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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. Sorry my Q was is there a way to STOP them from re-Spawning due to fly overs in a zone ? i.e.. have a parameter to say allow / stop spawn due to Fly overs in the module
  2. Is there any way to be able to set some Zones to not spawn with fly overs ,so they only spawn via land / infantry?
  3. 1para{god-father}

    Dynamic Civilian Life (DCL) scripts

    Thanks, but a little confused. The EH once fired - checks to see if it is a player and the side is West if it is then just place a maker and change the score. Where/ how does it change the Side, and how do I go about resolving it ?
  4. 1para{god-father}

    Dynamic Civilian Life (DCL) scripts

    I have it added @ line 119 in generate_zones.sqf _civil setvariable ["civilrole", (_x select 2), true]; _civil setvariable ["destination", _position, false]; _civil setvariable ["wcprotected", true, false]; _civil addEventHandler ['killed',{_this execVM 'civdeath.sqf'}]; The EH fires fine and works on the first 3 civilians killed but the 3rd seems to stop working on any more kills and also removed my other EH on OPFOR ? civdeath.sqf _civ = _this select 0; _killer =_this select 1; private ["_killposition"]; if (isPlayer (_this select 1) AND side (_this select 1) == WEST ) then { totalscore = totalscore -150; publicVariable "totalscore"; _whokiller = name _killer; _text=format["Your side just killed a Civilian you just lost 150 Points your score is now.%1",str totalscore]; [_text, "new_fnc_MPhint", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; _cid = floor(random 10000); _mname = format["killermarker%1",_cid]; _mname1 = format["Civilian killed by %1",_whokiller]; _marker =[_mname,_civ, "Icon", [1,1], "TEXT:", _mname1, "TYPE:", "mil_dot", "COLOR:", "ColorRed", "GLOBAL", "PERSIST"] call CBA_fnc_createMarker; };
  5. 1para{god-father}

    Dynamic Civilian Life (DCL) scripts

    Not sure why but i have a EH "killed" added to civilians/ OPFOR etc... and after i kill 3 Civilians all my EH stop working ,Any idea why All my "Killed" EH stop working? They all work fine until i add this script in so i know something in this script BTW they no longer remove after i kill 3 civilians so that bit is fixed b:)
  6. 1para{god-father}

    Dynamic Civilian Life (DCL) scripts

    Just to report having the same issue if I kill more than 3 civilians they no longer spawn in any town and they ones that where in the same town disappear in front of your eyes
  7. 1para{god-father}

    Fire-Fight Improvement System

    Does this run OK on Dedi server ?
  8. 1para{god-father}

    Dynamic Civilian Life (DCL) scripts

    But where would you add that to this script ?
  9. must be one of those days ! I need to place a marker but only for EAST side to see but cannot seems to get it to work ///spawn box etc...... TAG_ammobox = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F",getmarkerpos "marker_clear", [], 0, "NONE"]; ////then place marker on Box for east side ONLY ///// if ((side player) == EAST) then { _eastmaekerpos = createMarkerLocal ["east_ammomarker", getpos TAG_ammobox]; _eastmaekerpos setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack"; _eastmaekerpos setmarkershapelocal "icon"; _eastmaekerpos setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _eastmaekerpos setmarkertextlocal "Ammo Box Location"; };
  10. 1para{god-father}

    Dynamic Civilian Life (DCL) scripts

    Nice script works fine , would be nice to be able to add stuff to Spawned Civilians i.e add a EH to all civilains _civ addEventHandler ['killed',{_this execVM 'civdeath.sqf'}]; so we can do stuff like monitor kills etc... a Search option to them all so we can search them so we can interact with them , and be able to plant Intel % of them - just some food for thought :)
  11. 1para{god-father}

    Marker to show Only for EAST - not working

    LOL any work around ?
  12. 1para{god-father}

    Marker to show Only for EAST - not working

    Works fine on MP but as soon as I test on Dedi it will not show? Just trying to get a marker over the ammo crate that only East can see
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Marker to show Only for EAST - not working

    Sorry i should have said it will not work on Dedi:- ///run this bit on server only////// if (isserver) then { sleep 5; _location = AO_locations call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pos = getmarkerpos _location; AO_locations = AO_locations - [_location]; ["clear","Locate and Destroy","Locate and Destoy the Ammo Crate that is somehwere in the town it should be within 150 meter of the marker",true,["MissionAO",_pos,"mil_objective","ColorYellow"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add; ////////PATROL MARKER///////////// _mrk1= createmarker ["marker_clear",_pos]; _mrk1 setmarkershape "ELLIPSE"; _mrk1 setmarkersize [180,180]; _mrk1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "marker_clear" setMarkerAlpha 0; sleep .2; TAG_ammobox = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F",getmarkerpos "marker_clear", [], 0, "NONE"]; TAG_ammobox lock true; //TAG_ammobox addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { if ((_this select 4) == "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo") then [{_this select 2},{0}]; }]; [TAG_ammobox,150,2] execvm "buildingpos.sqf"; MainAO setPos (getpos TAG_ammobox); sleep 2; /////DEBUG///////// if ((paramsarray select 0) == 1) then { _cid = floor(random 10000); _t = format["ammo is here%1",_cid]; [_t, TAG_ammobox, "Icon", [1,1], "TEXT:", _t, "TYPE:", "mil_dot", "COLOR:", "ColorGreen", "GLOBAL", "PERSIST"] call CBA_fnc_createMarker; }; }; //////run on client//////////// if ((side player) == EAST) then { _eastmaekerpos = createMarkerLocal ["ammo_locationmarker", getpos TAG_ammobox]; _eastmaekerpos setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack"; _eastmaekerpos setmarkershapelocal "icon"; _eastmaekerpos setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _eastmaekerpos setmarkertextlocal "Ammo Box Location"; };
  14. Trying to make it so only a Satchel Charge can destroy the chopper , but for some reason it will not blow using that charge ? Where am i going wrong as i am sure that is the correct Classname _chopper = "O_Heli_Light_02_F" createVehicle _pos; _chopper setFuel 0; _chopper lock true; _chopper addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { if ((_this select 4) == "SatchelCharge_Remote_mag") then [{_this select 2},{0}]; }];
  15. 1para{god-father}

    Only SatchelCharge can destroy the chopper

    yep that one worked many thanks !
  16. Is there any way to take of Thermal of a Vehicle ?
  17. 1para{god-father}


    OK it must be me but where is it located as I cannot find it anywhere should it be in the A3 folder ?
  18. 1para{god-father}


    is there a link for this anywhere ?
  19. Will there be a Dedi MP version coming out ?
  20. 1para{god-father}

    General Discussion on the new tools.

    Ahhh that is like asking for the winning lottery numbers !
  21. 1para{god-father}

    Using inbuilt 3D-Editor for map making

    I would ask in that thread you will get QUICKER answer, but it does come with a test mission all set up i believe
  22. 1para{god-father}

    ZGM Arma 3 Terrain Editing Suite

    Not sure if it is just me but the Building Add-ons & Garage are all sitting at there highest point after Import, they are correct in the 3d Editor but after import they seem to sit wrong , also the garage & Bar Gate move a little way to the left each time as well which is very strange.
  23. 1para{god-father}

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3 Alpha

    Need some advice when i respawn i lose my Addaction and get this error ? My Addaction _iddspect = [[("<t color=""#00d9ff"">" + ("Spawn") + "</t>"),"\mod\mission_settings\create.sqf",[], 0, false, false]] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerAction; RPT error Error in expression <dexes set [count (_actionIndexes), _veh addAction _value] }] call CBA_fnc_hashEa> Error position: <addAction _value] }] call CBA_fnc_hashEa> Error addaction: Type String, expected Array File x\cba\addons\common\XEH_postInit.sqf, line 112
  24. 1para{god-father}

    MAD Ambient Life - (SP/MP)

    Thought so just thought i would check! BTW Traffic works fine for me in SP
  25. 1para{god-father}

    MAD Ambient Life - (SP/MP)

    Very nice a quick Q is the limit per location or per player ? i.e [10, 500, 10] execVM "MAD_civilians.sqf"; would spawn 10 civi's is that at the location or per Player