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Everything posted by Tangox5

  1. Tangox5

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Thanks for this mod, great work! I am curious if I have something wrong in my installation or configuration -- I can fire the AT-13 (i.e. Metis) from a standing position without the tripod and it's perfectly accurate. I think in real life the tripod is needed, I don't think it can be shoulder fired. Or am I wrong? Reload times are fantastic, especially grenade launchers (e.g., M203, MGL) Is that a gameplay/fun enhancing decision or again do I have something wrong? Not looking to challenge you guys, just want to understand. Thanks!
  2. Tangox5

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Thank you for this mod, great work. I took to the firing range to try the different firearms and noticed some stuff I couldn't understand. Firstly, I noticed that firearms were performing more or less according to their chamber. 9mm were surprising accurate -- I could hit the farthest man sized targets with short bursts from the M10, and a couple others I can't recall -- overall 9mm performed really well. .45 ACP not so much. UMP45 and Thompson were good examples, where I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Using the larger targets I found that even hitting the first and second range boards was difficult, and noticed impacts striking up dust from short bursts at very wide angles. Why does it work this way and can anyone explain a bit about how the ballistics were done?
  3. Here, decide for yourself. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=102795 A discussion stamped out twice now. What for? He says in a private message I am breaking forum rules by expressing my opinion about the moderators. Well here's one more Placebo: You're an idiot. Now here comes the ban. I'm long since past caring, obviously. Goodbye. Great game. Horrible company front end. Probably won't buy again.
  4. Tangox5

    This place is a tyranny of forum mods

    This is true. Don't forget to swallow that. It's good for you.
  5. This is an attempt to have a discussion that was stamped out pretty dubiously in the now locked thread here. Obviously as far as the mod aspect is concerned, "If you don't like it don't do it" isn't the least bit helpful since the whole need for such a mod is for multiplayer. The mod or lack thereof isn't that interesting but there was raised this point: The limits of rendering a scene with pixels on a monitor make spotting things harder than you'd be able to in real life. Essentially, there is less resolution, but without getting technical anyone can probably see that it's easier to see in real life than at low res on a pc monitor. So, therefore, we should have some amount of zoom built in to the player so he can see things about as well as he'd be able to in real life. I understand the argument. It's the wrong way to approach it. The goal should not be to make things on your monitor look as sharp as they do in real life, but to make it about as hard to spot soldiers in the game as it would be in real life. That's a very big difference. Here's why. In real life, there is considerably more "clutter" and much less "shimmer" (on moving objects that are only a couple pixels). It is much harder to spot infantry in concealment in real life than it is in Arma2. In addition, in Arma2 there is not enough concealment (especially since all that terrain and vegetation disappears after some short distance.) That's without using the zoom. Add the zoom and it gets ridiculous. You can spot infantry hiding in woods, for example, from hundreds of meters away. Take a man standing next to a tree 300m away. You can see him with a quick scan at zoomed levels. In real life you'd just never make him out, there is too much clutter. This is incidentally a principle in camouflage. It's why a Ghillie suit works better than plain clothes, even if the clothes are a more matching colour to the terrain. What we should care about is how any tool such as this affects *gameplay*. If having it one way leads to realistic spotting distances while having it the other way leads to unrealistic spotting ability, we should prefer the former. When you try to *increase the player resolution* to a state comparable to *real life* you make it ridiculously easy to spot anything. The lack of resolution in the game compared with real life is canceled out when you consider just how much easier it is to see things in the game. The only time giving a free zoom ability to players is going to "fit" is when Arma2 can also render terrain at realistic levels of "clutter". When that time comes, by all means let me zoom in on signposts and read them at the same distance I could in real life. :P Thanks for listening.
  6. Kronzky "If "SuperAI" is turned on in the Difficulty Menu, the skill level is always 1, no matter what was defined in the editor or via this command. " Suggests skill value in editor matters, but doesn't explain whether it (or how it) is related to the profile difficulty settings. :( Someone out there knows exactly how this works. It's just a matter of them noticing the thread.
  7. Tangox5

    Tank damage modelling in OA?

    Yeah it might be one of those things you play with for a while to see what it's like and then disable. :) However, it would be neat as a difficulty setting for *player controlled* vehicles, mostly for multiplayer.
  8. Tangox5

    Tank damage modelling in OA?

    Has anyone managed to throw a track from driving over boulders or anything?
  9. Yeah looking for more :\ Even a confirmation if the editor sliders don't do anything.
  10. I had the same question and came across this thread. Wow, over all these years and nobody has answered or figured this out exactly? Can someone who knows for sure how this works please explain?
  11. ............ ---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ---------- I gather this works if you have both arma 2 and oa in the same directory. (i.e. "combined") Also same for Sprocket customers?
  12. I've been searching for a way to do this without finding anything. In the editor I have setup a few squads with a move command to behind a wall (stone) using all the different options. I want them to defend the location using the wall as cover. I have them facing the direction of their enemy overlooking a field. The problem is that they don't make use of the cover at all. Indeed, they even charge ahead over the wall into the incoming fire and then go prone on the forward slope of the terrain. I tried Hold, Sentry, Guard, tried not giving any waypoint or command, tried using hold fire and disengage. Nadda :(:confused:
  13. Tangox5

    Vehicle Uber-spotting

    Does ACE fix it?
  14. Even at the lowest skill level, with the slider set to "zero" in the editor, vehicles are spotting things much MUCH too easily. Ridiculously, laughably so. Take the following example: A BMP-2 is driving cross-country over half a km from an SPG-9 hidden in bushes and trees. The SPG-9 is keyholed, meaning it will only have line-of-sight to the target during a "window of opportunity" as it drives by. The BMP-2 has skill set to lowest possible using the slider (0.2) and they are BUTTONED, and the SPG-9 is on their 10 to 9 o'clock. Often times, with me playing the SPG-9, the BMP-2 will SPOT me and SHOOT me before I even see him through the brush and trees. In all cases they will spot the SPG-9 within 5 seconds or so of coming into LOS. The BMP-2 is a notoriously blind AFV. The SPG-9 launcher is smaller than most WW2 era anti-tank guns. :rolleyes: PS - Great game. :)
  15. Tangox5

    Tank damage modelling in OA?

    I think you're the one on a childish rant. Nobody is talking about nationalist anything here. We're talking about a tank 50 years older than another one taking it out frontally with 2 HE shots. ---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ---------- Sorry no, the T-72 is not remotely comparable to the M1. The M1 was a big jump in technology for armor, far far ahead of the T-72 -- even the most modern updated versions. ---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 PM ---------- At least useful to show how the system is modeling things, i.e., hitpoints. But we're not just examining strange cases that never occur in combat. I pointed out that a T34 can be destroyed by flanking fire from heavy machine guns, modestly quickly too. HE and HEAT from T55's shouldn't brew up M1A2's. The stuff that we're seeing is significant for gameplay and tactics. It removes realism from how the battle unfolds and forces the commander to use his forces in unrealistic ways, or avoid using them in specific situations where they are supposed to excel. One guy says if you don't want to die, don't get in a vehicle. And with the radar all the vehicles have that see's through terrain and sometimes hillsides, what can possibly be considered a "simulation" about this? The infantry stuff is top notch. Wish the vehicles were as well done.
  16. Tangox5

    [OA]A few guns need zeroing....

    I never noticed this - note they are sighted for 300m. I'll check next time I use the weapon.
  17. Tangox5

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    Yup, awesome game. Well worth working further on too! THANKS!
  18. Tangox5

    Thank you BI

    Yup, awesome game. Well worth working further on too! THANKS!
  19. Tangox5

    Vehicle Uber-spotting

    When it comes to the BMP-2, you can't really err too much on the side of blindness. :) If they want to err, make the vehicles (without thermal optics) more blind, and the infantry more alert. More specifically, make moving AFVs unable to spot infantry, make moving infantry unable to spot stationary infantry, make hiding infantry (in concealment, not moving) invisible to everything without a TIS. Infantry and heavy weapons teams standing still with even modest concealment should be generally very hard to spot. That was their strong suit.
  20. Tangox5

    Tank damage modelling in OA?

    Number of shots isn't the issue in real life, and no the T-72 won't destroy an M1A2 from the front with two rounds. The Armor model leaves a fair bit to be desired in many, many ways. AFVs simply have hitpoints and it's a matter of shooting them enough. Try this - Place a T34 about 1km away from a DshK. Man the DshK and empty some clips into the flank of the T34. You should be able to brew it up. :rolleyes: However it seems the engine is there, it is merely a matter of tweaking this. For example, take the same sitution and shoot at the front of the T34. You can empty your entire ammo loadout and not hurt it. ---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ---------- No AFV can take an infinite amount of HEAT and HE type hits without eventually being knocked out. But it is an incremental thing, with damage to radios and such coming first, tracks being thrown and so forth. There is NO "knock out" punch. The hull should be relatively fine, as with the crew. It is all the equipment - the main gun, the computers and stabilization, the engine and tracks - that should die, and the crew abandon as a result -- when it is safe.
  21. Tangox5

    Vehicle Uber-spotting

    That's a shame... :( I guess this is something that cannot be modded either?
  22. Tangox5

    Vehicle Uber-spotting

    Is this an issue in multiplayer? -T5 :cool: ---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ---------- Exactly! And a guy's gotta have his Tangos! I specifically checked to see if there was a tango cap and I thought I was being rather moderate only taking five when I could easily have taken seven, or even eight. They're jealous they didn't think of it first.
  23. Tangox5

    Vehicle Uber-spotting

    I don't have the access level to do it, but they can take a few Tango's off the username. I didn't realize it was going to fuck up the thread formatting.
  24. Tangox5

    Vehicle Uber-spotting

    What objects are radar blocking? Which aren't?
  25. Whole different animal MUCH different calibre. 14.5mm is closer to a 50 calibre machine gun or a 20mm flak.