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Everything posted by Rhamka

  1. Is there a guide for all of this? because all this information is too few for a super noob like me, as cannot figure if some code line go into the init or are executed in a trigger, so i downloaded the mission sample but if Im not wrong its not like in this threat, I got lost trying to find where is the text showed in the conversation of the mission sample, is it called from BIS campaing files? I assume there are lot of ways to make this work, so probably this is why is difficult to understand as I see explained it in 1 way but done in other...
  2. Sorry for the title if it is not clear. I need some help. Im doing a MP mission and I requiere certain players be able to ask for a mission (patrol, kill, etc., at this point it doesn't matter what kind of mission they are get), but at the same time the AI entity must be able to give that mission only to some players, not to all (by the way, all players in my mission are IndFor). The thing is that I don't even know how to create this for a Stalker kind mission. For example: Player goes to trader (AI unit) and ask for any mission, the AI assigns the player a mission to go to a waypoint and kill an AI group or single unit, then return. From this it can be esier to make the trader to pay him. I find it very confussing seein the work of some ppl who has done it, I think that I need the big picture before understanding the details. 2.- I thought on a second thread but no. I need the same trader to be able to sell vehicles, how can I do that? I can only make him sell/buy weapons, ammo and objects (artifacts) using a script I found in armaholic, but this requires an ammobox and I can't put a vehicle inside the ammobox.
  3. Sorry, Im just wondering, as I told you I have never done anything with audio mods. You can check what I said in the config reference of weapons http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgWeapons_Config_Reference, I've worked more with weapons modding, but there might be similar sound values for vehicles too http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference. I don't know what you pretend but this might help unless someone else has a better idea. I don't know what for you need it, a weapon, vehicle or anything else.
  4. I find this script very useful for the Stalker Mod to respawn a bloodsucker at a random position, but I do not know how is it going to behave in MP. Is the Bloodsucker respawning around which player? the one who activated it? I have this for single player working fine. ---------- Post added at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ---------- And by the way, how can I give to the respawned unit the weapons I want?
  5. I'm sure I've seen this before but I can't find where (if it was in BIS or somewhere else). I have a mission where respawn moves from one place to another place in the map, but as this is a PvP mission, I do not want Bluefor to see where is the Opfor respawn nor Opfor to see where is the Bluefor respawn. This and that there are other markers that are intended to be visible only for one side not by everybody. It would be great if this can be done with factions too. For example, CDF can see different markers than USMC. Can someone help? By the way, just wondering if there can be markers visible for certain units, for example, for named unit used by a player in MP mission?
  6. Probably you could share some of your thoughts on how is the campaing you have in mind, this way ppl can feel more interested. In any case, you can post any question you have in this forum, not all campaigns are done by teams of modders, but we always need to ask some question to find the solution to the problems we see when making a mission/campaing.
  7. I can only say of RO2.... it is not filling the gap that RO1, specially the Darkest Hour mod, left behind. I still play RO1, even if less players each day, and DH mod is having problems as you can't find servers for some reason... RO2 loses realism, even if it has better graphics, and some features that do not exist in RO1, it feels like playing COD. I have a laptop to play, this means Im lagged with games like RO2 or Arma2 (and by the way, Arma2 graphics are better enhanced as I lagg less considering the size of maps here and those of RO2) and I say this because playing RO2 with the current RO2 community is not as great as in the times of RO1. I don't now if the studio looked for new players to enlarge its market but hardcore fan base got dissapointed. I play little RO2 so little I only barely now 2 or 3 maps, I rank between middle or the first best 20 players even using bolt action rifle (well sometimes I rank very bad if I get completely lost in a map), I ask myself, why do players in RO2 run like crazy to their dead? My answer is that its not the same player base as in RO1. RO2 is for me is nowdays like a game to make ppl interested in a game like arma2 as is middle point between arma2 and other games that are not run&gun. Sorry, but I only have complaints about RO2, as the game it will never be at the level of its preceeding one. This is so big fail that nowdays I would think it twice to buy a RO3 game, of all my friends of RO1, only 3 play RO2 as much as in the old days of RO1... I just wanted to share my point of view. Lately this "betrayal" happend me as hitman fan also, absolution is not at the level of blood money (gameplay and history are more important than just graphic improvement), the only good thing is that almost every thing seems to point that Arma3 will be more of the same but improved, and this is what the fan base wants! Just saying, I do not want BIS to lose north.
  8. I've never moded audio, but why not a sound for the client, if Im not wrong weapons (it's an example) have a value that determines how much noisy they are (mgs are noisy for IAs) and this helps the IA determine where the player is, you could use such value if possible for whatever you want.
  9. Im not sure if I understood (I'm no native speaker) but recently I asked for code to kill units to avoid leaving the zone, it was intended for MP (no AI), so I don't know if this can help. You can see it here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?144000-Player-killed-if-leaves-zone
  10. Edit: its is a wrong command, the command is dostop this; been this the unit name, this post might help http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=9745 and this one too http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?75483-How-do-I-get-my-units-to-stand-up
  11. Ah yes you can, instead of Formation, choose None (where you have the other option of Flying), and in the init of each unit use a code, I can't really remember it well, just check the biki, but its like this donotmove or something like that, I know it because I've done it. I can tell you later if you don't find it. You can also set the stance of a unit. But if you give them an order in-game to move to another place, they'll move but won't return to the original position.
  12. Im creating a MP mission. I want it to work properly that if any player leaves the zone he be killed instantly (better if I can have a timer to return), as the zone is not a big regular square/circle I need several triggers (or what ever), so if any player is not in one of those combat zones, he be killed by the system. Can someone help? I've tried resctriction zone module, but it creates IA groups to hunt the player, not to restrict the zone he can be.
  13. Thanks to both of you, I tested Günter options but only the second works for me, which is ok as I want noone to leave the combat area, I just needed to set the trigger as repeat and anybody present. I'll try the panther suggestion later, as it seems good too.
  14. Im making MP mission with this addon but I need to know the class name of blind dogs, I cant see it here (http://download.nightstalkers.cz/ns2/ns_classnames.pdf), can someone help?, Im not using the modules 'cuz Im very bad at scripting (actually I'm modifying other ppls scripts) and 'cuz I pretend to spawn monster in different parts of the map but I want some places to be safer, as I do not want the monsters to attack some civilian characters (specially the trader I'm working on, where ppl can buy weapons and ask for missions).
  15. yeah, I got it, just wanted something like to tell other player "hey, there is someone over that zone as there are monsters over there", but anyway, I think it makes the mission more challenging
  16. Sorry if do not offer any kind of code, but scripting is very difficult. So basically this is a request. Im trying to create a mission where there is a trigger activated by anyone and a group of units respawn inside the trigger zone and then if they are killed they must able to respawn later (whether the unit activating the trigger is still present or if anyone else returns to the zone). Frankly I do not know if they need a group of markers to respawn randomly or not. Can someone help please?
  17. Yes it did worked, thought I tried to activate it by making anybody present repeteadly and didn't work, but first time I tested it did work, ....(but now for some reason it doesn't and it's entirely as it's indicated... caché memory problem?? ...well... I'll check it) I tried to use a time out of 10 seconds just to test it. But the code you give me works! ---------- Post added at 01:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 AM ---------- ah forget it, it was my bad, the blufor-opfor confussion! ---------- Post added at 01:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ---------- just to say that timeout makes the script not to work, but countdown is not a problem
  18. I've just waited some time and the only problem is that they don't seem to respawn once killed. I thought it was 25 or 100 seconds to wait, but seems thats a different part of the code, can you help?
  19. You read my mind of what I intended but this is not to kill Blufor but resistance too, actually I'm woking with the stalker addons and the anomalies and bloodsuckers to create a multiplayer mission, the bloodsuckers, blind dogs and zombies are resistance but it doesn't matter as they attack Indfor, bluefor or opfor, I just had no idea of how to respawn them in different places of the map. I'll give it a try right now and play a little with these to have different groups respawning in different places. So many thanks for answering so fast. I think I must config a group of monsters to make this work if there is not one yet. ---------- Post added 12-22-2012 at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was 12-21-2012 at 11:42 PM ---------- I tested it and worked with a modification, I think a typo went wrong, if you placed a blufor unit to 0% probability then the trigger must state blufor repeteadly not present (not opfor). I'll try make different respawn points with this for big areas and then respawn different kind of units for simulating a dangerous zone once entered in the "zone". Thanks for the script Iceman77.
  20. What do you want, they spawn and do not move? Or they stay in a particular formation? Default formation is V so, they always keep formation, the only way to change it is to assign another formation in the waypoint they must move.
  21. 1.- I have a mission where Opfor defends a small village, as long as Opfor has advantage in the village (it's not seized) they still respawn inside the village. But when Bluefor seizes the village, Opfor stops respawning inside the village and the respawn position is moved to a different place. How can I do this? This is multiplayer mission. 2.- When Bluefor Truck driver is killed it respawns inside/nearby the truck (I assume it is the same for the gunner of the truck), but all other infantry units respawn in the marker position assigned. Note that it is a truck assigned to a Squad leader, not using a empty truck. How can I solve it? 3.- I wan to have a limited number of respawns in the first Opfor respawn (the one in the village), but once the count finishes, I want Opfor to respawn in the forest respawn position with a different number of respawning times. (The same for Bluefor) The idea is that one side has to keep the village until the other side is dead of flies. How can I do this? I thank all your comments in advance. ---------- Post added at 06:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 AM ---------- I've been able to make the first respawn work, but I can't make it change. What I did was: I set a trigger so if Bluefor seizes the zone there is the next hint 'Bluefor seized village'. And I added to the activation line of the same trigger "seized = true;" ....I don't know if this is the right way to do it, so I have a maker named "rebirth1" for the second respawn position of Opfor, and then in a second trigger in the condition line "seized = true" (the same as in the activation of the first trigger) and in the activation the code to make it active in that new respawn position. What is wrong with this?
  22. I've found some answers in this thread but they are from Arma2, so I'll try them later in Arma1: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?76127-Respawn
  23. Hi, I have almost all DLCs for Arma2 and I'd like to know where is a list of the weapons, vehicles, units that come in each DLC for using better the editor. I have looked every I can but no list of names. Please help! If there is no list how can I see those names?