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Everything posted by mcarma

  1. Futz with everything I could think of and my almost constant frame rate is now 72 to 75. Update: Now that Apex is out I noticed the fps jumps a lot more, but I can hit 85 fps now. Didn't change anything either.
  2. It would be nice to have a printed layout.
  3. I am new to A3 and don't have much knowledge about it. This mod can be a lot of fun. I have a few missions but I would like to get many more.
  4. I have a key press set for both Command Action Map and Select All Units. Select All Units brings up the command list and Command Action Map does not work. This doesn't seem correct to me. What is the Command Action Map? Also what commands causes the squad to follow?
  5. I subscribed to these two mods that I assume go together. When attempting to play 01 and I am in the game I hear a boat that I am supposedly in, and there are some mission communications shown in the lower left corner of the screen. BUT the rest of the screen is pitch black. How can I fix this?
  6. I purchased Apex and all the others in a package and all are installed except Apex, and as of now I still cannot download and install Apex.
  7. I found WarOfTheHats, and I like it. Very challenging. I keep getting killed, lol.
  8. mcarma

    User Mission Request Thread

    It's time to go underground into the tunnels after Charlie. Flashlight, knife and pistol.
  9. This is a fun mod. I hope for more missions. I pray for A3 to have an update offering improved performance.
  10. Hoping to find new maps and possibly maps from A2 that work in A3.
  11. My CPU runs at 4.4. My monitor can run at 120 hz. My GTX 980 is not overclocked. In-game frame rate, for Unsung anyway, is from 33 to 55 on High settings. FSAA at 8, Filtering at Ultra, lighting Low, and a few others are disabled. All Blurring is disabled so I don't upchuck on my keyboard. Graphics look very nice. Haven't noticed any real difference between missions. I only have a couple of mods loaded, and they all seem to perform the same way. Battlefield 4 frame rate was 120 with most settings on Ultra. This parameters I listed don't seem to have an noticeable affect. If anyone gets more that 60 fps, please tell us the secret. Just found this article: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/nvidia-geforce-gtx-980-970-maxwell,3941-9.html frame rate per that test is 63 to 70 using Ultra Arma 3 benchmarking: http://www.techspot.com/review/712-arma-3-benchmarks/
  12. Is there an addon sound pack compatible with Unsung? I found this: JSRS3-DragonFyre-EDEN-version-1.2 sounds.rar
  13. This patch fixed the darkness in the game. https://mega.nz/#!I18TCS4a!aF_wj00qGOtVJvD2ohIWvHuoOLtYS_-GyYKxhpa2Z9U I was lucky to get it, mainly because I cannot use torrents.
  14. I searched all over and I don't know how to get rid of this error. I have no praa_sound.pbo file on my computer and no Fata files. Thanks in advance.
  15. I have Unsung and it's missions from Steam loaded and running. I have two issues: 1. no night vision (maps are so dark can't see a damn thing, lol 2. some files seem to be missing; ahem09, laugh10, sigh05, belch03 There are two missing files: uns_rpk_base with scope=private, uns_pistol with scope=private Any help would be appreciated. The mod is so dark I cannot play it.
  16. I don't have any experience with A2 or A3. I cannot find any servers for this mod. Does anyone know of any by name or ip address? Also how to you play missions with this mod?
  17. Don't forget the Doors.
  18. mcarma

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Great, how about Escalation? I that just addon features? I haven't found a download for Escalation yet.