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About vonRichthofen

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  1. vonRichthofen

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    I think that the biggest thing that needs improvement in the game is the general movement/control of the players unit. At the moment the best example of what I think would be best is RO2. However even better would be a mixture of RO2 and BF3, now I don't want the game to be another run-and-gun fps but to be honest the movement in previous ArmA games has been terrible and far from realistic. In real life you wouldn't get stuck in doors or just stand like a tard after you fall/jump down a ~1m drop. IRL it's easy to for instance lower your weapon while moving trough a tight space and you almost automatically do these procedures. In-game however you have to keep pressing buttons and that makes CQB a pain and much slower than it is IRL. It is also not only in CQB but movement in general, like running moving over small obstacles. Now I know that making it like it is in RO2/BF3 isn't completely realistic however the result would be a more realistic feel and would allow for a more realistic feel of the combat situation.
  2. vonRichthofen

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Better player unit movement/control in general (not getting stuck in doors, inability to move for a moment when falling down from small heights etc).