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Why, oh why is this not included in the game as a basic feature? Chernarus, Takistan,... Such nice maps to play in!
I would like a port of Chernarus. Best strategic/tactical map ever. Enhanced with new ARMA 3 engine (or maybe changes they will implement in DAYZ standalone?) would be great. (No idea if following was already mentioned, can't read all forums here...) For the rest: interface, interface and interface: - More logically structured interface (I don't want to click through 5 levels or so, to find the proper feature), more graphical in nature, better MP browser, with abilities to easy add and update mods (like tools: armarize, withsix, Dayz commander) Ability to add favorites to list. History list of servers visited. More and extended server browser filters. Server browser and mod update is sooooo important. - Use and expand to larger parts of the screen/window for all menu's. Now often, only small parts of the screen are used. Xhile not everything is visible. - Keybinding system: more structured, proper naming of functions, when typing functions - going to the function, all commands visible when different buttons attached, import/export in a case we end up in ARMA2/ARMAOA scenario, to have same key bindings in both. Easier VOIP system. Automated link to a TS server? Connect to proper side at once? Ability to talk a message to a person, rather than to a channel. (Like if you wanna say something to the commander, or one person in perticular). - Also: keybindings to brightness, contrast and gamma adjustements!!! So that one can see the effects of those in real time, to one's preference, without having to go into the menu and back to the game to check. - Map: Easier to differentiate things: Own position, position of troops, numbers of own troops not overlapping one another. Easy dubble click system to go to own position. Group colored number (team red, green, etc...) on top of grouped units, on map (and in playworld, if available on server). - Spot ability, realtime shared on map with other players. - Second monitor support. To see (HD?) map next to playworld. - Pathfinding for vehicles needs lot of improvement. Road following, or not command. These guys drive so wrong and lost, and get stuck at times. show pathfinding on map, after command given, so that player can check quality of the path units are about to follow. Easy adjustement of the path chosen. Easy waypoint system, visible on map. Patrol function for units. - "Fire/only fire back/hold fire" for units. - Build in warfare MP scenario's (Benny's warfare). - Ability to save MP settings when acting as server. - When re-arming: clips for the weapon chosen, clearly visible (same color, or so) to not having to learn all weapon and ammo types by heart. Most handy, when checking gear of dead soldiers. - In chat, when someone uses your name, give that line a separate color, to easier spot in the chat, that someone sends you a message. Sometimes one can't follow all chat, all the time. Even separate chat window on other side of screen, when directed to you. Ability to open larger window chat, in case scrolling of chat goes way too fast. - Detailed joystick adjustements? Nothing more boring than not being able to fly properly. And now these settings aren't easy to find. - Easier, and alternative, next to the existing command system, a graphic system, like a command rose? (Like: Click, open the rose. See all possibilities, in two concentric cirkels. Click on the proper command. - If necessary click on second command. Rose closes all by itself.) This to avoid to go through lists of command. Well, I did my best to add suggestions that I think would improve the game for us as players. Mainly in make options, features and commands more flexible, logical and user friendly. (Ergonomically). One doesn't have to agree. Offered for consideration.
I hope there will be a Chernarus port, by the DEVS, or by modders. Best tactical map ever. But nice list so far.
Second monitor already exists in so many games by now. It isn't regarded a cheat. If you use a joystick instead of a guy flying a keyboard, that isn't a cheat either, right? If one has better computer, and faster fps, one also always has the advantage. Pointless discussion. As it is pointless to stop evolution of gaming. Lots of people have second monitor by now. (If not, very cheap to buy one) And it would be a real shame for such a fine game NOT to use all newest developments and features like second monitor.
If I play night missions in ARMA 2 for some time, I get a headache from the night vision effect. That is the main reason why I avoid playing night missions MP or SP at all... I would like to see a more easy adaptable to the eye view, instead of the dull very monotone green we see now. Or a way to easily adjust the view. Why do devs always make you go to menu's to adjust visual settings? I mean: why not let us adjust in game, so that the result is visible right away? Can't be too hard to create "CTRL +" and "CTRL -" to adjust brightness, and so on for all other visual and sound features. (Sometimes you have a phone call, and just want to mute sound, or adjust the level on the fly, in the middle of a fight. If you have to go to menu's, you're probably dead.) Menu's themselves could be re-arranged better in more accessable graphic menu's. that goes for all games. But most of all for ARMA with the mouse down and up scroll menu's. Also, one should be able to judge the effect of adjustments on the fps load they have. Please, add FPS counter that can be toggled. ---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ---------- I would like to unlock my vehicles from a distance. Now, often one of my vehicles is under attack, I wanna let my crew leave. They reply they can't because the vehicle is locked. They should yell: "it's locked! May we unlock?" ---------- Post added at 20:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ---------- I would like a better refuelling and re-arming system. Larger zones around the spots/vehicles concerned. Also something like an "auto-fix" mode for repair trucks. To enable repairs to all friendlies within its perimeter. ---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:20 ---------- I would like to see the "English only" for languages. I don't know any Russian. Or Chzech. Or Afghan. I want my soldiers hear speak English. Whatever side I play. I always want English subtitles too. ---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ---------- Second monitor support. To project tactical info, map, chat, etc... ---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ---------- "Sniper only" ability in server setup. ---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ---------- Vehicles "follow road / go straight" option. Better pathfinding overall. Vehicles should drive faster uphill. (At times they just stand as good as still) Soldiers getting in and out of vehicles still is often a pain. They walk around, secure the parameter... All kinds of stuff. But they don't mount the vehicle. If you, as player go to the driver seat, and switch to other back seat, driver seat remains empty. You need to get a soldier dismount. And mount again. But first he takes a walk, secures the perimeter,... ---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ---------- The grass issue; Good that it is in the list already. Still, it feels rediculous to have grass close by. Think you're hidden. To find out that you aren't for the player aiming at you from a distance. Grass, should be there. Or not. For everyone in the same way. (On the level of where it hinders; not the graphic level per se.) ---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:41 ---------- Ability to link servers to TS server. Just join the propre channel. And go. ---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ---------- I hope to finally get the OFP feeling back again. In terms of smoothness and challenge in gameplay and such. ---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ---------- Just ran into this: http://www.arma3.com/full/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/A3_E3_Schema.jpg Exactly of how graphic appealing ingame menu's could be. (Be it somewhat smaller maybe...) ---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:50 ---------- Exactly how sharing tactical info could look like ingame... on the map and such... http://www.arma3.com/full/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/A3_E3_Layout.jpg
I would like to see second monitor support, on which the map and/or chat, AND/OR controlled units can be shown. Why? Usefull in the rest of what I want... I would like to see warfare style scenario's with ability to buy lot more units than previous versions. (Ok, warfare is my preferred gametype, I recon) I would to see easier, more fluent command structure (not over F1-F12 buttons. More strategy game style, like grouping units into CTRL+1, etc.) I wish units under player's command would become grouped and get a separate color code in the little screens, so that you instantly know who is in which vehicle. Also I would like to see the name of the vehicle they are in, added in the bottom of the little screens, so that I know what type of vehicle I am commanding. I really wish more intuitive, mouse based quick and rapid tactical information could become available in the map (preferably on second monitor...) to exchange some sort of a game plan with other players of your team. A commander could draw arrows with mouse and stuff like that. (Not the difficult button system, currently in use.) I would like to see some sort of a radio exchange system with which enemy units are spotted. This kind of info can improve gameplay tremendous. One could have this automated, or via a "spot" function. Also a time stamp could be added on a location, where enemies were last seen. A time stamp to remain there for a certain amount of time, before it disappears, and becomes irrelevant. I would like a CLEAR view of myself on the map, and my units. Most of all with a more CLEAR COLOR CODE: F.I. green ALWAYS friendlies, RED always enemies. Own troops in command, different colors according to the squad they belong to. I say this, because, now one loses a whole lot of time in typing things, adding marks, etc... Also I would like to see all numbers of my squads/units not overlap each other while in the same spot/vehicle. I would like to have a "follow road/go direct" option for vehicles, so that they adjust their pathfinding accordingly. Now units can get lost, or lose tremendous portions of time because of very bad pathfinding. Concerning the controls: The control screen itself, when changing values of a control may fill the whole screen. Now, often times one can't see all keyboard, controller actions attached to it. Controls should be better grouped together according to use, and function (infantry/ground vehicle/chopper, plane - why put a filter for it, when you can just add different buttons next to each other on top. Click on it, and controls shift to that position. Just like in webpages.) Controls must be easier to find (search function, by typing). ARMA1 conrols screens were much clearer (in looks) than ARMA2. Also, all controls seem to always be based upon QWERTY, and not AZERTY. I would like to see two BASIC control setups (1 QWERTY, 1 AZERTY) to choose from. Would make thing lot easier. As far as I know players almost never use the numeric gamepad... Why not use quickcodes ability for commands? 1= ...,01=..., 2=...,02=..., 3=...? One can go as far as one wants, no? Need group channel? 01 Need vehicle channel? 02 ... I think for all future game devs: EXPORT FUNCTION OF GAME control/settings PROFILES from within the game would be great! If you need to reinstall, you just import a control/game settings file, and off you go. No more reconfiguring etc... Server browser: Sixupdater style system should be implemented in the game, for easy joining servers, and adding versions and mods it runs. Entering vehicles can be a pain at times. Realism, ok. But don't overdue it, please. The exact zone where to enter a vehicle can be so small, you simply only lose time while searching for it. Also, one could use cominations of keystrokes here: 21 = driver, 22 = gunner, 23 = commander, 24 = in the back, 25 = loader I am convinced that all these additions would improve overall gameplay, moreof the 'tactical' element, a very lot, and don't seem so hard to implement. The ability to have some sort of a mix, between RTS (warfare style) and tactical FPS must be great, and can be achieved with this game and engine. F.I.: Playing only 2 vs 2, or 4 vs 4, but each one having the ability to control and command a small army of 10 to 20 vehicles or something like 40 infantry units, (or even more?) and really play tactical engagements, could be a thrill, I suppose. Other things to possibly implement: paradrop of vehicles and / or infantry (single/squad), a commo rose for the menu's, automated links with TS, easier speech system - separate speech buttons for every channel, instead of changing channels all the time. I saw a video of artillery / air strike support. I would have suggested that. But then I saw the video. Great job! I like ARMA SERIES very much, but I would like to see it evolve more in this direction as written above. More than putting efforts in diving etc. I predict (despite all energy BI puts in it) it won't be used all too much. Only if it has real tactical value. Else, I don't have a feeling people wait for this kind of features. Sorry, trying to be honest. Who knows, I'll be surprised of what it may bring... Curious, in fact. Thank you, for this great game series.
I want ARMA to be ARMA too. But I want it to have extended modi and capabilities to adjust gameplay ranging from 'realistic' towards 'more complexless fun', and everything in between. So that all can play fantastic games like this, to their own desires. To me ARMA, just needs to expand itself to that, to enable it to have more players. THE major factors in this process are the server abilities, and the level of adjustement these allow. As well as a far more extended, easier and more intuitive MP browser system. Which has stuff like 'six updater' and such incorporated. In that regard, the MP game browser of the latest patched version of BF2 comes close to perfect. To give you an example: ARMA AO can hardly be called the ARMA as intended by BI nowadays. Since the introduction of the DAYZ MOD one can hardly find a 'normal' server, for so to speak. And that's fine. Players should be able to play as they want. But players with an alike taste, should be able to find each other easier. One could add features to filter on, like hardcore, realistic, easy mode, mixed gameplay, ... Whatever helps.
Vehicle damage system like in men of war. When a vehicle is hit, it continious to burn untill it goes out and is repairable. Or untill it explodes, because fuel or ammo supply has been reached. Engineer tool to repair lightly damaged vehicles. Larger repair/refuel area/zone around concerning vehicles; certainly planes. Get rid of the grass issue: rediculous to have grass around yourself in map, while other players don't see the same grass... And can shoot you like a rabbit. All grass/vegitation should be visible from everywhere. Even if that means less graphic quality. More AAS style MP missions. More large scale MP engagements, standard in the game. More and better MP server browser, with more info of the mission played, etc... Every feature that helps make the game experience more fluent, is welcome. BTW: Thank you for creating this special game series.
-I would like the pathfinding of vehicles to be better: Give a choice to command them to use "roads only", or to "go straight", in which case they will cross fields, forests, and such. -Player econgnition on the map: At least the player should be instantly be aware of his own position on the map, by a strong colored unique symbol. To avoid to know where you are exactly. Also there should be an option available to activate with which "spotted" enemies get a real time symbol on the map, as soon as they are spotted; if possible with a time stamp. When enemy disappears out of sight, the symbol should still be visible for a while (server adjusted: 10-15 minutes) - All and all, information sharing could be lot better in ARMA series: better, faster, and more fluid in nature. - A server option to show all friendly players with a symbol, as well in different colors, regarding to the squad they belong to. Also a squad letter or name should be helpful. - Easier system to change squad while in the field. Or while respawning. Color symbols. Better names. 1-f-1 and things like that aren't as easy as "squad A", squad B", etc... - Servers should have abilities to adjust as good as anything, in relation to the desired gameplay experience. - I would like to see a second monitor option on which the map can be shown, with real time tactical information. - More and better "warfare" and "AAS" scenario's! More spawn abilities in standard missions like they exist in AAS. - Ability to let AI drive with "lights off" during night time. One can set them "don't shoot", but not "lights off". that doesn't make any sense. - A simpler use of standard color coding: Blue = always friendly Red = always enemy. Green = always own squad Other colors = always the same friendly squads. Can't be so hard to get a unified and more expanded color code, right? - MODS that may be used on server... Now in most cases it is: "no mods at all"... Server should have ability to add list of mods that are allowed. And a list of thos who may not be used at all. Certain mods just only make fps better and such... - I would like to see more fluent gameplaytypes, as well as in depth tactical strategic multiplayer mission types standard in the game, and not always so much dependant of mods and such. - I would like to see more possibilities in warfare to allow commander to actually draw BIG arrows and such to share ideas on how to attack; basic attack plan. - I would like to see at least some MP sniper only missions... Those who don't like to snipe are not obliged to join; they can play something else. But those who want to snipe, can have fun. - I would like to see autoupdating system. - I would like to have a friends list, who I can easily join when playing. Also joining as a group or squad right away should be possible. -I would like the pathfinding of vehicles to be better: Give a choice to command them to use "roads only", or to "go straight", in which case they will cross fields, forests, and such. -Player econgnition on the map: At least the player should be instantly be aware of his own position on the map, by a strong colored unique symbol. To avoid to know where you are exactly. Also there should be an option available to activate with which "spotted" enemies get a real time symbol on the map, as soon as they are spotted; if possible with a time stamp. When enemy disappears out of sight, the symbol should still be visible for a while (server adjusted: 10-15 minutes) - All and all, information sharing could be lot better in ARMA series: better, faster, and more fluid in nature. - A server option to show all friendly players with a symbol, as well in different colors, regarding to the squad they belong to. Also a squad letter or name should be helpful. - Easier system to change squad while in the field. Or while respawning. Color symbols. Better names. 1-f-1 and things like that aren't as easy as "squad A", squad B", etc... - Servers should have abilities to adjust as good as anything, in relation to the desired gameplay experience. - I would like to see a second monitor option on which the map can be shown, with real time tactical information. - More and better "warfare" and "AAS" scenario's! More spawn abilities in standard missions like they exist in AAS. - Ability to let AI drive with "lights off" during night time. One can set them "don't shoot", but not "lights off". that doesn't make any sense. - A simpler use of standard color coding: Blue = always friendly Red = always enemy. Green = always own squad Other colors = always the same friendly squads. Can't be so hard to get a unified and more expanded color code, right? - MODS that may be used on server... Now in most cases it is: "no mods at all"... Server should have ability to add list of mods that are allowed. And a list of thos who may not be used at all. Certain mods just only make fps better and such... - I would like to see more fluent gameplaytypes, as well as in depth tactical strategic multiplayer mission types standard in the game, and not always so much dependant of mods and such. - I would like to see more possibilities in warfare to allow commander to actually draw BIG arrows and such to share ideas on how to attack; basic attack plan. - I would like to see at least some MP sniper only missions... Those who don't like to snipe are not obliged to join; they can play something else. But those who want to snipe, can have fun. - I would like to see all ARMA 2 maps converted to ARMA 3. Certainly Chernarus. Best tactical map ever. - I would like to see a more intelligent control setting design: larger screen (now, one can't even overlook all keys attached to one key. Also add keyboard, mouse and joystick columns, separated next to each other. Group all commands together in a more logical way: infantry, ground vehicle, chopper, plane, miscellaneous... Would make control setting so much easier. Also add a search function in control settings: Just typing the command, like "prone" should show this right away. Also add right click to enable easy delete of a function. Add functions: toggle prone - crouch, toggle crouch - stand, toggle prone - stand - The "mourning" sound when wounded should become a % health after some minute or so... Or one should be able to mute that. Playing for half an hour or more with that sound is 'hellish'! Once I heard it a few times, I know I am wounded. Realism, ok. But this is still a game. Not a torture chaimber. - Realism? Fine. But getting into a car can be a pain. For nothing. Just standing next to a vehicle should give ability to go into ANY position of it.
Yes? Why no domination? What's wrong with playing that in here? Rediculous!
Bohemia Interactive's future ARMA 3!
Niotna replied to MulleDK19's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
-I would like the pathfinding of vehicles to be better: Give a choice to command them to use "roads only", or to "go straight", in which case they will cross fields, forests, and such. -Player econgnition on the map: At least the player should be instantly be aware of his own position on the map, by a strong colored unique symbol. To avoid to know where you are exactly. Also there should be an option available to activate with which "spotted" enemies get a real time symbol on the map, as soon as they are spotted; if possible with a time stamp. When enemy disappears out of sight, the symbol should still be visible for a while (server adjusted: 10-15 minutes) - All and all, information sharing could be lot better in ARMA series: better, faster, and more fluid in nature. - A server option to show all friendly players with a symbol, as well in different colors, regarding to the squad they belong to. Also a squad letter or name should be helpful. - Easier system to change squad while in the field. Or while respawning. Color symbols. Better names. 1-f-1 and things like that aren't as easy as "squad A", squad B", etc... - Servers should have abilities to adjust as good as anything, in relation to the desired gameplay experience. - I would like to see a second monitor option on which the map can be shown, with real time tactical information. - More and better "warfare" and "AAS" scenario's! More spawn abilities in standard missions like they exist in AAS. - Ability to let AI drive with "lights off" during night time. One can set them "don't shoot", but not "lights off". that doesn't make any sense. - A simpler use of standard color coding: Blue = always friendly Red = always enemy. Green = always own squad Other colors = always the same friendly squads. Can't be so hard to get a unified and more expanded color code, right? - MODS that may be used on server... Now in most cases it is: "no mods at all"... Server should have ability to add list of mods that are allowed. And a list of thos who may not be used at all. Certain mods just only make fps better and such... - I would like to see more fluent gameplaytypes, as well as in depth tactical strategic multiplayer mission types standard in the game, and not always so much dependant of mods and such. - I would like to see more possibilities in warfare to allow commander to actually draw BIG arrows and such to share ideas on how to attack; basic attack plan. - I would like to see at least some MP sniper only missions... Those who don't like to snipe are not obliged to join; they can play something else. But those who want to snipe, can have fun. - I would like to see autoupdating system. - I would like to have a friends list, who I can easily join when playing. Also joining as a group or squad right away should be possible. ---------- Post added at 12:01 ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 ---------- -I would like the pathfinding of vehicles to be better: Give a choice to command them to use "roads only", or to "go straight", in which case they will cross fields, forests, and such. -Player econgnition on the map: At least the player should be instantly be aware of his own position on the map, by a strong colored unique symbol. To avoid to know where you are exactly. Also there should be an option available to activate with which "spotted" enemies get a real time symbol on the map, as soon as they are spotted; if possible with a time stamp. When enemy disappears out of sight, the symbol should still be visible for a while (server adjusted: 10-15 minutes) - All and all, information sharing could be lot better in ARMA series: better, faster, and more fluid in nature. - A server option to show all friendly players with a symbol, as well in different colors, regarding to the squad they belong to. Also a squad letter or name should be helpful. - Easier system to change squad while in the field. Or while respawning. Color symbols. Better names. 1-f-1 and things like that aren't as easy as "squad A", squad B", etc... - Servers should have abilities to adjust as good as anything, in relation to the desired gameplay experience. - I would like to see a second monitor option on which the map can be shown, with real time tactical information. - More and better "warfare" and "AAS" scenario's! More spawn abilities in standard missions like they exist in AAS. - Ability to let AI drive with "lights off" during night time. One can set them "don't shoot", but not "lights off". that doesn't make any sense. - A simpler use of standard color coding: Blue = always friendly Red = always enemy. Green = always own squad Other colors = always the same friendly squads. Can't be so hard to get a unified and more expanded color code, right? - MODS that may be used on server... Now in most cases it is: "no mods at all"... Server should have ability to add list of mods that are allowed. And a list of thos who may not be used at all. Certain mods just only make fps better and such... - I would like to see more fluent gameplaytypes, as well as in depth tactical strategic multiplayer mission types standard in the game, and not always so much dependant of mods and such. - I would like to see more possibilities in warfare to allow commander to actually draw BIG arrows and such to share ideas on how to attack; basic attack plan. - I would like to see at least some MP sniper only missions... Those who don't like to snipe are not obliged to join; they can play something else. But those who want to snipe, can have fun. - I would like to see all ARMA 2 maps converted to ARMA 3. Certainly Chernarus. Best tactical map ever. - I would like to see a more intelligent control setting design: larger screen (now, one can't even overlook all keys attached to one key. Also add keyboard, mouse and joystick columns, separated next to each other. Group all commands together in a more logical way: infantry, ground vehicle, chopper, plane, miscellaneous... Would make control setting so much easier. Also add a search function in control settings: Just typing the command, like "prone" should show this right away. Also add right click to enable easy delete of a function. Add functions: toggle prone - crouch, toggle crouch - stand, toggle prone - stand - The "mourning" sound when wounded should become a % health after some minute or so... Or one should be able to mute that. Playing for half an hour or more with that sound is 'hellish'! Once I heard it a few times, I know I am wounded. Realism, ok. But this is still a game. Not a torture chaimber. - Realism? Fine. But getting into a car can be a pain. For nothing. Just standing next to a vehicle should give ability to go into ANY position of it. - changing weapons should be more fluid. -
Bohemia Interactive's future ARMA 3!
Niotna replied to MulleDK19's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
I know the difference between both. Thing is, when one like to use GPS (i do) and when one chooses it to remain open, after each action (change view, enter/leave vehicle...) it disappears again. So, you have to re-open it time after time after time again... ---------- Post added at 10:05 ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 ---------- New series: - Move orders: when you select a bunch of unite, who are a distance from each other, and order them to move to a certain point, they first gather together. Which means that the one who is already closest, sometimes returns away from the waypoint to gather. therefore I think move should have two possibilities: "Move direct" - no gathering "Move as team" - gathering and moving as a team to waypoint Move for vehicles: "Move road following" - vehicles routing - they try to follow roads when possible "Move freely" - vehicle go straight - through fields. Easy waypoint routing in map - F.i. CTRL+mouse click -Patrol order - units can be given patrol zone / patrol waypoints - defend order - defend zone or town, not just one small spot I would like to see an icon with the stance I have. (prone/crouch/stand). Not always clear. I also would like to have an icon of the active weapon in a tank (Sabot/MG/rockets) I would like to see vehicle icons on right side (or possibility to put them there in a personalised adjustable HUD option, in which one can put icons to liking), AND / OR have the ability to let vehicles move (or any order) by clicking ANY of the crew members. Would be alot easier. Members of the same vehicle could also automatically be given the same icon color, to recognize them. Now, after some time playing, one can end up with 2, 7 and 11 in one vehicle, which makes it more difficult to know, and in regard to give orders. - vehicle lock/unlock if crew gets "disembark" order, and vehicle is locked, player should get directly possibility to "confirm disemabark", "unlock whole vehicle" or "reverse order" in case he wants to reverse order. Also there should be a possibility to always override lock/unlock order of vehicle when given order to enter or disembark. The idea behind lock or unlock is not to prevent to leave vehicle when player wants crew to leave. It is to prevent them to leave on their own, right? Different statusses of units should be more clearly explained. What exactly does "safe" and "aware" mean? What are there effects on units? On map, ons should really be able to think and react as in RTS games. Which means clickable map, left clicking units, drag and drop, right mouse button orders. More later... :-) -
Bohemia Interactive's future ARMA 3!
Niotna replied to MulleDK19's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
AUTO TOGLE for freelook should be a preferred option! Same with GPS, once open it should remain open. Name added to active target instead of only an arrow and the distance. Repair/refuel/heal of units next to main bunker of a town easier. Now to complicated menu structure. Takes ages... The whole "command mode" menu structure must be rebuild. Way too complicated! (I am NOT talking about being THE commander, but the command mode everybody has.) Why not make one button to bring up all functions visible, grouped and clickable on the screen? Now one has to go endless through all menu's again, and again, and again. While it can be easily avoided. This can also be a solution for all menu's now under keyboard 1-9 and 0 buttons. Team menu, and so on. MUST BE JUST MORE INTUITIVE! AND: THESE BUTTONS WOULD BECOME AVAILABLE AS SHORTCUTS TO EASILY SELECT SQUADS (First create a squad, and then easily select by just pressing 1, 2, ...) Airplanes should only be able to be bought when they can actually take off. I buy harrier with AI pilot, but doesn't seem to be able to take off. Away money! Program can easily run a test script before actually creating them. Units in production should be abled to be annulated - setting on server on/off - depending on admins choice. If controls only used as infantry, are disabled in vehicles, and vice versa, then one can use more buttons, because same control can have different function depending on situation (infantry or vehicle). Also crouch/stand up could be just 1 toggle button. Same with prone/stand up. (No need for two different buttons - important when having a joystick or gamepad.) Pilot should have real land order (not disembark) On map, click and drag, like strategy games have. To enable selection of units in a certain zone. And give them orders. When THE commander gives an order, player should have the opportunity to confirm the request, t let THE commander know he is going for the objective. THE commander should also be able to send advice to players on what they according to him should buy: air, inf, armor, light armor, ... Player should also be able to confirm. Or not of course. Player should also be able to inform commander that he in fact doesn't really want to follow ANY future team orders. In fact when joining a server, on should have the choice to choose two different existing parties on his side: Those who explicitely play together, or the others.(loners) Server should also have a choice to accept only teamplayers. More detailed server info should be (easily and intuitively)available in server browser. More info about the gameplay etc. (Now this info appears mostly AFTER joining.) Players playing warfare should be able to team up, within their team... As if they were squad members. Very important to share info regarding to enemy positions when attacking together. Still more tutorials should be available of all functions build in the game. Now one often learns about certain functions while playing with friends, and when they want to tell you. EXPLAIN THE PUBLIC THE SETUP AND IDEAS BEHIND CONTROL SETUP, AND FUNCTIONS, AND HOW AND WHEN TO USE THEM. Jan did a very good job, but he didn't cover everything. Also indepth keyboard setup and philosophy how it was set up may be very helpfull. AI routines should be more like in first and original operation Flashpoint. It could be done then, why not now anymore? AI is usually too smart. TURBO for vehicles should be toggable!!! Also give vehicles 20 % more power when going uphill... Airlifting in ARMA 2 is bit laughable, having to almost drop onto the vehicle to be able to pick it up. AI SHOULD LSO BE ABLE TO BE GIVEN THE ORDER TO AIRLIFT (Of course also to drop safely at a given location.) Units should be able to be transferred to other players. Also setting on/of on server level. Paratroopers automatically are "FOLLOW ONE"... No use to throw paratroopers behind enemy lines if they start to run back towards you... They should by nature have their own teamleader and squad - preferably a unique color code. Paratroopers are now unable to enter vehicles... Stubborn guys he? "NEXT TARGET" in vehicles is only for main gun (SABOT). One should have a choice between: AUTO FIRE (NOW: FIRE), MANUAL FIRE (doesn't exist now) and "CEASE FIRE" for secondary gun. Maps created by third parties should be able to be implemented without being a mod that has to be loaded separately, so that scenarios like warfare can also be played on those maps, without need for mod etc. Features of "addon synch 2009" should be implemented in the game itself. Benchmarks should next to average fps, also give min. and max. LOCK and UNLOCK of vehicles should be possible from a distance. Sometimes you wanna give a buddy a ride with one of your vehicles, but when you're not around and it is locked... no lift... Choppers warning for "bingo fuel" is most of the time way too late for them to return to base. ALL AIR should have shortcut to "refuel", which means RTB, which means "REFUEL, REPAIR and HEAL when necessary when at base FARP. Not let it go for refuel to refuel truck, and rearm to ammo truck, and heal to whatever... Any AIRBASE should have this FARP utility automatically. Engineers should be able to build FARPS on different locations on the map. On map, left click should be select unit, right click menu to what to do... Now Russians don't have engineers... not very balanced... Handweapons should definitely be more balanced... Also factions like the Chinese or Japanese could help this, because they have better weaponry. In vehicle menu, choppers who can lift, info should be provided there. Now you never seem to know. Also in "buy unist" menus one could use color code: AA, AT, ... to easily show capabilities of vehicles or inf. If one really has to read everything... This info should stay there and be available, but there should be code or icons to help players to know what they buy. Control menus, when using 2 or three controls, they are not all vivible anymore, since the menu windows are not scrolable... Very annoying if one has a red (double) command somewhere in the invisable zone. Thank you for building this wonderful game; BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH MORE IN PERFECTING IT EVEN MORE... -
Bohemia Interactive's future ARMA 3!
Niotna replied to MulleDK19's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
I agree with most of these comments. But I have more: 1) Control keyboard system must be more intuitive and easier to config. If a keyboard button is already used somewhere , than the system should ask if it may delete the button for other functions. 2) Artillery system must have confirm/fire button. Now one shoots sometimes unintended by pressing wrong button or too soon. 3) Auto land function for choppers/planes for those who cannot fly so well or who possess no joystick. The AI can land auto so the script already exists. Also auto rearm when plane/chopper landed at base. 4) The vehicle pichup zone should be larger/more sensitive and have a separate button command, not a menu command. (I didn't find any) Picking up vehicles can be a real mess for pple who cannot fly very well. 5) Server: Ability to have gameplay with all sides involved to play with all available handweapons in the whole game. More detailed control of which weapons available or not. (F.I. if a clan wants to play sniper and pistol only) All vehicles should have one counterpart with same values/parameters. 6) Server should have ability to create profiles with game settings, and have a copy/paste/edit function to it. Now if one wants to start a certain mission one has to go through all parameters again and again, and... when one has forgotten something, ... spoils the whole thing. Existing profile should be able to used to copied and used as a basis for another profile with different parameters. 7) Feature to export/import player profile, options, controls etc. for when reinstall is needed. Or transfer to new computer, so that one has not to go through all parameters again after reinstall. 8)I would like to see an adjustable GPS window size. Now the GPS takes large parts of the screen. Also I want to be able to turn off the autozoom and have my own adjustable zoom size. (+/- buttons added on gps) Also the GPS should stay, and not disappear after each change in action. Now one has to call it forward time and time again. 8) When opening the map, it should center on your own position on the last zoom size opened. When one uses paradrop or teleport, one has to scroll the map all the way to new destination. 9) Second monitor support for map view. Extremely handy, moreof when flying! Zoomable! 10) Controls: True division between controls infantry, land vehicle and air. So that we can use same button easily for those. F.I. move forward, can be arrow up for all three. So should be completely organised in a different way. Look at control panel BFBC2 for example. Why not start from keyboard lay outs, graphically shown? (keyboard, SHIFT keyboard, LALT keyboard, CTRL keyboard, and start from there. Use more imagination to make it easier to configure keyboard layout. Also group the controls inside the lists - infantry, general, etc.- not above in menu- use color code in options to distinguish different control types, so that one sees immediately what type of control he is changing) 11) Menu's: Use graphic icon/button menu's and use more of the whole screen. Why is controls not in main screen and does one has to go through 3 or 4 steps to be able to change things? Why is "graphic settings" f.i. not directly accesable through graphic display in main menu, or via a shortkey button? (CTRL+V could be Graphic settings right away?) DEVS don't use enough imagination in theit menu structure. They still use old fashioned style setp 1, step 2, ... using only small part of a large screen. Use the whole screen at once, with it divided in zones, where clickable buttons are grouped together. So simple, but nobody does it.) 12) Squads should be easier accessable! F.i.: CTRL+1 is joining squad one, etc. Also roles one adapts in the game should be easier to change. Now one has to leave a MP game to change role??? Can you imagine? Squads also should have color codes in menu and map. 13) MAP COLOR CODE. ENEMY SHOULD ALWAYS BE RED, NEUTRAL ALWAYS ..., FRIENDLY NOT IN SQUAD SHOULD ALWAYS SHOW BLUE, AND SQUADS SHOULD BE ALWAYS SHOW IN THEIR SQUAD COLOR ON THE MAP. NOW COLOR CODES ON MAP ARE VERY CONFUSING! That is because they are army dependent, not side dependent. Also show color legenda on map wich explains the colors shown. Names of people in vehicle are now shown over each other on map. Almost not to see who is in a certain vehicle. Also the pilot/driver should have a typical color so that one can adress him directly. 14) Possibility to have a more outspoken commander function, who has ability to give orders on map! Clickable map so! Commander should be able to click on unit and click on target they should go for. Also click should have sound ability, so that commander could tell squad what to do, and what the idea is. Also ability to draw on map. F.I. zones where e is supposedly is. But also attack arrow lines, how we should attack. Also possibility to write goals on map: First goal: Attack Jilavur, after that defend Feruz ABAD, ... that kind of things. Better intel exchange in general. Separate intel button which shows all info in a scrolable popup window would be handy. Also where e was spotted, there should be an icon of the type and a timer that counts down to a (by server adjustable period) - I think 15 minutes should be standard. So that when one looks at map, one still gets an idea of general situation and how the battle develops. In general, a more outspoken and more intuitive commander function could be great, if properly developped. 15) AUTO AUDIO SYSTEM. When entering squad, auto switch to their audio channel. But with ability to talk to others too. Audio buttons for squad, team, side, vehicle. 16) DRIVE AND SHOOT ABILITY BY ONE PERSON as an adjustable option in server menu. When people do not have the proper rank to join in a vehicle and when only few on a server, it is most annoying to have to switch place all the time. Realistic, but I can imagine alot of people would want this ability. For those who don't, they can switch it of in game setup in server menu. Ability to let a soldier enter a vehicle by a higher ranked soldier, who can give permission to enter the vehicle with him, even though he has not the proper rank. Also, once could give squads the ability to enter vehicles based upon the soldier with the highest rank in their squad. Now it is not so nice, if I am a colonel, but my buddies aren't and they are unable to join me in battle in my tank. 17)Servers should have as much features as possible, WITH more explanation to what certain settings do, or are meant to do. Server menues could also be more graphic, with icons, and more intuitive. 18) Still better inbuild mod download/upload system is required. Servers who run MOD should be able to add site location where players can download their mod. When joining, mod should be downloaded and installed auto and in proper place. See synch tool that exists. This should be inbuild. 19) Autopatch checker/execute to check and update latest version. Also with ability to DL and install smaller beta patches. Ability to save last three configs, for when patch doesn't work properly, to be able to return to previous state. 20) I would like to see a detailed info on all options, most of all the graphic options: what they change or do, what their effect is on fps, and so on. Tweakguide should be provided by devs. Functions with high load on graphics should be able to be turned off completely where possible. 21) I can imagine gameplay where one is able to respawn on teamleader. Not so realistic, but helps teamplay alot. So maybe you should add the ability to be turned on/off when desired by server. One thing: one doesn't loose so much time to come to theatre of operations again. We want to play, not walk and walk and walk... 22) GPS disappears after each action taken. It should stay. 23) Feature to be able to choose freelook as standard as personal favorite in personal profile when entering game and / of vehicle (two different choices!). Now, I personally like freelook in vehicles. Now I have to turn it on, again, and again, and again. 24) I would like separate joystick controls in menus. And easier config. Most of all in views/POV hat etc. 25) Auto countermeasures option would be handy in planes/choppers. Exists in real life! 26) Binoculars should have side view. I mean normal view with binoc in hand, and when using zoom, binocs come in front of head. This to be able to better see surroundings and give positions of e. Binocs should have zoom in/out ability. Also map coordinates should be visible in binocs, to be able to tell friendlies coordinates for arti, or bombardement, etc... Also mark button on binocs, to mark e, so that they appear on map for friendlies. This is different from laser tool! 27) ability to have minimap or map on second monitor, to help situational awareness. 28) In SP squadmembers getting in and out of vehicles still takes too long. They should listen right away. Loose too much time on this. 29) Radio towers shouldn't be scripted to be brought down only with satchels. RPG or tank should be able too. I also support other ideas already mentioned, being: -Enemy spotted command -use of previous maps of previous ARMA games. -Motion capture cutscenes must be minimum. We just need short sitrep. Takes alot of energy from DEV part, but not so many pple are interested. Surely not when you replay a mission for the "xth" time. Short sitrep, to the point, not to much bullshit. - AI intelligence was in OFP much more realistic. Now I seem to fight superbots most of the time! - Report position button is handy - Complete remake of OPF with ARMA2/3 graphics would be wonderful. Also this: I agree, this game doesnt have as much video options as I would expect from a game like this for PC. Shader detail Foilage detail Reflections on/off Animation detail particle effects detail water detail Post processing effects to be seperate options: HDR intense/ normal Film Grain Bloom Motion Blur --- All things mentioned are welcome in ARMA 2 PATCH too of course. Hope this was helpfull. ---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ---------- Oh, and forgot this one: Sand bags to be put or dig foxholes to lay in ambush or cover. -
I played the COD series for a long time. I don't know how server adminds did it, but when you wanted to join certain servers, where a certain mod was running, and you didn't have it, one way or another, there was a choice where you could choose to install that mod and/or map, and you could just join after the download of it. So I think they had a link system with a server where the MOD/MAP was available for download, and it was installed. Something like the six updater system that is used for the ACE MOD. I suggest ARMA implements this. Also a good idea for people creating ARMA launcher programs. (BTW, why does the game itself has no detailed game launcher system, like certain ARMA launcher programs have? I find this weird.)