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About BJHawk

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Okay, it has been several years. Is it too much to ask for a simple button to choose on which monitor the game runs? It's 2019 for God's sake..... I'm trying to run ArmA 3 on my secondary monitor and there is just no way. Windows shortcuts don't work, editing CFG file does nothing, draging the windowed game to the desired monitor and changing back to Fullscreen does nothing, NOTHING WORKS!
  2. Still here in 2019 with the same "0 byte workshop update" problem.
  3. BJHawk

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Is there any chance that both DLC will be released on DVD´s? Cuz i don´t trust online paying and downloading games.
  4. BJHawk

    1Game, 2 SN, 2PC

    Yeah i didnt meant two same SN playing against each other, but if i can use CO with included A2 SN. You know, on one PC CO registered with OA SN, on other PC CO registered with A2 SN. All from one box. About ethical ground... yeah i think so, Bohemia Interactive makes best antipirate games i ever seen before. Too many defences against Czech peoples :). Flooding, making player bird, M16 firing like M240, and much more. I bet that Bohemia Interactive guys which are making these protections must be crackers :). How else they can know how to protect game from stealing? When you do some type of crime, you know how to protect agains it :)
  5. BJHawk

    1Game, 2 SN, 2PC

    Hi, I bought A2:CO, and i get two serial numbers, one for basic game and one for OA. I instaled both and on first run of CO it wanted SN for online activation. So i put in there AO SN and it never wanted another activation when i was launching A2. Now, we got 2 PCs at home and i want to play with brother on LAN. I´m wondering, if I can install both, A2 and OA, on another PC and for online activation use A2 SN, if the game will work. And one final question. On online registration it never asked for anything, just SN. So i was thinking by what online registration system recognize if im same user. You know, if i sold my computer and bought new one if it recognize its me and not someone else. PS: Is possible to speak Czech in this thread because developers are Czech?
  6. OK, FUNKSTAR, it wotked for you, but when i move folders back it started to annoy me again.
  7. FUNKSTAR: You´ll not get rid of that message if you try to laungh it standart shortcut metod, because when its once activated in game you can´t disable it anywere. At least I can´t, I still getting that stupid message. EDIT: OK, if you activated mods via in-game manager and getting that error message, only way you gan get rid of it is COMPLETE REINSTALL of whole ArmA II WITH DELETING YOUR SAVEGAMES AND MISSIONS. Then you can use shortcut system, which works perfectly
  8. Hey guys. Im experiencing some problems with new CBA, i already posted this to Isla Duala topic They told me to move pbos to exclude bad ones. What you can say to how can i get ridd of this error?
  9. BJHawk

    Isla Duala

    Nope... Everything works until I activate Duala.
  10. BJHawk

    Isla Duala

    Hi guys, First I must say i have A2:CO v1.52. I just downloaded CBA 0.5.0 and using only CBA as it was said in readme. Then I downloaded lates ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM, all versions 1.3. Last i downloaded Isla Duala v1.7. Now when i enable it all at CO the game restarts to apply changes, BUT i get an error saying: "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.". With earlier version of CBA, ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM it worked.
  11. Hi guys, First I must say i have A2:CO v1.52. I just downloaded CBA 0.5.0 and using only CBA as it was said in readme. Then I downloaded lates ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM, all versions 1.3. Last i downloaded Isla Duala v1.7. Now when i enable it all at CO the game restarts to apply changes, BUT i get an error saying: "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.". With earlier version of CBA, ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM it worked.
  12. BJHawk

    OA mod starting issue

    Yeah, I didn´t realised i can lunch mods from game.
  13. Hi all, Just yesterday i get OA and now I´m experiencing some problems. When i lunch Combined Operations it goes fine until i tried to start it with mod. I got this in my shortcut -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_PLA;@duala and when i try to lunch it i get two error messages. First is saying: "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow'." Second one: Error compiling pixel shader PSSpectacularAlpha:0 and then game crashes Anyone knows what´s wrong and what to do?
  14. Well, Konyo, I´m running 1.05 and have the same problem as everybody here...
  15. Yes, YOU can walk, but AI.... they keep standing and when they hit stairs going down they fall to water.