the engine, the effect is still very believable, although this isn't true Convolution reverb, it is exceptional. I will be posting a video within the next couple of hours.
  2. I will explain the design in a few hours (once I get off work). It's mostly implemented, and sounds AMAZING. I've never heard a firefight sound as intense as this in any game.
  3. zooloo75

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    In response to BI allowing monetization: it's not wise to specifically allow such freedom which is vulnerable to exploit (see A3L) when we (the community) have already witnessed the lack of needed enforcement against such perpetrators from your part. This just opens a big can of worms that have the potential to produce Caiden-like people exponentially.
  4. zooloo75

    [PvP] Airsoft: Bring Your A-Game

    Thank you everyone for nominating Airsoft: Bring Your A-Game as a finalist entry!
  5. Released! A small project that aims to provide a simple, fun, player vs player game mode for multiplayer. It is similar to Battlefield's Conquest game mode in which players from two teams fight to capture objectives and deplete their opponent's tickets for victory. The twist is that the default weapon ballistics are replaced in favor of more weighted projectiles to emulate airsoft pellets; heavier and slower. The mission is addon-free, requiring no overhead for servers to host the mission. The area-of-operation is a closed-off forested area with lots of vegetation for concealment and cover. Features from I and Doc Reaper's discontinued multiplayer game mode, "Hostage Rescue" have been utilized in this mission. Features such as pointing at locations or people, player tags for your teammates to see their location on-screen, as well as other functions. A currency system is in-place to reward skilled players, allowing them to purchase more pellets, different outfits, ATVs, Quadcopter UAVs, and fortifications (for base building). In fear of certain players becoming overly-wealthy in credits and the rest of their team lacking credits, players are presented an option to distribute their overall wealth to the rest of their team, dividing evenly among everyone. This wealth distribution options encourages teamwork by allowing skilled players to help their team purchase upgrades and additional gear. Developed in under a week. Media http://makearmanotwar.com/entry_uploads/4679/screenshots/8dtQxNIJKOuQ2wFIPnhTGl6Tsx11yYX5FUboNCYS6WT653fTbg.jpg (400 kB) http://makearmanotwar.com/entry_uploads/4679/screenshots/koiRUZ36TxppaGKAReWGwAeLQhZiAe29KAU5W1WmQnNY788PdQ.jpg (569 kB) http://makearmanotwar.com/entry_uploads/4679/screenshots/o2ygxqKgY6dn6toNvkestMSewsiHOUrNphPM1k79lMWnhbeUlu.jpg (448 kB) http://makearmanotwar.com/entry_uploads/4679/screenshots/bgbShUlt33nlyo5OX5dZWohC4uPm9VYfbqnaSpza2tarqQ1iCd.jpg (280 kB) http://makearmanotwar.com/entry_uploads/4679/screenshots/XOFdSmoTGqoWDFXqXHKoFN2kM3hrIFBWmFWbG7p7o3MeNdsI0l.jpg (356 kB) Servers Download Support me on Make ArmA Not War
  6. Gonna send a PM to get my medal :D
  7. zooloo75


    Ragdoll'd Giving units a chance to trip over their shoe-laces. Adds ragdoll functionality to units. Last update: June 26th Media Demonstration video by sorophx. Demonstration video by asuseroako. Video by sttosin Video by asuseroako Video by asuseroako Extensive FAQ Download (From any of these fine sites) Requirements Community Based Addons Credits BadBenson - Helping me setup the configs. Kerc Kasha - setObjectTexture tip, realism code suggestion. LordPrimate - Value tweak suggestion for more realistic ragdolling, bug testing. Asuseroako - Bug testing. Ragdoll'd by Zooloo75 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  8. Is it really so damn hard for BI to just add a text filter to the server browser that is simply a textbox and a dropdown that specifies {"INCLUDES", "EXCLUDES"} and just does a string::find() ?!?!!!!!! Here's some help -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2340281/check-if-a-string-contains-a-string-in-c BLEH!
  9. zooloo75


    It's still appalling that ragdoll scripting commands aren't available yet. One would think that with the major addition of ragdolling to the series, that us modders would get commands to take advantage of such a huge feature.
  10. zooloo75


    Takoda's videos don't seem to have my mod enabled. My mod doesn't require the person to die to ragdoll. Might just be a misunderstanding of what my mod does.
  11. zooloo75


    Hmm, it's working fine for me. I'm on dev branch and am using CBA RC3.
  12. zooloo75


    I'll see what I can do. @BI: hire me :)
  13. No, unless BI decides to get their shit together and stop milking an old, broken engine that contains 10+ year old bugs.
  14. I am wondering if there's a driveby script -- I searched but couldn't find any. I just created a driveby system where players can shoot out of vehicles. If no such script has been made yet, I am willing to release mine for someone to possibly make a mod out of it (it could use some proper sitting animations that allow the player to shoot). ---- I built this for my Chernarus Life server. Init.sqf driveby = 0; facingBack = 0; facingFront = 0; facingLeft = 0; facingRight = 0; driveByCar = objnull; onKeyPress = compile preprocessFile "onKeyPress.sqf"; waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))}; (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call onKeyPress"]; onKeyPress.sqf private["_handled", "_faceCP", "_faceVP"]; _key = _this select 1; _shift = _this select 2; _handled = false; switch _key do { case 14: { if(driveBy == 1) exitwith { _nearCars = nearestobjects [player,["landvehicle"],10]; detach player; driveBy = 0; player moveincargo (_nearCars select 0); facingBack = 0; facingFront = 0; facingLeft = 0; facingRight = 0; _handled = true; }; if(driveBy == 0 && vehicle player != player) exitwith { facingBack = 0; facingFront = 1; facingLeft = 0; facingRight = 0; execVM "driveby.sqf"; _handled = true; }; }; case 19: { if(driveBy == 0) exitwith {}; reload player; _handled = true; }; case 16: { if(driveBy == 0 || facingBack == 1) exitwith {}; facingBack = 1; facingFront = 0; facingLeft = 0; facingRight = 0; player setdir 180; _handled = true; }; case 18: { if(driveBy == 0 || facingFront == 1) exitwith {}; facingBack = 0; facingFront = 1; facingLeft = 0; facingRight = 0; player setdir 0; _handled = true; }; case 45: { if(driveBy == 0 || facingLeft == 1) exitwith {}; facingBack = 0; facingFront = 0; facingLeft = 1; facingRight = 0; player setdir -90; _handled = true; }; case 46: { if(driveBy == 0 || facingRight == 1) exitwith {}; facingBack = 0; facingFront = 0; facingLeft = 0; facingRight = 1; player setdir 90; _handled = true; }; }; _handled; Driveby.sqf //STEALTHSTICK==ZOOLOO75 - THE FIRST PERSON TO EVER CREATE A WORKING DRIVEBY SYSTEM IN ARMA. _vcl = vehicle player; driveByCar = _vcl; if(driver vehicle player == player) exitwith {player allowdamage true;}; //People in the vehicle and calculations _crewSlot = crew vehicle player; _mySlot = _crewSlot find player; //player groupchat format ["%1",_mySlot]; if (_mySlot > 3) exitwith {hint "You cannot perform a driveby in this seat.";player allowdamage true;}; if (_mySlot == 0) exitwith {hint "You cannot perform a driveby without a driver.";player allowdamage true;}; //////////////////////////////// //Supported Vehicle check _supported = [ "TT650_Base", "SUV_Base_EP1", "Lada_base", "SkodaBase", "VWGolf", "UAZ_Base", "M1030", "ATV_Base_EP1", "LandRover_Base", "S1203_TK_CIV_EP1", "UAZ_Unarmed_Base", "Volha_TK_CIV_Base_EP1", "ATV_US_EP1", "car_sedan" ]; //if !((typeof _vcl) in _supported) exitwith {hint "This vehicle is not supported for drivebys (yet!)";}; player allowdamage false; _oldVel = velocity driveByCar; format['%1 setvelocity [0,0,0];', driveByCar] call broadcast; driveByCar setvelocity [0,0,0]; //Vehicle checks if(_vcl iskindof "TT650_Base") then {moveout player; player attachto [_vcl,[-0.1,-0.3,-1]];}; if(_vcl iskindof "M1030") then {moveout player; player attachto [_vcl,[-0.1,-0.3,-1]];}; if(_vcl iskindof "SUV_Base_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.75,-0.25,-0.95]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.75,-1,-0.95]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.85,-1,-0.95]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "Lada_base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,0.25,-1.3]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.3]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,-0.5,-1.3]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "SkodaBase") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.4,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.65,-0.8,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.4,-0.8,-1.35]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "VWGolf") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0.2,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.7,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.7,-1.35]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "UAZ_Unarmed_Base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "UAZ_Base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "ATV_Base_EP1") then {moveout player; player attachto [_vcl,[0.0,-0.7,-0.85]];}; if(_vcl iskindof "LandRover_Base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.7,0.4,-0.9]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-0.9]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-0.9]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "S1203_TK_CIV_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.85,1.1,-1]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.85,0.1,-1]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.35,0.1,-1]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "Volha_TK_CIV_Base_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,0.1,-1.25]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.55,-0.6,-1.25]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,-0.6,-1.25]];};}; if(_vcl iskindof "car_sedan") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.7,-0.6,-1.25]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,-0.6,-1.25]];};}; driveby = 1; player switchmove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon"; format['%1 switchmove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon";', player] call broadcast; player groupchat "Press Backspace to get out of driveby mode."; hintsilent "Press Backspace to get out of driveby mode."; sleep 2; format['%1 setvelocity %2', driveByCar, _oldVel] call broadcast; player allowdamage true; while{driveby == 1} do {if !(alive player) exitwith {player allowdamage true;};INV_shortcuts = false; if((animationState player) != "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon") then {player playmove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon"}; sleep 2;};
  15. zooloo75


    I really wish I had spare time :( I'm sure its a simple fix too. In the mean time, if anyone would like to take on the fix, feel free to do so. School has just started for me today and I'm pretty much out all day, every day. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  16. zooloo75


    Ha, and yes, the GTX660 SC is my dedicated PhysX card. P.S. Nice signature :P
  17. zooloo75


    Good news: PC is built now! MSI Gaming 5 i7 4790K 4GHz GTX 780 Dual FTW 3GB 8GB DDR3 G.Skill Ripjaws 1600MHz GTX660 SC 2GB Allow me a few days to get situated with this beauty :) Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  18. It's a hefty topic, but long story short, SQF has to be interpreted by the engine and is weighed down by the ArmA process. Native compiled code is faster than interpreted code. There's also no limitation as to what one can do using a programming language such ad C# or C++ as they would have direct access to everything. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  19. zooloo75


    Sad news, I won't be able to do anything for about a week. Found out that 2 of my DIMMs aren't working on my motherboard anymore. Just ordered the MSI Gaming 5 and the i7 4790K in midst of my total upgrade. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  20. FFIS2 will see light one day, but it will never be as advanced as I want it to be, due to the performance of SQF. I hope that one day BI will release an API so we can all fully utilize the power and performance of real programming languages. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  21. zooloo75


    Been very busy lately. I just got a GTX780 and should get back into playing A3 some more. I may look into it this weekend.
  22. I thought I should post this. Not a long message, but I'd like to just put this out there. Ever since I played ArmA2 (I believe during my junior year in highschool) during its release, I've always been fascinated by the scripting language and how it was possible to make anything and share it with players all around the world. Before I ever played this game, I had no interest in computer science (which I am currently majoring in). This game got me hooked into programming and now I am one of the best Computer Science majors at my university. As I said, I'm keeping this short and would like to thank BIS for their games that shaped the course of my future. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  23. zooloo75

    How do you make a workshop addon

    Quite an imagination. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  24. It has become apparent that the server list has become an overpopulated mess of Life and Wasteland servers. What's the appeal? Why do so many people like to pretend they are Greek police officers or run around all of Altis with a pistol? How do people manage to accept the awful framerate that is present within almost all of these servers? Why is everyone in these servers straight-up retarded? I don't see the appeal for players. It's a massively-distributed generic mission. Why aren't there any servers hosting fun missions, serious missions, PvPs, community-made work, and not these money-grabber exploit missions? I'm not going to go into how these servers rake in so much money from "donations" (some sell features for money, unlocking special things for "donors"). Not to mention how there are Life servers that simply throw in some community addons (work made by our community members from ArmAholic and the BI Forums) and claim they are a brand new mission, limiting players to a small selection of custom vehicles, weapons, etc and reserve a large portion for "donors". This was heavily prevalent in ArmA2, and there's no reason not to believe it happens in ArmA3 either. Oh well, I'm going to try and limit my venting so I don't get banned. What's your opinion?